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IGXHierarchyGrid Class Members


IGXHierarchyGrid Constructor with optional arguments to specify the common child grid type.

Public Interface

GetGridType Returns the grid type of this grid. Could be one of the gxHierGridType enums.
GetGridClass Returns the CRuntimeClass associated with the specified grid type.
GetAbsCellFromLogCell Converts the logical cell to the absolute cell in the grid.
GetLogCellFromAbsCell Converts the absolute cell in the grid to the logical cell.
GetLogRowCount Get the logical row count.
GetLogColCount Get the logical column count.
InsertLogRows Insert logical rows in the grid.
RemoveLogRows Remove logical rows in the grid.
MoveLogRows Move the logical rows in the grid.
OnClickedPMCell virtual notification called whenever the cell containing the Plus-Minus control is clicked to hide/show a child grid.
IsPMCell Find out if the specified absolute cell has a Plus-Minus control.
HidePMExpanderColumn Hide/Show the expander column.

Parent / Child Relationship

GetAbsCellContainingChild Get the absolute cell containing the logical child.
GetChildFromAbsCell Get the child in the specified absolute cell.
GetParent Get the parent grid (as a IGXHierarchyGrid pointer) of this grid, if there is any.
GetParentGrid Get the parent grid (as a CGXGridCore pointer) of this grid, if there is any.
GetChildAt Get the child grid at the logical nRow.
GetChildControlAt Gets the child grid wrapper at the logical nRow.
GetGridFromControlId Get a IGXHierarchyGrid pointer of the child specified with a control ID.
SetChildGridTemplate Associate a CRuntimeClass with the specified grid type.
SetCommonChildGridType Set all the children of this grid to be of the specified type and associate a CRuntimeClass with that type.
RearrangeChildren Rearrange the children in the specified range based on the new index.
InsertChildAt Insert a particular grid type as a child of nRow or insert a specific instance.
DeleteChildAt Delete the child at the specified logical row.
DeleteChildren Delete children in the specified range.
SetIndentWidthForChildGrids Set the indent width in pixels by which the child grid should be shifted to the right from its normal position.
ShowChildAt Show/Hide the child at the specified logical row.
OnShowChildAt Virtual notification called just before a child is shown or hidden.
IsChildShown Find out if the child is collapsed (hidden) or expanded (shown).
IsChildGridCellVisible Find out if the child grid is within the current visible area.
CreateAndRegisterControl Create a window wrapper for the specified child grid, bind them and register the wrapper as a new grid control in this parent grid.
OnChildGridInitializing Virtual notification called before initializing the child grid.
OnRegisterChildGrid Called just before registering the wrapper containing child grid.
OnChangedChildColWidth Virtual notification from the child to inform the parent that the column width has changed.
OnChangedChildRowHeight Virtual notification from the child to inform the parent that the row width has changed.
UpdateHintFromChild Called by the child to notify the parent of a CGXGridHint.
UpdateHintFromPeer Called by a parent to pass on a hint from the child’s peer.
MoveCurrentCellFromChild virtual notification from the child indicating that the current cell needs to be moved from the child to the parent.
MoveCurrentCellFromParent virtual notification from the parent indicating that the current cell needs to be moved from the parent to the child.

Public member variables

m_nChildId A unique ID for the child, indicating the row where it is inserted within the parent.
m_gridParent The pointer to the parent, NULL if there is no parent.


Class Overview

Member Functions