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virtual BOOL ReadProfile(LPCTSTR pszSection, const CGXStylesMap* pStylesMap);


Null-terminated string specifying the profile section.


Pointer to the stylesmap object that holds all the base styles.

Return Value

TRUE if the section could be found and the style was successfully read. It is FALSE if the style could not be read from profile.


Reads the style from the profile. If the section could not be found, the style is set empty.

Please note that the profile only supports a maximal length of 200 characters for strings. This can be problematic with large choice lists.

Control-Factory Specific ->

This method has been implemented using the abstraction mechanism as discussed in the chapter "Reducing the size of your application" in the user's guide. A call to the CGXStyle::ImplementProfile method from within the control factory class' InitializeApplicationComponents method will make the concrete implementation of this method available to your application.

If no concrete implementation is available this method returns FALSE. A warning will be displayed in the debug window.

END Control-Factory Specific

See Also



Class Overview | Class Members