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HydraExpress Web Service Development Guide

Topic Index

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- | . | 1 | 8 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | R | R | S | T | U | U | V | W | X | Z


--debug option. See also => -d option
   for debug Agent mode [in 23.2.5 Agent Options]
--help option. See also => -h option
   on rwsfserver script, to return help. [in 23.2.5 Agent Options]
-c flag, location of configuration files [in 23.3.1 Standalone Server Options]
-childTypeAttr option
   controling type attribute on child elements of complex types [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-d option. See also => --debug option
   to start Agent in debug mode [in 23.2.5 Agent Options]
-datamap option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-g flag, debug tag for UNIX and Linux [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
-h option
   rwsfgen flag to return help [in
20.6 Generator Options]
      [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
      [in 23.2.5 Agent Options]
-haltonerror option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-logfilename option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-makefilename option [in 21.3.1 The Top-Level Code Generation Directory]
   [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-maxgentypes option, to improve performance [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
-noclean option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
-noclient option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   [in 8.2.1 Invoking the Generator]
   about [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
   and makefiles [in 22.3.1 The -noserver, -noclient, and -nosample Options]
   results in makefiles that don&rsquo [in 22.3.1 The -noserver, -noclient, and -nosample Options]
-nohaltonerror option
   and WSDL validation [in 20.8.1 WSDL Validation]
   to continue code generation in spite of errors [in 20.4 Invoking the Generator with a WSDL File]
-nohtml option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   to improve performance [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
-nomake option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   and makefiles [in 22.3.2 The -nomake Option]
-nosample option
   and makefiles [in 22.3.1 The -noserver, -noclient, and -nosample Options]
   results in makefiles that don&rsquo [in 22.3.1 The -noserver, -noclient, and -nosample Options]
      [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-noserver option
   about [in 22.2 The Default Generated Makefiles]
   and makefiles [in 22.3.1 The -noserver, -noclient, and -nosample Options]
   results in makefiles that don&rsquo [in 20.6 Generator Options]
      [in Compiling Using the Makefile]
      [in 22.3.1 The -noserver, -noclient, and -nosample Options]
   results in no generated server directory [in The App Directory]
   usage in DayofWeek example [in 7.2.2 Invoking the Generator]
-notoplevelclasses option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-noverbose option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-nowrapped option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-ordinalanonymous option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-outdir option
   changing project directory name [in 20.2 Invoking the Generator]
   to specify a directory for generated code [in 20.6 Generator Options]
      [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
-projectname option
   argument to rwsfgen [in 5.2 Invoking the Code Generator]
   flag to specify a project name [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
   required [in 20.2 Invoking the Generator]
   required option to rwsfgen [in 7.2.2 Invoking the Generator]
-rwsfhome option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-soapenc option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-SourcePro option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   code generation [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]
-sourcepro option
   overridden by -datamap option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-standalone option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   [in 8.3.4 Implementing a Standalone Server]
   [in 20.4.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
-stl option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   overridden by -datamap option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-t option
   standalone server option defining name of transport [in 23.3.1 Standalone Server Options]
-verbose option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-version option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-whitespace option [in 10.2 Generating Code]
   [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
   in project file [in Using the HydraExpress Project File to Set Options]
   in XML documents [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   included in example-project.xml [in Using the HydraExpress Project File to Set Options]
   to eliminate during code generation [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-wrapped option. See also => wrapped document style
   about [in 8.3.8 Wrapped Style Operations]
-Xmx Java option for specifying heap size [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]


   generated into bin directory [in 7.2.3 Generated Files]
   generated into bin directory [in 7.2.3 Generated Files]
.lib files location [in The Lib Directory]
   and overwrite protection [in 20.7 Overwrite Protection]
   files location [in The Lib Directory]
   generated into .lib directory [in 7.2.3 Generated Files]


15d debug tag
   about [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
   in debug mode, Agent loads only files with 15d tag [in 23.2.5 Agent Options]


8090 port, for HTTP requests [in 23.2.2 Agent Ports]
   default HTTPS port in Agent [in 23.2.2 Agent Ports]
      [in 8.3.2 Service Security]


