SECSplitterBase Class

class SECSplitterBase: public CWnd

Base Stingray splitter functionality

Defined in: SPLITTER.H

Class Members


virtual BOOL Create(CWnd* pParentWnd,CRect rect=CRect(0,0,0,0), DWORD dwStyle=WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE, UINT nID=SEC_DEF_SPLITTER_ID,DWORD dwFlags=0)

Create the splitter window


static void SetSplitterWidth(int nNewWidth)

Set the width of the splitter control itself.


Set the default splitter drawing style

static DWORD GetDrawingStyleAll()

Get the default splitter drawing style


Set the splitter drawing style for this specific instance, overriding default style

DWORD GetDrawingStyle()

Get the splitter drawing style for this instance

inline DWORD GetSplitterFlags()

Get the current splitter flags

void SetSplitterFlags(DWORD dwFlags)

Set the current splitter flags.

void SetBoundingMargins(int nLeft=0,int nRight=0,int nTop=0,int nBottom=0)

Fit splitter window inside specified bounding margins

void GetBoundingMargins(int& nLeft,int& nRight,int& nTop,int& nBottom)

Get the bounding margins for the splitter window

virtual void SetSplitterPositions(int xColPos=0,int yRowPos=0)

Set x,y position of the splitter

void GetSplitterPositions(int& xColPos,int& yRowPos)

Get x,y position of the splitter


virtual BOOL AddPane(USHORT nRow,USHORT nCol)

Add a pane to the splitter window

virtual BOOL RemovePane(USHORT nRow,USHORT nCol)

Remove a pane from the splitter window


virtual void OnSetPanePositions(SECSplitterPaneInfo* pPaneInfo)

Pane positions are changing

virtual void OnDrawSplitters(CDC* pDC)

Render the splitters

virtual void OnDrawSplitterRow(CDC* pDC,const CRect& rectRow, const CRect& rectCol)

Render the row splitter

virtual void OnDrawSplitterCol(CDC* pDC,const CRect& rectRow, const CRect& rectCol)

Render the column splitter

virtual void OnDrawSplitterRowFlat(CDC* pDC,const CRect& rectRow, const CRect& rectCol)

Render the row splitter with the "flat look"

virtual void OnDrawSplitterColFlat(CDC* pDC,const CRect& rectRow, const CRect& rectCol)

Render the column splitter with the "flat look"

virtual void OnDrawSplitterBorderLook(CDC* pDC,const CRect& rectDraw)

Render the row splitter with the "border look"

virtual BOOL OnSplitterDragStart(CPoint point,BOOL bRowSplitter, BOOL bColSplitter)

Splitter drag operation is starting

virtual void OnSplitterMoved(int deltaX,int deltaY)

Splitter drag operation has completed

virtual void OnSplitterInvalidate(CRect rectInvalid,BOOL bErase)

Splitter has been invalidated

virtual void OnTrackMouseMove(CDC* pDC,int pointX,int pointY, CRect& rectRow,CRect& rectCol, BOOL bRowSplitter,BOOL bColSplitter)

Splitter is moving