Objective Grid User’s Guide : PART I User’s Guide : Chapter 6 Reducing the Size of Your Application : The Build Wizard
The Build Wizard
The Objective Grid Build Wizard lets you customize the Objective Grid libraries to your needs. You can:
Link only those features you really want to use into the library and exclude any unwanted features and cell types.
Define multiple library configurations, for example, one configuration that has database support and one configuration that has no database support.
The Build Wizard generates a header file for a default Control Factory Class. This class is linked into the library and serves as default Control Factory Class for all your applications. Applications can still provide an individual Control Factory Class or use the default Control Factory Class provided by the library.
The Build Wizard seamlessly integrates with the existing Objective Grid library “autolink” function. This means linking to the appropriate Objective Grid library is as simple as including the header file with the configuration information in your application's precompiled header.
Please refer to the “ Build Wizard” section in the Getting Started Guide for more information.
DLL Naming
When building a custom configuration of Objective Grid, it is important that you specify a unique DLL target name. When a subset of the Objective Grid features are built or you make a change to Objective Grid source or header files, the signature of the library changes. Therefore, when you build a DLL that incorporates a subset of Objective Grid features or your own changes, the target DLL must be treated as a completely unique DLL. If you change the signature of Objective Grid and do not specify a DLL target name, other applications that link to the Objective Grid DLL may fail.
Building the Libraries
NOTE >> If you are going to build with Unicode, uncheck the option ExcelReadWrite in Build Wizard.
After you have run Build Wizard, you can build the libraries. The following steps show how to build them:
1. Start Visual Studio.
2. Open <stingray-installdir>\src\grid<ver>.sln, where <ver> represents the VC++ version.
3. After the .sln file is loaded, choose the build configuration you want. The choices are Non-Unicode (default) and Unicode builds.
NOTE >> Unicode is not supported in this version of the Excel read/write classes. When building Grid libraries with Unicode, an alternative to the read/write classes is Excel Automation, discussed in “Excel Automation with Objective Grid.”
4. Start the build.