accepter-threads, in standalone server [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
accessors, in generated datatypes [in 6.3.2 The Generated Data Classes]
addHeaders(), method in proxy [in 15.3.1 Client-Side Code]
   debug mode on Windows [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
   deploying to [in 23.2 Deploying to the Agent]
   how handlers are processed [in 14.2 Types of SOAP Handlers]
   how to stop [in Deploying with the makefile]
   logging See => logging | Agent
   ports [in 23.2.2 Agent Ports]
   starting [in Deploying with the makefile]
      [in Deploying with the Makefile]
   stopping [in Deploying with the Makefile]
AJP13, supported transport in client [in 7.3.3 Transports]
allocation, object allocation in HydraExpress [in A Note on Allocating Objects in Multithreaded Applications]
anonymous types, option to sequentially number in generated code [in 20.6 Generator Options]
app directory
   and overwrite protection [in The App Directory]
   in generated project directory [in 5.4 Generated Files]
      [in The App Directory]
      [in 21.3.1 The Top-Level Code Generation Directory]
apps-bin directory
   for deploying Windows libraries [in 23.2.3 Deploying your Service with the Makefile]
   location of DLLs [in Deploying with the makefile]
apps-lib directory
   for deploying UNIX libraries [in 23.2.3 Deploying your Service with the Makefile]
   location of SOs [in Deploying with the makefile]
      [in Deploying with the makefile]
   of generated code [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
   of generated datatype classes [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
   of generated files [in 5.4 Generated Files]
      [in 20.4.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
   of generated project directory [in 21.3 The Generated Project Directory]
   of libraries and binaries after compiling [in 22.5.2 Location of Generated Libraries and Binary Files]
   recursive [in
A.5.3 Recursive Arrays]
      [in A.5.3 Recursive Arrays]
   user-defined [in A.5.3 Recursive Arrays]
asynchronous message patterns
   about [in 2.2.2 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
      [in 9.2.6 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
      [in 2.2.2 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
   and transports [in 9.2.6 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
   methods generated in NotificationProxy [in The Notification Proxy]
   support for [in 2.2.2 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
asynchronous messages
   about [in 13.1 Overview]
   and request-response message pattern [in 13.3.1 Implementing the Request-Response Method Asynchronously]
   Async example [in 13.3 The Async Example]
      [in 13.1 Overview]
   class architecture [in 13.2 The Asynchronous API]
   generated asynchronous methods [in 3.4.1 The Client Proxy]
   methods generated in client [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
   multithread safety [in 11.6.1 A Note on Multithread Safety]
      [in 11.6.1 A Note on Multithread Safety]
   naming conflicts [in A.2.5.1 Possible Naming Conflicts with Asynchronous Clients]
      [in 13.4 Asynchronous Method Naming Conflicts]
   one-way [in 13.3.2 Implementing the One-Way Method Asynchronously]
   service operation methods [in 13.2.1 Using the Asynchronous API]
   use of transports [in 13.2 The Asynchronous API]
      [in 13.2 The Asynchronous API]
attachments. See => MIME attachments
   client, HTTPS listener property ssl-private-key [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   password transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   server, HTTPS listener property ssl-trusted-certificates [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   server, HTTPS transport property ssl-certificate-chain [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   user transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
autoconfiguring listeners [in 11.4 Using an Autoconfigured Listener]
automatic starting, of listener threads [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]


batch files, for deploying MSVC projects [in 23.2.4 Deploying your Service Using MSVC Files]
bin directory
   empty at code generation [in 7.2.3 Generated Files]
   in generated project directory [in The Bin Directory]
      [in 21.3.1 The Top-Level Code Generation Directory]
   location of compiled code [in Compiling Using the Makefile]
binary files, location of after compiling [in 22.5.2 Location of Generated Libraries and Binary Files]
binary transports [in 11.5.2 Interchangeable Transports and Listeners]
binding element, generated classes [in A.2.2 Client-Side Classes]
   and MIME [in 17.1 Overview]
   and MIME attachments [in Define the MIME Bindings]
   C++ binding for XML datatypes [in 2.3 Handling of Complex Datatypes]
      [in 2.3 Handling of Complex Datatypes]
   document style with wrapped interface [in 8.3.8 Wrapped Style Operations]
   proxy in synchronous messages [in 13.1 Overview]
   transports and asynchronous services [in 9.2.6 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
bound-host, listener property [in 11.4 Using an Autoconfigured Listener]
   [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
bound-ip, listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   [in 11.4 Using an Autoconfigured Listener]
bound-port, listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   [in 11.4 Using an Autoconfigured Listener]
   [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
buffer, setting for incoming messages [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   debug, 15d [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
   release,12d [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]


