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void EnableFormulaEngine();


Enables the formula engine for the grid.

Adding formula support to your application

Formula support will be enabled if you call the function


at the beginning of your OnInitalUpdate routine or before you call CGXGridWnd::Initialize. The EnableFormulaEngine call will force the grid to replace the default CGXData object with the CGXFormulaSheet object which then establishes a connection to the formula engine.

Furthermore, you might want to enable all the built-in worksheet functions that come with the formula engine. To do this, call


from your InitInstance method.

Note: If you link your application static with the Objective Grid libraries the engine code will only be linked into your application if you call EnableFormulaEngine();. This makes sure that you don't have unnecary overhead because of the formula engine if you don't need formula support in your application.

If you are using Objective Grid as shared Dll be sure that formula support is linked into the DLL. See "Reducing the size of your application" for more information how to remove or include the formula engine from the Objective Grid library.

See Also

CGXFormulaSheet GXEnableWorksheetFunctions


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