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HydraExpress Web Service Development Guide

22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles

On Windows, compiling with the debug makefile enables debugging information (the /Zi flag) for the compiled code and links with the debug versions of the Microsoft run-time (the /MDd flag) and Rogue Wave libraries. The files for the compiled code end with the tag 15d, which indicates a debug build. You can link to these files only from code compiled with the /MDd flag in MSVC. Code compiled with the release makefile have the extension 12d, and cannot be linked to code compiled with the /MDd flag.

On UNIX/Linux, compiling with the debug makefile enables debugging information (-g flag) for the compiled code. The files for the compiled code have a 12d extension because they link to the same Rogue Wave and system run-time libraries as do files generated with the release makefile. You can link to these files from code compiled with or without debugging information.

If you start the HydraExpress Agent in debug mode on Windows, it loads only services and named objects compiled in debug mode, as identified by the tag 15d in the file name.

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