   data binding. See => Xml binding.
   generated makefiles [in C++ Makefiles]
callInfo parameter. See => rwsf::CallInfo.
cancel-session property, in a transport [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
catch blocks, in generated client implementation [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]
chaining handlers
   about [in 14.5 Chaining Handlers]
   client-side process order [in 14.5.1 Chaining Handlers on the Client]
   in handlers.xml file [in Service Chains Configuration File: handlers.xml]
   stop processing [in Aborting Handler Processing]
character encoding
   about [in
19.4 XML and Character Encodings Concepts]
   and customized mappings [in 19.3 Automatic Character Conversion through a Customized Mapping]
   customizing in project file [in Providing Customized Type Mappings to the Code Generator]
   generated classes [in 19.2.2 Character Encoding in Generated Classes]
   overview [in 19.2.1 Character Encoding in XML Schemas and WSDLs]
   using non-UTF-8 encodings [in 19.1 Overview]
characters, special, turning off escaping [in 8.3.9 Turning off Text Escaping to Improve Performance]
child elements, controlling the xsi:Type attribute on [in 20.6 Generator Options]
choice schema element, maps to ChoiceElement in code generation [in 21.2.1 A Sample Project File]
ChoiceElement, in project file
   maps to schema element "choice" [in 21.2.1 A Sample Project File]
class attribute, of transport element [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
   [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
   client proxy [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
   generated <binding>Skeleton [in A.2.3 Server-Side Classes]
   generated <port>ClientProxy [in A.2.2 Client-Side Classes]
   generated <port>ServletBase [in A.2.3 Server-Side Classes]
   generated <portType>Base [in A.2.3 Server-Side Classes]
      [in 3.4.2 The Service Implementation]
   generated for a web service [in A.2 File Generation Conventions]
   notification class architecture [in 9.3 Architecture of the Notification Classes]
client authentication
   HTTPS listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   HTTPS transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
client proxy
   complete discussion on using [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
   header file [in Looking at the Code]
   NotificationProxy used in notification [in 9.3 Architecture of the Notification Classes]
client subdirectory, in generated project directory [in The App Directory]
   [in The Codegen Directory]
client-handlers.xml file
   configuring a client logger [in 12.3.1 Configuring and Using a Client Logger]
   configuring client handlers [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
   customizing [in 7.3.8 Customizing the Client Configuration Files]
   defining logging for client [in 12.3 Logging in Client Code]
   generated for notification [in 10.4.4 Implementing the Client-Side Notification and Solicit-Response Endpoints]
   generated for notification pattern [in 9.3 Architecture of the Notification Classes]
   in conf directory [in The Conf Directory]
   role in message handler API [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
client-objects.xml file
   and overwrite protection [in 20.7 Overwrite Protection]
   generated for notification pattern [in 9.3 Architecture of the Notification Classes]
      [in 10.4.4 Implementing the Client-Side Notification and Solicit-Response Endpoints]
client-transports.xml file [in 10.4.4 Implementing the Client-Side Notification and Solicit-Response Endpoints]
   adding properties for standalone server [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
   and listeners [in 11.7.3 Configuring the Listener]
   configuring a listener [in 11.7 Creating a Listener]
   customizing [in 7.3.8 Customizing the Client Configuration Files]
   determines name of DLL or SO [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   how supports notification [in 10.4.5 Transport Configuration File Supporting Notification]
   in conf directory [in The Conf Directory]
   listener config properties [in 11.7.1 Request Handling and Threading]
   supported transports [in 7.3.3 Transports]
client.log, default client side logger file [in 12.3.1 Configuring and Using a Client Logger]
   changing location of client request on command line [in
23.2.5 Agent Options]
   directory, in generated project directory [in 5.4 Generated Files]
   option to build client only [in 22.5.1 Building just a Client or Server]
   adding custom SOAP header [in 15.3.1 Client-Side Code]
   architecture of generated notification classses [in 9.3 Architecture of the Notification Classes]
   asynchronous [in 7.3.1 The Asynchronous Client API]
      [in 13.2 The Asynchronous API]
   authorization [in Authorization]
      [in Authorization]
   blocking while waiting for transport receipt [in 9.2.6 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
   building only client components [in 22.5.1 Building just a Client or Server]
   class generation details [in A.2.2 Client-Side Classes]
   client proxy class [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
   compiling [in 7.2.5 Compiling and Deploying the Client]
   DayofWeek shipped example [in 7.2.1 Service Description]
   default location of configuration files referenced in sample client. [in 3.5.3 Testing the Service]
   generated client-side files [in Client Classes]
   generated implementation base class <portType>Base [in A.2.3 Server-Side Classes]
   generated sample application [in A.2.2 Client-Side Classes]
   invoking HelloWorld service [in 3.5.3 Testing the Service]
   logging [in 8.3.5 Server-Side Logging]
      [in 15.3.3 Viewing the Results]
      [in 15.3.3 Viewing the Results]
   logging, use Web services logger [in 12.1 Overview]
   message handler processing order [in 14.5.1 Chaining Handlers on the Client]
   multithreading [in 7.3.2 Multithreading]
   NotificationProxy used in notification [in 9.3 Architecture of the Notification Classes]
   procedure to create [in 7.1 Overview]
   provided client implementation [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]
   proxy, overview in Hello World example [in 3.4.1 The Client Proxy]
      [in 3.4.1 The Client Proxy]
   request-response implementation [in 10.4.2 The Request-Response Service Operation Call]
   sample application [in 2.1 Overview]
   secure [in HTTPS Support]
   security options [in 4.2 Add a Secure Transport]
   writing to a log [in 12.3 Logging in Client Code]
clone() virtual method in rwsf:TransportImp [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
code generation
   and customized mappings [in
19.2.2 Character Encoding in Generated Classes]
   architecture of files generated from a WSDL [in 20.4.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
   classes generated for a web service [in A.2 File Generation Conventions]
   complex types [in A.4 Complex Types]
   comprehensive list of generated files [in 20.3.2 Generated Files]
   creating clients [in 7.1 Overview]
   creating standalone sample server [in 23.3 Standalone Server Implementations]
   detailed procedure for invoking rwsfgen [in 20.2 Invoking the Generator]
   documentation of generated code [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   for multiple Schemas or WSDL files [in 20.5 Generating Code with Multiple Schemas or WSDLs]
      [in 20.5 Generating Code with Multiple Schemas or WSDLs]
   from WSDL [in 20.4 Invoking the Generator with a WSDL File]
   from XML Schema [in 20.3 Invoking the Generator with an XML Schema]
   generated project directory [in 21.3 The Generated Project Directory]
   getting started [in 5.2 Invoking the Code Generator]
   invoking rwsfgen [in 5.2 Invoking the Code Generator]
      [in 8.2.1 Invoking the Generator]
      [in 7.2.2 Invoking the Generator]
      [in 3.3 Invoking the Generator]
   list of generated datatypes classes [in 6.3.2 The Generated Data Classes]
