SECLNGridBag Class

class SECLNGridBag: public SECLayoutNode

Implements the gridbag layout algorithm

Defined in: GRIDBAG.H


Inspired by the Java Gridbag layout manager, Gridbag is a powerful grid layout that allows multiple cell spanning rows/cols, differing weights, anchoring, filling, and use of insets.

See Also


Class Members


virtual SECGridBagConstraints* GetConstraints(SECLayoutNode* pNode) const

Get the constraint information associated with a particular child node.

virtual void ResetConstraints(SECLayoutNode* pNode,const SECGridBagConstraints& rConstraints)

Reset the constraint information of the specified child node to the new information passed in.


virtual int AddLayoutNode(SECLayoutNode* pNode, const SECGridBagConstraints& rConstraints)

Use this overload of SECLayoutNode::AddLayoutNode to pass gridbag constraint information.