SECPcx Class

class SECPcx: public SECImage

SECPcx is a SECImage derived class which supports the PCX (PC Paintbrush) file format. PCX is a file format originated by ZSoft and Microsoft from the PC Paintbrush and more commonly the Microsoft Paintbrush for Windows applications. The popularity of Windows naturally spread the popularity of the PCX format. PCX is also a common image file format in DOS applications.

Defined in: SECPCX.H


PCX uses a simple run length encoding scheme to compress its images.

SECPcx supports PCX files which store up to 256 colors.

See the IMAGETST sample in the \SAMPLES\TOOLKIT\STANDARD\IMAGE\IMAGETST directory for a demonstration of this class.

See Also


Class Members



Constructs a SECPcx object.