SECTNFileDialog Class

class SECTNFileDialog: public CFileDialog

SECTNFileDialog adds the thumbnailing area to the common ‘open file’ dialog. In addition, it automatically reads in a saved thumbnail image and displays it in the thumbnail preview area when the user selects the file name.

Defined in: SECTNDLG.H


If no preview is available, it displays ‘no preview’.

All of the SECTNFileDialog operations happen transparently. In most cases the developer does not ever have to know about SECTNFileDialog, since SECTNWinApp will automatically create, display and destroy the dialog.

If you currently have your own template or hook procedure for CFileDialog, you will need to reconcile your specializations with those made by SECTNFileDialog.

The THUMBNL sample in the \SAMPLES\TOOLKIT\STANDARD\UIEXT\THUMBNL directory demonstrates how to use SECTNFileDialog and the other Objective Toolkit thumbnail support classes.

The SECTNFileDialog can also display a thumbnail of the image files supported by OT (.bmp, .dib, .gif, .jpg, .tif, .tga, .pcx) provided these formats are currently selected in the build-config. To turn on this feature call the following static function in say your apps InitInstance: SECTNFileDialog::SetDisplaySECImages(TRUE); If you need only the thumbnail of the image files to be displayed in the preview area then all you have to do is derive your app class from SECTNWinApp, set the handler for ID_FILE_OPEN to be SECTNWinApp::OnFileOpen and call SetDisplaySECImages.

The IMAGETST sample in the \SAMPLES\TOOLKIT\STANDARD\IMAGE\IMAGETST directory demonstrates how to use SECTNFileDialog to display thumbnail views of image files in the File/Open dialog.

See Also