   list of server side classes generated [in 8.1 Overview]
   log file from [in 20.4 Invoking the Generator with a WSDL File]
   long generation times for large schemas [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
   makefiles [in 2.1 Overview]
   MSVC project files [in 2.1 Overview]
      [in 2.1 Overview]
   multiple WSDLs [in 20.5 Generating Code with Multiple Schemas or WSDLs]
   naming conventions for method and parameter names [in A.2.5 Methods and Parameters]
   option to generate classes for top-level elements in a schema [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   option to output all informational messages to console [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   options in detail [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   property precedence [in 20.6.3 Conflicting Options and Property Precedence]
   reducing generation time [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
      [in 20.6 Generator Options]
      [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
      [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
   using wrapped option [in Looking at the Generated Code]
code generator
   adding options to project file [in Using the HydraExpress Project File to Set Options]
   common options [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
   list of generated files [in 3.3 Invoking the Generator]
   location of generated files [in 5.4 Generated Files]
code, generated. See => generated code.
   and named objects [in Named Objects Configuration File: objects.xml]
   generated from schema with complex types. [in 6.3 Complex Data]
   generated from WSDL message with multiple simple parts [in 6.2.3 Messages with Multiple Parts]
coded character set. See also => character encoding.
   [in 19.4 XML and Character Encodings Concepts]
codegen directory, in generated project directory [in 5.4 Generated Files]
   [in 21.3.1 The Top-Level Code Generation Directory]
   [in The Codegen Directory]
collisions, and namespaces. [in 20.5.1 A Note on Namespace Collisions]
common subdirectory, in generated project directory [in The Codegen Directory]
compiler properties, adding to makefile [in 20.6.2 Adding Outside Libraries, Includes or Compiler Properties to a Project]
   generated code, instructions [in 22.2 The Default Generated Makefiles]
   location of files [in Compiling Using the Makefile]
   MSVC projects [in 22.7 Using MSVC Project Files]
   options [in 22.1 Overview]
   procedure using makefiles [in 22.5 Procedure for Building with the Makefiles]
   servers [in 8.2.3 Compiling the Service]
   simple overview using Hello World example [in 3.5 Compiling and Running the Application]
      [in 3.5 Compiling and Running the Application]
      [in 3.5 Compiling and Running the Application]
   structure of code after [in Compiling Using the Makefile]
      [in Compiling Using the Makefile]
   web service client [in 7.2.5 Compiling and Deploying the Client]
   with MSVC [in Compiling Using MSVC]
complex types
   controlling xsi:type attribute [in
20.6 Generator Options]
   defined in XML Schema [in 6.3.1 The WSDL and Schema]
   generated code [in A.4 Complex Types]
   generated code from schema with complex types [in 6.3 Complex Data]
   how used in WeatherSummary example [in 6.3 Complex Data]
   in generated sample main() implementation [in 6.3.4 The Data "main" Sample Application]
   option to generate code for in the SOAP encoding namespace [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   types element in WSDL, example [in 6.3.1 The WSDL and Schema]
components, shipped with HydraExpress [in 7.4 Next Steps]
compression, and transport handlers [in 14.2.1 Transport Handlers]
conf directory
   in generated project directory [in 21.3.1 The Top-Level Code Generation Directory]
      [in The Conf Directory]
      [in 5.4 Generated Files]
   in generated projects, default location of configuration files [in 3.5.3 Testing the Service]
configFile, initialization parameter for servlets [in Servlet Configuration File: web.xml]
configuration files
   and generated conf directory [in 5.4 Generated Files]
   client side to support notification pattern [in 10.4.4 Implementing the Client-Side Notification and Solicit-Response Endpoints]
   client-handlers.xml for notification [in 9.3 Architecture of the Notification Classes]
   client-objects.xml for notification [in 9.3 Architecture of the Notification Classes]
   client-transports.xml [in 7.3.3 Transports]
   custom listener [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   customizing [in 7.3.8 Customizing the Client Configuration Files]
   customizing on service side [in 8.3.11 Customizing the Service Configuration Files]
   default location pointed to by generated client sample implementations [in 3.5.3 Testing the Service]
   generated into conf directory [in The Conf Directory]
   initializing in generated code [in Using the Client Proxy]
   objects.xml [in 16.3.3 Configuring the Named Object]
   option to define alternate location [in 23.3.1 Standalone Server Options]
   transports [in 10.4.5 Transport Configuration File Supporting Notification]
      [in 10.4.5 Transport Configuration File Supporting Notification]
conflicting options, in code generator. See also => property precedence.
   [in 20.6.3 Conflicting Options and Property Precedence]
connection requests
   default setting [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   setting allowed number [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   persistent using keep-alive listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   logging using global Agent logger [in 8.3.5 Server-Side Logging]
Content-ID SOAP header, in MIME [in 17.2 The SOAP with Attachments Specification]
Content-Location, in MIME [in 17.3 Working with Attachments]
Content-Type element, in SOAP header, usage in MIME [in 17.2 The SOAP with Attachments Specification]
conversion of strings
   and internationalization [in 19.1 Overview]
conversion, of types
   customized character conversions [in A Look at the Generated Converter]
Core Library, services built on [in 2.1 Overview]
create() method, and named objects [in 16.3.2 Creating an Entry Point to the Object]
createClass() method in objects.xml [in 14.4.4 Register the Handlers]
custom transports. See => transports.
   adding outside libraries, includes or compiler properties to makefile [in 20.6.2 Adding Outside Libraries, Includes or Compiler Properties to a Project]
   adding third party includes to makefiles [in 22.3.4 Adding Third Party Includes to Makefiles]
   changing default generated service name [in 8.3.7 Using a Different Implementation Name]
   changing location of RWSF_HOME directory [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   changing the name of a makefile [in 22.3.3 Customizing the Name of a Makefile]
   configuration files [in 7.3.8 Customizing the Client Configuration Files]
   creating a custom handler [in 14.4 Creating Your Own Handlers]
   creating custom transports [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   creating named objects [in 16.3 Creating and Using Custom Objects]
   creating user makefiles [in 22.6 Using your own Makefile]
   handlers configuration file [in Editing the handlers.xml File]
   mappings to code generator [in Providing Customized Type Mappings to the Code Generator]
   of generated datatypes using -datamap option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   of makefiles [in 22.3 Makefile Options]
   of project file [in 21.2 The Project File]
   of servlets [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]
   project files for special options [in 21.2.3 Creating a Customized Project File for Special Generation Options]
   service configuration files [in 8.3.11 Customizing the Service Configuration Files]
   system properties for supported platforms [in 22.3.5 Customizing Systems Properties]
   using RWCString in a customized character mapping [in 19.3.1 Create a Customized Mapping]


