SECListBoxDirEditor Class

class SECListBoxDirEditor: public SECListBoxEditor

The SECListBoxDirEditor class is an editable list box that is customized for entering a list of directories. An SECListBoxDirEditor object enables users to enter directory pathnames by typing them or by picking them from a directory selection dialog. (The look and features are similar to the Include and Library path editors accessible from Visual C++’s "Tools->Options..." menu item.) Most of the implementation, look and behavior is inherited from its SECListBoxEditor base class. So, refer to the documentation for SECListBoxEditor for a more complete explanation of the features programming interface of an editable list box.

SECListBoxDirEditor inherits most of its functionality from SECListBoxEditor. In fact, its only method is an override of OnBrowse, which launches a directory selection dialog when the browse button is pressed.

The SECListBoxDirEditor and SECBrowseDirEdit classes are somewhat similar in purpose: both allow directory names to be entered by hand or by dialog. The distinction between them is that an SECListBoxDirEditor object is a list box specialized for entering directory pathnames, whereas an SECBrowseDirEdit is an edit control specialized for the same purpose.

See the LBEDIT sample in the \SAMPLES\TOOLKIT\STANDARD\CONTROLS\LBEDIT directory for a demonstration of the SECListBoxDirEditor class.

Defined in: lstbxedt.h

See Also

SECListBoxEditor SECListBoxFileEditor SECBrowseDirEdit

Class Members

virtual void OnBrowse()

Called when the browse button is clicked.

virtual BOOL Initialize(CWnd* pwndParent, UINT uiID, int iFlags = LBE_DEFAULT)

Attaches an SECListBoxDirEditor object to an existing list box control.