SECPanWnd Class

class SECPanWnd: public CWnd

SECPanWnd is an overview window that shows the user a miniaturization of the entire view provided by SECPanView.

Defined in: SECPANWN.H


The user can use the overview window to pan the visible portion of the view and also to see where the visible area lies in relation to other portions of the view. The overview window is especially helpful at large zoom levels when it is possible to lose track of the current location in a complex view.

The currently visible region of the view is outlined by a dotted rectangle. The user can move the dotted rectangle to change the currently visible area. If the user updates the view or scrolls, SECPanWnd is automatically updated to reflect the changes.

The CLOUD sample in the \SAMPLES\TOOLKIT\STANDARD\VIEWS\CLOUD directory demonstrates SECPanWnd.

See Also


Class Members

Public Members Constructors

SECPanWnd(SECPanView *)

Constructs an SECPanWnd overview window object.


virtual BOOL Create(CRect rectCreate, LPCTSTR lpszTitle = NULL)

Creates the overview window and specifies its initial position and size.

virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)

Implements the overview window’s style settings at creation.


void SetPanRect(CRect rectNewPan)

Sets the rectangle representing the overview window.

void DrawPanRect(CDC * pDC)

Draws the rectangle representing the overview window.

void OnUpdate(CView * pSender, LPARAM lHint, CObject * pHint)

Updates the overview window when the user scrolls or updates the panning view.