A New Directory Structure
With the 2000 release came a new directory hierarchy which allows easier organization and integration of the components. Originally, there was a separate directory for each Stingray product with subdirectories for source, include, libraries, etc. For example:
Objective Toolkit +---+--- Include
+--- Src
+--- Lib
+--- Bin
Objective Grid +------+--- Include
+--- Src
+--- Lib
+--- Bin
This meant that you had to have a separate include, src, lib, and bin directory for each product in Microsoft Visual Studio’s search path. This allowed the possibility of causing build and link problems if the directories were not in a particular order or were missing altogether.
The new directory structure solves this problem because it requires only a single entry for the include, src, lib, and bin directories for all of the products. Whether you install only Objective Toolkit or all of the products in Stingray Studio, there will be only one directory added to the search paths.
An example of the new structure is shown below:
Stingray Studio ---+--- Include --+--- Toolkit
| +--- Grid
+--- Src ------+--- Toolkit
| +--- Grid
+--- Lib ------+--- Toolkit
| +--- Grid
+--- Bin ------+--- Toolkit
+--- Grid
This presents a change in the way that headers are referenced in the libraries as well as in your existing application. Instead of including a header file as shown here:
#include <secall.h>
#include <secres.h>
#include <secres.rc>
By default, the header must now be referenced using relative paths:
#include <toolkit\secall.h>
#include <toolkit\secres.h>
#include <toolkit\secres.rc>
If you prefer not to alter your project, you must run the Environment Wizard for each of the new Stingray Studio components and modify the environment.
At the bottom on the dialog is a checkbox labeled Add product subdirectory paths. Selecting this option will add a single directory for each product to the Microsoft Visual Studio’s include search paths. This will ensure that your existing projects that used an earlier version of a particular component will build without making any changes to its stdafx.h include file.