Objective Views : Chapter 15 OLE Document Servers : Rendering the Server Item
Rendering the Server Item
When the container application asks the server to render the document, the server invokes the virtual OnDraw() method in the COleServerItem class. The COleServerItem::OnDraw() takes a device context and a size parameter, and the device context is typically a metafile DC. The viewport contains a DrawMetafile() method that draws the contents of the model to a metafile. The DrawMetafile() method excludes the grid, page boundary lines, and selection handles from being drawn, since these are artifacts used to edit objects on the canvas.
Example 27 – Rendering a server item
BOOL CMyAppSrvrItem::OnDraw(CDC* pDC, CSize& rSize)
// Remove this if you use rSize
// Draw the viewport onto the metafile DC
CMyAppViewport* pViewport = GetViewport();
if (pViewport != NULL)
return TRUE;