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CGXProperties Class Members


CGXProperties Constructs a property object.

Parent Grid

Grid Returns a pointer to a CGXGridCore object that uses this stylesmap object. If the stylesmap object is shared by several grids, a pointer to the first CGXGridCore object is returned.


SetSection Specifies the name for the profile section where the object settings should be stored and loaded from.
GetSection Returns a string with the name of the profile section.
SetPrinting Changes the property object into printing-mode. Some methods return values depending on whether the object is in printing-mode.
GetPrinting Returns whether the object is in printing-mode or not.

Attributes - Display

SetMarkRowHeader Specifies if the row header for the row with the current cell should be drawn pressed.
GetMarkRowHeader Returns the setting whether the row header for the row with the current cell should be drawn pressed.
SetMarkColHeader Specifies if the column header for the column with the current cell should be drawn pressed.
GetMarkColHeader Returns the setting whether the column header for the column with the current cell should be drawn pressed.
SetDisplayHorzLines Specifies if horizontal lines should be drawn.
GetDisplayHorzLines Returns the setting whether horizontal lines should be drawn.
SetDisplayVertLines Specifies if vertical lines should be drawn.
GetDisplayVertLines Returns the setting whether vertical lines should be drawn.
SetDisplay3dButtons Specifies if row and column headers should be drawn raised (like a button) or normal.
GetDisplay3dButtons Returns the setting whether row and column headers should be drawn raised (like a button) or normal.
SetLastZoom Stores the default zooming factor into the property object.
GetLastZoom Returns the default zooming factor.

Attributes - User properties and colors

AddUserProperty Call this method to register a user property in the property-object.
SetUserProperty Call this method to change the value of a specific user property.
GetUserProperty Call this method to determine the value of a specific user property.
AddColorProperty Call this method to register a new color property in the property-object.
GetColor Returns the color for a specific color-property.
SetColor Changes the color for a specific color-property.

Attributes - Printing

SetMargins Specifies the print margins.
GetMargins Returns print margins.
SetPrintRowHeaders Specifies if row headers should be printed.
GetPrintRowHeaders Returns the setting whether row headers should be printed.
SetPrintColHeaders Specifies if column headers should be printed.
GetPrintColHeaders Returns the setting whether column headers should be printed.
SetPrintFrame Specifies if a frame should be drawn around the grid when printed.
GetPrintFrame Returns the setting whether a frame should be drawn around the grid when printed.
SetPrintHorzLines Specifies if horizontal lines should be printed.
GetPrintHorzLines Returns the setting whether horizontal lines should be printed.
SetPrintVertLines Specifies if vertical lines should be printed.
GetPrintVertLines Returns the setting whether vertical lines should be printed.
SetBlackWhite Specifies if the grid should be printed only with black and white colors.
GetPrintBlackWhite Returns the setting whether the grid should be printed only with black and white colors.
SetPageOrder Specifies the page-order for printing the grid. You can choose between row precedence or column precedence.
GetPageOrder Returns the page-order setting for printing the grid.
SetCenterHorizontal Specifies if the grid should be centered horizontally on the page when printing.
GetCenterHorizontal Returns the setting whether the grid should be centered horizontally on the page when printing.
SetCenterVertical Specifies if the grid should be centered vertically on the page when printing.
GetCenterVertical Returns the setting whether the grid should be centered vertically on the page when printing.

Attributes - Header/Footer

SetDistances Specifies the distances for the header to the top margin and for the footer to the bottom margin.
GetDistances Returns the distances for the header to the top margin and for the footer to the bottom margin.
SetFirstPage Specifies a page offset for printing the page number token. -1 if the page numbers should be the real page number. If greater or equal to 0, page numbering will start with this number.
GetFirstPage Returns the page offset for printing the page number token.
GetDataHeader Returns a reference to the CGXData-object with the header formatting.
GetDataFooter Returns a reference to the CGXData-object with the footer formatting.


AddDefaultUserProperties Register the default user properties in the property-object (e.g., the current cell’s border).
WriteProfile Writes the property-object setting to the profile section specified with SetSection.
ReadProfile Reads the settings from the profile section specified with SetSection.
OnPrintHeaderAndFooter Called to print the header and footer for a grid view.
GetTokenArgs Returns the argument-string for a token, if any. If there are no arguments, an empty string is returned.
AddToken Call this method to register additional tokens, as for example “$D” for the current date. You can interpret this token at run time by overriding SubstTokenText.


SubstTokenText Override this method if you want to provide more tokens for the end user.


Class Overview