Windowed Components
Objective Views supports windowed components such as edit controls, list boxes, and buttons. The CODWndComponent class is the base class for all window components. CODWndComponent is derived from CODComponent and maintains a window handle as a member variable. The CODWndComponent class defines a virtual CreateWnd() method which is overridden by derived classes. Derived classes override the CreateWnd() method and create the appropriate type of window.
The CODControlComponent class is the base class for control components such as edit controls, list boxes, and buttons. It extends the CODWndComponent class by adding a control ID member variable. The following classes are derived from CODControlComponent and support Windows controls.
*CODEditComponent – Edit controls
*CODButtonComponent – Button controls
*CODRichEditComponent – Rich edit controls
*CODListBoxComponent – List box controls