data binding. See also => XML binding
   mapping xsd:simpleTypes to C++ types. [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
data directory
   in generated project directory [in 5.4 Generated Files]
   location of generated datatypes [in 5.4 Generated Files]
   location of generated datatypes in project codegen directory [in The Codegen Directory]
data subdirectory, in generated project directory [in The App Directory]
data, in a session [in 18.3 Manipulating a Service's Session Data]
database connection, as a named object [in 2.2.3 Support for Named Objects]
   anonymous types in schemas [in
20.6 Generator Options]
   architecture of generated classes [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
   architecture of generated code from schema [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
   complex See also => complex types.
   customizing code generated [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   directory where generated [in 5.4 Generated Files]
   generated from message data in WSDL [in 6.2 Simple Data]
   generated into subdirectory data [in The App Directory]
   limiting number generated into one library using -maxgentypes option [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
   overview on generated classes [in 6.3.2 The Generated Data Classes]
      [in 6.3.2 The Generated Data Classes]
   restricting number of to be included in a single library [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   static [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   XML binding, about See also => XML binding.
   rwsf::DateTime [in Using the Client Proxy]
DayofWeek example
   compiling [in 8.2.3 Compiling the Service]
      [in 8.2.3 Compiling the Service]
   creating a client [in 7.2.1 Service Description]
   generated handlers.xml file [in Service Chains Configuration File: handlers.xml]
   service development, full discussion [in 8.1 Overview]
   testing [in 8.2.5 Testing the Service]
debugging:-g tag on compiled code on UNIX and Linux [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
   deployDebug.bat file to deploy debug libraries [in Deploying Services Compiled with MSVC Project Files]
   deployDebug.bat for MSVC services [in Deploying Services Compiled with MSVC]
   in debug mode, Agent loads only files with 15d tag. [in 23.2.5 Agent Options]
   on UNIX [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
   on Windows [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
   using Web service logger [in 12.2 Web Service Logger Levels]
decompression, and transport handlers [in 14.2.1 Transport Handlers]
   creating flexible services using service configuration files [in 8.3.11 Customizing the Service Configuration Files]
   using handlers [in 14.1 Overview]
   and transport handlers [in 14.2.1 Transport Handlers]
default attribute, of a transport [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
Denial of Service, using threadpools [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
deploy target, in generated makefile [in 8.2.3 Compiling the Service]
   deployment batch file [in Deploying Services Compiled with MSVC Project Files]
   for MSVC projects [in 21.3.1 The Top-Level Code Generation Directory]
   for MSVC services [in Deploying Services Compiled with MSVC]
   apps-bin directory [in Deploying with the makefile]
   apps-lib directory [in Deploying with the makefile]
   deployDebut.bat file for MSVC services [in Deploying Services Compiled with MSVC]
      [in Deploying Services Compiled with MSVC]
   deployment batch file procedure (MSVC projects only) [in Deploying Services Compiled with MSVC]
      [in Deploying Services Compiled with MSVC Project Files]
   generated descriptor [in 2.1 Overview]
      [in 2.1 Overview]
   Hello World example [in 3.5.2 Deploying the Service]
      [in 3.5.2 Deploying the Service]
   in debug mode, Agent loads only files with 15d tag [in 23.2.5 Agent Options]
   makefile procedure [in Deploying with the Makefile]
      [in Deploying with the Makefile]
      [in Deploying with the Makefile]
      [in Deploying with the makefile]
      [in Compiling Using MSVC]
   of handlers configuration file [in Editing the handlers.xml File]
   servers [in 8.2.3 Compiling the Service]
      [in 8.2.4 Deploying the Service]
   services compiled with MSVC [in Deploying Services Compiled with MSVC Project Files]
   support for through Agent [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   to Agent [in 23.2 Deploying to the Agent]
   using makefile [in 23.2.3 Deploying your Service with the Makefile]
   using MSVC [in 23.2.4 Deploying your Service Using MSVC Files]
   web services [in 10.5 Running the Service]
      [in 3.5.2 Deploying the Service]
   deployment batch file [in Deploying Services Compiled with MSVC Project Files]
   for MSVC projects [in 21.3.1 The Top-Level Code Generation Directory]
   for MSVC services [in Deploying Services Compiled with MSVC]
destroy(), virtual function in service abstract base class [in The Generated Abstract Base Class]
directory structure
   for generated DayofWeek example [in 8.2.1 Invoking the Generator]
   of generated project directory. [in 21.3 The Generated Project Directory]
directory, specifying generated directory using -outdir option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
   location at deployment [in Deploying with the makefile]
   referenced by a transport class attribute for transport implementations [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
doConnect(), virtual method on rwsf::TransportImp [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
docs directory
   in generated project directory [in 5.4 Generated Files]
      [in The Docs Directory]
document style binding, with a wrapped interface [in 8.3.8 Wrapped Style Operations]
   generated for projects [in 3.3 Invoking the Generator]
   generated HTML documentation in generated projects [in 2.1 Overview]
      [in 2.1 Overview]
   generated, how to access [in 5.4 Generated Files]
   of generated datatype classes [in 6.3.2 The Generated Data Classes]
   option to not generate [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   support for generated [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   turning off documentation generation with -nohtml option [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
   viewing generated [in HTML Documentation]
   in custom listener [in 11.7.2 Implementing the Virtual Methods]
   virtual function on rwsf::MessageListenerImp [in 11.7 Creating a Listener]
doInvoke(), virtual method on rwsf:TransportImp [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   method in custom listener [in 11.7.2 Implementing the Virtual Methods]
   virtual function on rwsf::MessageListenerImp [in 11.7 Creating a Listener]
   virtual function of rwsf::MessageListenerImp [in 11.7 Creating a Listener]
   virtual function of rwsf::MessageListenerImp, implement as nonblocking [in 11.7.1 Request Handling and Threading]
   virtual function of rwsf::MessageListenerImp, starts thread that starts listener [in 11.7.2 Implementing the Virtual Methods]
doStop(), virtual function of rwsf::MessageListenerImp [in 11.7 Creating a Listener]
dynamic assignment, of port in listener [in 10.4.5 Transport Configuration File Supporting Notification]
dynamic listeners, described [in 11.5 Making Transports and Listeners Dynamic]
dynamic services, support for [in 2.2 Supporting a Dynamic System]
dynamic switching. See also => runtime switching
   about [in 2.2.4 Dynamic Switching at Runtime]
dynamic transports. See also => transports
   described [in 11.5 Making Transports and Listeners Dynamic]


