SECCurrencyEdit Class

class SECCurrencyEdit: public SECDropEdit public CWnd

The SECCurrencyEdit provides an extensible class for entering and displaying custom-formatted currency data. Input data parsing and output display formatting can be customized by descending new classes from SECCurrencyEdit::Format and SECCurrencyEdit.

The SECCurrencyEdit class supports some of the EM_* edit control message interface, and it can thus be manipulated to some degree using a Cedit object (not recommended, but possible if required for compatibility with existing code). Messages supported are listed below.

See the CURRENCY sample in the \SAMPLES\TOOLKIT\STANDARD\CONTROLS\CURRENCY directory for a demonstration of this class.

Defined in: curredit.h

Windows Messages


Edit Control Messages


Class Members



Constructs a SECCurrencyEdit object.

SECCurrencyEdit(Format* pFmt)

Constructs a SECCurrencyEdit object.

BOOL Initialize(CWnd* pwndParent, UINT uiControlID)

Replaces an existing edit control.


void GetValue(double& d) const

Gets the actual numeric value directly.

void SetValue(double d, BOOL bRedraw = TRUE)

Sets the actual numeric value directly.

void GetFormat(Format& f)

Gets the display formatting data.

void SetFormat(const Format& f)

Sets the display formatting data.

enum Align


Align GetAlignment() const

The alignment is actually maintained via edit control

void SetAlignment(Align a)

The alignment is actually maintained via edit control

BOOL IsReadOnly() const

The read-only feature is actually maintained via the normal

void SetReadOnly(BOOL b)

The read-only feature is actually maintained via the normal

void SetMargins(UINT nLeft, UINT nRight)

Sets the margins for the control.

DWORD GetMargins() const

Retrieves the margins for the control.


virtual BOOL HitTestBtn(CPoint point, BOOL bClient = FALSE) const

Performs hit testing for the button.

virtual BOOL PrepareTextForPaste(CString& strText)

Pre-paste processing.

virtual CMenu* CreatePopupMenu() const

Creates the popup menu.

virtual void DeletePopupMenu(CMenu* p) const

Deletes the popup menu.

virtual void DoBackspace()

Processes backspace key press.

virtual void DoDelete()

Processes delete key press.

virtual void DoInsert(LPCTSTR pcsz)

Processes insert key press.

virtual void EraseBackground(CDC* pDC)

Erases the control background.

virtual void SaveDataForUndo(LPCTSTR p = NULL, int iCaret = -1)

Stores data for undo operation.

virtual void StartEdit(int iCaretPos)

Begins edit mode.

virtual void StopEdit()

Ends edit mode.

virtual void DrawDecimalSeparatorLine(CDC& DC, int x)

Draws a vertical decimal separator on the control.

virtual void HandleNegativeSignKey()

Handles a minus sign key press.

virtual void ToggleOverstrikeMode()

Toggles overstrike mode state.

virtual BOOL ShowCalculator()

Displays calculator.

virtual void OnClicked()

Method called when the button has been clicked.


void NotifyParent(UINT uiCode)

Notify parent of control state change.

BOOL IsNegative() const

Determines if current value is negative.

BOOL HasSel() const

Detemines if edit control has highlighted (selected) text.

BOOL SetSel(int iStart, int iStop)

Sets the selected text.

BOOL SetSelNone()

Deselects all text in the control.

BOOL SetSelAll()

Selects all text in the control

BOOL IsMouseSelecting() const

Returns whether text is currently being selected with the mouse.

BOOL IsEntireNumberSelected(BOOL* pbMore = NULL) const

Returns whether the entire number is selected.

BOOL IsOverstrikeEnabled() const

Returns whether overstrike mode is enabled.

COLORREF GetBackgroundColor() const

Returns the background color of the edit control.

COLORREF GetTextColor() const

Returns the text color for the edit control.

int PointToCaretPos(const CPoint& pt)

Points to the caret’s position.

void CalculateTextRect(CRect& rc)

Calculates the rectangle for text in the edit control.

void DoInsert(TCHAR c)

Makes an insertion in the edit control.

void GetSelectedText(CString& s) const

Gets text selected in the edit control.

void MoveCaret(int iChar, BOOL bUpdateSel = FALSE)

Relocates the caret in the edit control.

void PaintingCore(CDC& DC)

Redraws the core currency formatting on the specified display device context.

void QueueRedraw(BOOL bEraseBackground = TRUE)

Redraws queued data.

void ReplaceSelString(LPCTSTR pcszNew, CString& str)

Replaces the currently selected string with the specified text.

void SetWindowTextNoParse(LPCTSTR p)

Sets text that does not require parsing.

void MoveCaretToNumber()

Positions the caret near the number.

void SetValue(double d, BOOL bNegative, BOOL bRedraw)

Sets the value of the number in the control.

Protected data members

BOOL m_bNegative

Is the data value negative?

BOOL m_bCanUndo

Undo buffer has something?

BOOL m_bParseOnSetText

Parse value on WM_SETTEXT?

BOOL m_bRedraw

Is redraw allowed?

BOOL m_bMouseSelect

Are we mouse selecting?

BOOL m_bOverstrike

Is overstrike mode enabled?


Undo buffer

double m_dValue

Numeric value

Format* m_pFormat

Current format settings

HFONT m_hFont

Font set via WM_SETFONT

int m_iCaretPos

Caret character position


Selection information

UINT m_uiRightMargin

The right margin in pixels.

UINT m_uiLeftMargin

The left margin in pixels.