Objective Edit : Chapter 4 Integrating Objective Edit into Your MFC Projects : Include Objective Edit in Your Project
Include Objective Edit in Your Project
The first step in integrating Objective Edit is to add it to your project. Here is the procedure:
1. Open the stdafx.h header file of your project and add this line to the top of the file:
#include <SupportedPlatforms.h>
This ensures that your application targets the same platform as the Objective Edit library.
Then add these lines at the end:
#include <ManifestDefs.h>
#include “Edit\SECEditAll.h”
Adding these lines automatically embeds the appropriate assembly manifests into the application, and causes the inclusion of the correct Objective Edit library, based on your current build options.
2. If you want to use the DLL version of Objective Edit, add _SECEDITDLL to the macro definitions for your application. The macro _SECEDITDLL changes the version of the library being used from a static Objective Edit library to a DLL Objective Edit library.