Objective Toolkit : Chapter 18 View Classes : Zooming/Panning Sample
Zooming/Panning Sample
The Objective Toolkit Cloud sample (in the Samples\Toolkit\MFC\Views\Cloud directory) demonstrates all of the SECZoomView/SECPanView features described in this chapter and many more. The Cloud sample also includes several typical zooming/panning user interface options. For example, you can zoom by using a combobox in the toolbar, buttons on the toolbar, or menu items.
This sample does not ship with the product. For information on how to obtain this sample, “Location of Sample Code” in the Getting Started part.
To use this sample to its fullest capability, select Edit|Auto cloud to populate the view with clouds (numbered circles). Then, you can pan the view by holding the CTRL key and moving the mouse. Be sure to note the differences between pan instant and pan delay mode. In addition, examine the panning overview window.