Release Notes

Perforce JViews 10.0


This document describes the main changes that have been made to JViews since version 9.4.

1         General changes

         JViews 10.0 changes its base compilation to Java 8.

         JViews libraries are compatible with Oracle and OpenJDK Java 7 - 15.

         JViews Tomcat application server support has been updated to version 10.0.27.

         Due to the Tomcat 10 upgrade, portlet support has been removed from JViews due to the lack of support in the new versions of JEE and javax.

         JSF Trinidad support has been removed from JViews due to it no longer being supported by JSF.

         Open-source packages used by JViews have been updated to eliminate critical security vulnerabilities.

         JViews base compilation version of Java 8 results in deprecation warnings for com.sun.swing, com.sun.javadoc, and packages. These warnings will be removed when Java 11 base compilation is added to the JViews 10 release series.

         Various bug fixes and minor enhancements


2         Modules changes

         Framework release notes

         Charts release notes

         Gantt release notes

         Diagrammer release notes

         Maps release notes

         Maps for defense release notes

         TGO release notes