Chapter 7 1stGrid Tutorial
This tutorial shows how to use Objective Grid for .NET to create a simple grid application, 1stGrid, and the product’s custom control is used in a number of ways. A Microsoft Solution file with complete source code for this tutorial’s projects is included with the distribution.
This tutorial is organized into four major projects, Steps 1-4 described below.
Step 1—A simple Windows Forms application is created. The application contains a single, main form containing a Objective Grid for .NET grid control.
Step 2—An MDI grid application is created. The application contains a menu system, and allows for a number of grid editing functions.
Step 3—A property grid is added to the grid application from Step 2. This shows how to modify the properties for a grid control at run time.
Step 4—Formula Engine support is added to the grid application from Step 3. Grid events are handled to initialize the grid and to validate cell data.
Figure 23 – Completed 1stGrid Application