element, wrapped. See => wrapped document style
   customized mappings in project file [in Providing Customized Type Mappings to the Code Generator]
   handling of SOAP encoding [in A.5 SOAP Encoding]
   internationalization support [in 19.1 Overview]
   non-UTF-8 character encodings See also => character encoding.
   and transport handlers [in 14.2.1 Transport Handlers]
End() method, asynchronous generated method in client [in 13.2.1 Using the Asynchronous API]
error handling
   catch blocks in generated client implementation [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]
   catch blocks in generated implementations [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]
   in services [in 8.3.3 Error Reporting and WSDL-Defined Faults]
   use of rwsf::ServerFault in services [in The Generated Sample Implementation]
Error logging level, in Web services logger [in 12.2 Web Service Logger Levels]
   [in 8.3.5 Server-Side Logging]
error pages, configuring [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]
errors, in code generation
   and -nohaltonerror option [in 20.4 Invoking the Generator with a WSDL File]
escaping text
   property doEscape [in 8.3.9 Turning off Text Escaping to Improve Performance]
   turning off in a service [in 8.3.9 Turning off Text Escaping to Improve Performance]
   turning off in client [in 7.3.7 Turning off Text Escaping to Improve Performance]
etc subdirectory, in generated project directory [in The Codegen Directory]
example-project.xml file
   project file with all provided examples [in 7.2.2 Invoking the Generator]
   provided project file for examples [in 21.2.1 A Sample Project File]
   adding a custom SOAP header [in
15.3.1 Client-Side Code]
   adding security [in 4.1 Overview]
   adding SOAP headers [in 4.1 Overview]
   asynchronous [in 13.3 The Async Example]
   client proxy header file [in Looking at the Code]
   client proxy source file [in Using the Client Proxy]
   configuring standalone servers [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
   data main in Weather Summary [in 6.3.4 The Data "main" Sample Application]
   header processing [in 15.3 SOAP Headers Example]
   Hello World basic tutorial [in 3.1 Overview]
   Hello World web service client [in 3.2 Service Description]
   HelloWorld example with added security and SOAP header [in 4.1 Overview]
   invoking rwsfgen [in 8.2.1 Invoking the Generator]
      [in 5.2 Invoking the Code Generator]
      [in 7.2.2 Invoking the Generator]
      [in 3.3 Invoking the Generator]
   log file for adding SOAP header [in 15.3.3 Viewing the Results]
   modifying a custom SOAP header [in 15.3.2 Server-Side Code]
   modifying session data in CallInfo object [in 18.3 Manipulating a Service's Session Data]
   one-way message [in Implementing the Call to the Notification Endpoint]
   project file [in 21.2.1 A Sample Project File]
   server implementation base class header file [in The Generated Abstract Base Class]
   SOAP message from log file [in 15.3.3 Viewing the Results]
      [in 15.3.3 Viewing the Results]
   transport switching at runtime [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
   transports configuration file [in 10.4.5 Transport Configuration File Supporting Notification]
   types element in WSDL [in 6.3.1 The WSDL and Schema]
   using loggers in client-side code [in 12.3 Logging in Client Code]
   web.xml customization [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]
   wrapped document style [in Developing a WSDL to Support the Wrapped Style]
exceptions. See also => error handling
   derived from RWxmsg for SourcePro datatypes [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]
   rwsf::Exception [in 8.3.3 Error Reporting and WSDL-Defined Faults]


