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CGXTabBeam Class Members


CGXTabBeam Constructs a tab-beam control object.
Create Creates a tab-beam control and attaches it to the CGXTabBeam object.


RegisterClass Registers the window class.
UnregisterClass Unregisters the window class.


AdjustTabSize Adjusts the tab size to the length of the tab name.
DeleteTab Deletes a tab.
DisplayScrollBtns Hides or shows the scrolling buttons.
FindTab Searches for a tab in the tab-beam control. (e.g., search the tab for a given View)
GetCount Returns the number of tabs in a tab-beam control.
GetCurSel Returns the zero-based index of the currently selected tab in a tab-beam control.
GetTab Returns the CGXTabInfo-object associated with the zero-based index of the tab.
InsertTab Inserts a tab.
SetNotifyWnd Specifies the window to receive the WM_GX_TABSWITCH and WM_GX_TABDBLCLK message.
SetTabBkColor Specifies the normal background color for a specified tab.
SetTabSelBkColor Specifies the background color for a specified tab when it is the current tab or selected.
UpdateColors Reinitializes internal color attributes with the system settings.


Class Overview