Product Features
The features of Objective Grid for .NET include:
Many built-in cell types—Objective Grid for .NET offers more than 30 cell types, ranging from simple edit controls to formatted date-time and currency controls.
Ability to embed your own controls—If one of the built-in controls does not fit your needs, you can embed your own control.
Undo/Redo—Objective Grid for .NET fully supports Undo/Redo for built-in grid operations, including transactions and rollbacks. The architecture can be easily extended to include application-specific operations.
Printing and print preview—Objective Grid for .NET includes full print and print preview support.
Find/Replace—Objective Grid for .NET includes support for finding and replacing cell data.
Cut/Copy/Paste—Objective Grid for .NET supports an internal direct cut/copy/paste and cut/copy/paste using the Windows clipboard.
Object-oriented cell architecture—Objective Grid for .NET uses a control sharing architecture in which each type of cell shares a single control with all similar types. Cell data is stored separately from the cell control. This system saves space and resources.
Excel-like interface—Objective Grid for .NET enables the programmer to mimic many of the user interface features in Microsoft Excel.
Tab Grid—Tabbed control that allows for creation of interfaces similar to Excel tabbed worksheets.
Floating and merged cells—Objective Grid for .NET includes support for both floating and merged cells. Floating cells are cells that automatically grow over adjacent cells to accommodate text too large for a single cell. Merged cells are adjacent cells that contain the same value and are drawn as a single large cell.
Formula support—The Objective Grid for .NET formula engine has more than 200 built-in worksheet functions and can be extended with your own custom worksheet functions.