Customizable Visual Styles
Stingray Foundation Library Extension (SFLEx) contains functionality for changing the color of visual style parts in the themes for the MFC9 and higher Feature Packs.
Header files for the visual manager classes are located in the <StingrayInstallDir>\Include\FoundationEx\Manager subdirectory as follows:
*SFLVisualMgr: The main class for handling visual style parts.
*SFLVisualMgrOffice2003: Handles visual style parts for the Microsoft Office 2003 theme.
*SFLVisualMgrOffice2007: Handles visual style parts for the Microsoft Office 2007 theme.
*SFLVisualMgrOfficeXP: Handles visual style parts for the Microsoft Office XP/2000 theme.
*SFLVisualMgrVS2005: Handles visual style parts for the Visual Studio 2005 theme.
*SFLVisualMgrVS2008 : Handles visual style parts for the Visual Studio 2008 theme.
*SFLVisualMgrWindows: Handles visual style parts for classic Microsoft Windows theme.
*SFLVisualMgrWindows7: Handles visual style parts for the Microsoft Windows 7 theme.
*SFLVisualMgrOffice2013: Handles visual style parts for the Microsoft Office 1213 theme.
The following functions are of importance for using the visual style manager classes:
COLORREF GetColorPart(const eColorPart iPart);
void SetColorPart(const eColorPart iPart, COLORREF iColor);
BOOL LoadApplicationStyle(CString strINI);
BOOL SaveApplicationStyle(CString strINI);