SECFullScreenView Class

class SECFullScreenView: public CWnd

The SECFullScreenView class is a plug-in type component that can be added to existing MDI/SDI based application and provides a 'full screen view' of your client window that extends across the entire desktop. When the full screen mode is set, SECFullScreenView provides a dockable toolbar that can be used to revert to the normal viewing mode. The <ESCAPE> keyboard accelerator can also be used to exit the full screen mode. Similar to Microsoft Word, the class also provide a drop-down menu when the cursor is hovered over the top portion of the window in the full screen mode.

Defined in: FSView.h


SECFullScreenView supports the following styles:

SEC_FS_TEXTTOOLBAR - The full screen toolbar is a text-only toolbar.

SEC_FS_DROPDOWNMENU - Displays main window menu in the full screen mode.

SEC_FS_TASKBARHIDE - Forcibly hides the Windows task bar when full screen mode is triggered.

SEC_FS_NOCUSTTOOLBAR - Setting this style creates the toolbar as type SECToolBar. Default is SECCustomToolBar.

See the SCREENVIEW sample in the \SAMPLES\TOOLKIT\STANDARD\UIEXT\SCREENVIEW directory for a demonstration of SECFullScreenView.

Class Members

Public Members


Invokes the Full Screen mode.

BOOL SetFSMode(DWORD dwStyle, LPCTSTR lpszTBTxt)

Invokes the Full Screen mode with a text toolbar.

BOOL SetFSMode(DWORD dwStyle, UINT nResBitmapID)

Invokes the Full Screen mode with the specified toolbar bitmap.

void CloseFSMode()

Exits the Full Screen mode.

BOOL GetFSMode()

Returns TRUE if full screen mode is set.

BOOL SetBarStateArray(SECFSBarState* pBarArray, int nCount)

Call this member to set control bars that have to be displayed in the full screen mode.

void SetFSToolBarStylesCB(PFNFSSETSTYLES lpfnSetStyles)

Specifies a callback function for changing the default toolbar styles

DWORD GetFSStyle()

Returns the current full screen styles.

void SetFSStyle(DWORD dwStyle)

Sets the full screen view styles.


virtual void PreFullScreenMode()

Override for displaying any custom windows in the full screen mode.

virtual void PostFullScreenMode()

Override for removing custom windows that are local to the full screen mode.