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virtual CString GetTableCellString(int nRight, int nBottom,  int nRow, int& nNextCol, CellSpan& cellSpan, BOOL bHeader = FALSE);


The right most cell index in the passing selected range or the column count of grid cell.


The bottom cell index in the passing selected range or the row count of the grid if no selection range is specified.


The current cell row index.


A reference to the current cell column index. When the function returns, this variable will be assigned a value for the next column index. The increment depends on the cell span of this current cell.


A reference to CellSpan structure used to store the cell span information. This information will be update after the function is returned.


Indicating whether the current cell is a header cell.

Return Value

The string of table tag <th> or <td>. This string includes the tag beginning and ending tag of <th> or <td> and their attributes. To obtain only the content of these tag, use GetCellContentString method.


This function composes the HTML table cell string from a given grid cell contents. It takes into the consideration of merge cell and float cell in the grid to create correct cell span in the HTML table. This composed string is the whole string start with <td> or <th> and end with </td> or </th> tags.

See Also



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