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virtual BOOL SetFrozenCols(ROWCOL nFrozenCols, ROWCOL nHeaderCols, UINT flags = GX_UPDATENOW, GXCmdType ctCmd = gxDo);


Specifies the number of columns to freeze.


Specifies the number of columns to be used as row headers.


Specifies the update technique. See UpdateFrozenCols for more information.


Specifies if the executed command is undone (gxUndo), redone (gxRedo), executed the first time (gxDo) or rolled back (gxRollback).

Return Value

TRUE if the command has been successfully executed; it is FALSE if the command failed.


Overridable command for specifying the number of frozen columns and columns to be used as row headers.

The number of frozen columns and columns to be used as row headers is stored with StoreFrozenCols. The display is updated with UpdateFrozenCols.

Frozen columns are columns which will never scroll out of the window. They are fixed at the left side of the grid.

Row headers are columns which will be used to display titles for rows. They typically have a 3d-look.

The command generates a CGXSetFrozenColsCmd-object with undo-information.

See Also

CGXGridCore::GetFrozenCols CGXGridCore::StoreFrozenCols CGXGridCore::UpdateFrozenCols CGXGridCore::LockUpdate


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