Objective Edit : Chapter 6 Customization : Working with Comments
Working with Comments
Making Parser Tags Case-Insensitive
If you open up the language configuration .ini file, the editor section may look like this:
TabSize = 4
AutoIndent = 1
ShowWhitespace = 0
VirtualWhitespace = 0
ReplaceTabs = 0
MatchCase = 1
If you want the editor not to be case sensitive, change the value of the MatchCase flag to 0.
Enabling Line Continuation
One feature of Visual Basic is that you can type a comment that spans multiple lines, if you use the underscore " _" at the end of each line. For example:
rem this is a comment _
this is still a comment _
yet more comment
In the above example, all three lines would be highlighted in green, the same as a single line comment.
Because Objective Edit has no built-in way to specify line continuation for syntax coloring, ordinarily only the first line "rem this is a comment _" would be green and the rest would look like regular text. However, you can customize your project to produce Visual Basic syntax coloring. To handle line continuation so that a remark that covers two lines would all be properly colored as a comment, modify SECEdit::GetLineColor() and check whether the previous line has a line continuation symbol (_) and is a single line comment. Take a look at this pseudocode:
If (FindSymbol && IsComment)
color the current line as comment.
if (FindSymbol && !IsComment)
check the line above previous line by repeating this step --->
if (no Symbol)
This means we will need a recursive helper function to determine if the current line is continued from a single line comment.
You can derive a new class from SECEdit. In the following sample implementation, GetLineColor() is derived from SECEdit::GetLineColor() and IsComment() is the recursive helper function.
// in .h file:
BOOL m_bConcat;
BOOL IsComment(int nLine);
SECEditLineColor* GetLineColor(int nLine);
//in .cpp file:
SECEditLineColor* CMyEdit::GetLineColor(int nLine)
// If Syntax Highlighting is off, then return NULL
return NULL;
if(nLine > m_LineColorArray.GetUpperBound())
return NULL;
ASSERT(nLine < GetLineCount());
// If we have no coloring for this SECEdit, return NULL;
// If we are asking to color a line that is beyond the last
// line that we have checked for ML comments, then we need to
// look ahead to nLine and make sure that we have no
// ML Comments in this range.
if(nLine >= m_nInvalidIndex)
SECEditLineColPair lcBlock(m_nInvalidIndex, 0, nLine, 0);
ASSERT(nLine <= m_nInvalidIndex);
// Now, return the line color for this line
SECEditLineColor* pLineColor = m_LineColorArray.GetAt(nLine);
if(pLineColor == NULL)
pLineColor = SetLineColor(nLine);
ASSERT(pLineColor == m_LineColorArray.GetAt(nLine));
// Check whether this line is continued from a single line comment
if (IsComment(nLine))
for (int i = 0; i < GetLangPtr()->GetColorInfoCount(); i++)
SECEditTextColor tc;
tc.m_nColorInfo = i;
tc.m_nLength = GetLineVisibleLength(nLine);
// End Checking Continuation
// Look up if this line is Highlighted
if (this->GetItemDataFlag(nLine, ID_SECEDIT_ITEMDATA_HIGHLIGHT))
file://Look up the color map
for (int i = 0; i < GetLangPtr()->GetColorInfoCount(); i++)
SECEditTextColor tc;
tc.m_nColorInfo = i;
tc.m_nLength = GetLineVisibleLength(nLine);
return pLineColor;
// Helper function
BOOL CMyEdit::IsComment(int nLine)
BOOL bIsComment = FALSE;
if (nLine > 0)
CString strLine;
int nLength = GetLine(nLine - 1, strLine, szLine);
if (strLine == _T(""))
strLine = szLine;
strLine = strLine.Left(nLength);
strLine.Remove(' ');
CString xstr = strLine.Right(1);
if (strLine.Right(1) == _T("_"))
SECEditLineCol lc;
lc.line = nLine - 1;
lc.col = nLength - 1;
if (IsLineColInSLComment(lc))
bIsComment = TRUE;
if(!bIsComment && (nLine - 1) > 0)
return IsComment(nLine - 1);
return bIsComment;