Objective Edit : Chapter 5 Sample Applications : SuperViz
NOTE >> The SuperViz example illustrates the use of Objective Toolkit and Objective Edit together. We recommend that you use the latest compatible versions of these two products. Be sure to build the sample with a compiler appropriate to these product versions.
This sample shows how SECControlBar, SECDialogBar, SECToolBar, and SECMDIFrameWnd allow you to add the same sizable docking window capabilities to your application that you've been using with Visual Studio. In fact, the demo shows how easily components of Visual Studio can be duplicated in your applications.
1. Try resizing a docked control bar using the splitter bars.
2. Drag a control bar from one edge of the main application window to another edge. (Notice the enhanced dragging feedback you are given.)
3. Center the mouse over the tabbed output window and right-click to display a context menu.
4. Choose Float In Main Frame on the Shortcut menu.
5. On the View menu, select Workbook Mode to toggle the workbook mode.