SECHyperlink Class

class SECHyperlink: public CWindowImpl


Defined in: SECHyperlink.h


The SECHyperlink class is a browser independent class for providing a simple link to a registered internet resource. The most common sorts of resources are web resources (HTTP://xxxx.yyy.zzz), email resources ( and ftp resources.

Usage of this class can be done by either calling the create function or by attachin the SECHyperlink control to an existing control located on a dialog. Using the existing control simplifies layout by allowing the resource editor to be used to position the control.

Class Members



virtual BOOL Create(HWND hParentWnd, RECT& rect,UINT nID, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName = NULL, DWORD dwStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE)

Creates the child window for the hyperlink and attaches it to it's parent window.

BOOL AttachHyperlink(HWND hParentWnd, UINT nID, DWORD dwStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE)

Attaches the hyperlink to an existing control specified in a dialog resource

virtual void SetHyperlink(const TCHAR* pStrLink)

Sets the string that will control the action to be taken

virtual const TCHAR* GetHyperlink()

Returns the hyperlink string

virtual void SetLinkVerb(const TCHAR* lpStrVerb)

Sets a verb that specifies the action to be taken

virtual const TCHAR* GetLinkVerb()

Returns the verb specifying an action for the link

virtual void SetLinkParams(const TCHAR* lpStrParams)

Sets the shell execution parameters

virtual const TCHAR* GetLinkParams()

Returns the shell execution parameters

virtual void SetLinkDefDir(const TCHAR* lpStrDefDir)

Sets the default directory for executing the link

virtual const TCHAR* GetLinkDefDir()

Returns the default directory for the link execution

virtual void SetLinkShowCmd(int nShowCmd)

Sets the flags specifying the initial display state for the application

virtual int GetLinkShowCmd()

Returns the application display flags

virtual const TCHAR* GetDisplayText()

Returns the display text string

virtual void SetDisplayText(const TCHAR* pStrDisplayText)

Sets the string that will be shown to the end user

virtual void SetClrDispTextNormal(COLORREF clrNormal)

Sets the color that will be used for the link when it has not been accessed

virtual COLORREF GetClrDispTextNormal()

Returns the color for the string when it has not been accessed

virtual void SetClrDispTextVisited(COLORREF clrVisited)

Sets the color for the string after it has been accessed

virtual COLORREF GetClrDispTextVisited()

Returns the color for the string after it has been accessed

virtual void SetVisited(BOOL bVisited)

Sets the link to it's visited state

virtual BOOL GetVisited()

Returns TRUE if the link has been clicked on or set to the visited state

virtual void SetUserFont(HFONT hUserFont)

Changes the display font to the one pointed to

virtual HFONT GetUserFont()

Returns a handle to the specified font. NULL if no font has been specified.

virtual void SetUserCursor(HCURSOR hUserCursor)

Allows a different cursor to be shown when the mouse is over the hyperlink

virtual HCURSOR GetUserCursor()

Returns a handle to the cursor being shown when the mouse is over the hyperlink

virtual void SizeToText(BOOL bReSize = TRUE)

Sets the size of the hyperlink window to exactly the size of the display text if TRUE.

virtual BOOL GetSizeToText()

Returns TRUE if the hyperlink window will be resized to fit the display text

virtual void ExecuteLink(BOOL bExecute = TRUE)

Allows the automatic execution of a hyperlind to be inhibited. Set to FALSE to inhibit execution.

virtual BOOL GetExecuteLink()

Returns a BOOL indicating if the link will automaticly execute