SECTNWinApp Class

class SECTNWinApp: public CWinApp

A replacement class for CWinApp for thumbnail support.

Defined in: SECTNWIN.H


Replace CWinApp with SECTNWinApp, if you want to support thumbnailing in your application. It is a very thin class that overrides CWinApp::OnFileOpen to create an SECTNFileDialog instead of a CFileDialog. It does this to retain the same level of error checking provided by the CWinApp class.

To use SECTNWinApp, simply change the base class of your CWinApp derivative to SECTNWinApp. SECTNWinApp::OnFileOpen will automatically get called instead of CWinApp::OnFileOpen(), and the thumbnailing common dialog will be displayed instead of the default.

The sample THUMBNL in the \SAMPLES\TOOLKIT\STANDARD\UIEXT\THUMBNL directory demonstrates how to use SECTNWinApp and the other Objective Toolkit thumbnailing support classes. Take a look at SECTNFileDialog class description for more information.

You can also have thumbnail views of image files in your File/Open dialog. This feature is turned off by default. Set the BOOL member m_bSECImagesAsTN to TRUE in say your derived classe's constructor to turn on the feature.

Developer Notes

On MFC 2.52c and lower, there cannot be a CWinApp derivative in an extension DLL. Therefore, you must link in the sectnwin.cpp source file with your application if you would like to use the 16-bit Objective Toolkit DLL along with thumbnailing support. The THUMBNL sample demonstrates this build anomaly.

See Also


Class Members

Public Members


Place holder - override for your own thumbnailing-specific construction.


Turn this flag on (say in your derived app classes's constructor) to see thumbnail views of image files in the Thumbnail enabled File/Open dialog.

afx_msg void OnFileOpen()

Overrides CWinApp::OnFileOpen() to create an SECTNFileDialog instead of CFileDialog.