Fatal logging level, in Web services logger [in 8.3.5 Server-Side Logging]
   [in 12.2 Web Service Logger Levels]
fault messages
   defined in WSDL [in 8.3.3 Error Reporting and WSDL-Defined Faults]
   fault_message.cpp generated for faults [in The Codegen Directory]
   stored in rwsf:FaultMessage [in 14.2.4 Fault Handlers]
fault-handlers, element in handlers.xml [in The handlers.xml Configuration File]
   defining in WSDL [in
8.3.3 Error Reporting and WSDL-Defined Faults]
   fault-handlers element in handlers.xml [in The handlers.xml Configuration File]
   handling in services with rwsf::ServerFault [in The Generated Sample Implementation]
   message handlers for processing [in 14.2.4 Fault Handlers]
   ServerFault class [in 14.2.4 Fault Handlers]
      [in 14.2.4 Fault Handlers]
   WSDL faults in services [in 8.3.3 Error Reporting and WSDL-Defined Faults]
file argument
   to rwsfgen [in 20.2 Invoking the Generator]
      [in 5.2 Invoking the Code Generator]
file naming conventions
   12d and 15d tags [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
      [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
files element, in project file [in 7.2.2 Invoking the Generator]
   [in 21.2.1 A Sample Project File]
   client-handlers.xml [in 12.3.1 Configuring and Using a Client Logger]
   in project file as argument to rwsfgen [in 7.2.2 Invoking the Generator]
   list of generated [in 3.3 Invoking the Generator]
   objects.xml [in 14.4.4 Register the Handlers]
   server-transports.xml configuration file [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
findTransportByUrl method, in WeatherSummary example [in 10.4.2 The Request-Response Service Operation Call]
   service operation methods generated in client [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
      [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
fwd.h, forward declares for generated classes [in The Include Directory]


