Rogue Wave Server Studio > Server Data Source Inspector Reference > Troubleshooting > How to Create a Table Representation
How to Create a Table Representation
To create a table representation in Rogue Wave Server Studio, you have to drag a relation from the model in the top pane to the notebook in the bottom pane. The relation that you drag can be a n-ary relation (for example, IlsOwnsList) or a unary relation (for example, IlsUses), or it can be a path containing n-ary or unary relations. There are some restrictions about which paths that can be dragged. The path must not contain n-ary relations followed by unary relations as such a path can not be resolved. However, a unary relation followed by a n-ary relation is valid because the result can be resolved to a unique relation.
The result of dragging a one-to-many relation is to create a table that will be filled by the elements of this relation. For example, dragging the relation nodes in the class Domain will create a table and fill it with all the nodes that are owned by the domain.
The result of dragging a unary relation is to create a table where only the first row will be used. Dragging a unary relation is useful when you want to create a representation of the object itself.
For example, suppose you wish to create a graphical representation of a domain where only the domain name and its current state show. In this case, putting attributes into the Main table (the Table page in the notebook) or into the Properties table (the Properties page in the notebook) amounts to the same thing, because either way, the property is inserted into the first row of the table. The normal way to create such a representation is to drag the this relation associated with the class.

Version 6.1
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