generated code
   architecture of [in
20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
   asynchronous methods [in 3.4.1 The Client Proxy]
   classes to support notification [in 10.4.4 Implementing the Client-Side Notification and Solicit-Response Endpoints]
   extending through named objects [in 2.2.3 Support for Named Objects]
   for all four message patterns [in 10.2 Generating Code]
      [in 10.2 Generating Code]
   from schema with complex types [in 6.3 Complex Data]
   from WSDL message with multiple simple parts [in 6.2.3 Messages with Multiple Parts]
   role of message handlers [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
generated implementation base class <portType>Base [in 3.4.2 The Service Implementation]
generating code. See also => code generation
   invoking rwsfgen [in 3.3 Invoking the Generator]
   with wrapped option [in Looking at the Generated Code]
generator options. See also => options
   adding to either project file or on command line. [in 21.2.2 Adding Options to a Project File Vs. Adding them to the Command Line]
GET, http request that returns WSDL file [in Servlet Configuration File: web.xml]
getGlobalInstance() method, on rwsf::NamingContext [in 16.3.4 Using the Named Object]
gethostname(), global function [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
getStringProperty(), method on rwsf::CallInfo [in 14.2.4 Fault Handlers]
global Agent logger. See => logging | services.


handle/body pattern, in generated classes [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
handlers. See also => message handlers
handlers.xml file
   and overwrite protection [in 20.7 Overwrite Protection]
   chaining handlers [in Service Chains Configuration File: handlers.xml]
   configuration file for servlet [in Server Classes]
      [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]
      [in 20.4.2 Generated Files]
   configuring request-handlers and response-handlers [in 14.2.3 Response Handlers]
   deploying [in Editing the handlers.xml File]
   in conf directory [in The Conf Directory]
   overview [in The handlers.xml Configuration File]
   service config file [in Servlet Configuration File: web.xml]
   about [in 14.1 Overview]
   chaining in handlers.xml file [in Service Chains Configuration File: handlers.xml]
   configuration files, default [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
      [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
      [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
      [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
   customizing config file [in Editing the handlers.xml File]
   design, when to use which type of handler [in 14.2.1 Transport Handlers]
   how processed in Agent [in 14.2 Types of SOAP Handlers]
   logging using global Agent logger [in 8.3.5 Server-Side Logging]
   order [in 14.2.1 Transport Handlers]
   registering in generated code [in Using the Client Proxy]
   remote invocation [in 14.2.1 Transport Handlers]
   use of rwsf::CallInfo [in 14.2.3 Response Handlers]
header files, client proxy [in Looking at the Code]
   addHeaders() method in proxy [in
15.3.1 Client-Side Code]
   adding SOAP headers example [in 4.1 Overview]
   example of adding a SOAP header [in 4.3 Add a Special SOAP Header]
   support for SOAP and transport headers [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   allocation in multithreaded applications [in A Note on Allocating Objects in Multithreaded Applications]
   size, adjusting to improve performance [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
HelloWorld WSDL [in 3.2 Service Description]
help flag to return help during code generation [in 20.6 Generator Options]
host name, bound-host property of listener [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
host, listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
HTML, viewing the generated documentation [in 20.4.2 Generated Files]
HTTP listeners, autoconfiguring [in 11.4 Using an Autoconfigured Listener]
   1.1 support for persistent connections [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   as synchronous transport [in 9.2.6 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
   default port 8090 [in 4.2 Add a Secure Transport]
   GET request that returns WSDL file [in Servlet Configuration File: web.xml]
HTTPS transport [in 8.3.2 Service Security]
   adding to service [in 4.2 Add a Secure Transport]
   default port 8443 [in 8.3.2 Service Security]
      [in 4.2 Add a Secure Transport]
   dependence on OpenSSL [in 8.3.2 Service Security]
   protocol support [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
      [in HTTPS Support]
   security-init-seed-type property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
human readable, rwsfgen whitespace option [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]


images, sending as attachments [in 17.1 Overview]
   issues for servers [in 8.3 Further Options]
   one-way message [in Implementing the Call to the Notification Endpoint]
      [in Implementing the Call to the Notification Endpoint]
   services [in 8.2.2 Using the Server Implementation]
      [in 8.2.2 Using the Server Implementation]
   SOAP and transport header support [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
include directory
   generated header files [in 5.4 Generated Files]
   in generated project directory [in The Include Directory]
   adding custom to makefiles [in 22.3.4 Adding Third Party Includes to Makefiles]
      [in 20.6.2 Adding Outside Libraries, Includes or Compiler Properties to a Project]
   in sample service implementation [in 3.4.2 The Service Implementation]
Info, default logging level of Web service logger [in 12.2 Web Service Logger Levels]
   method, in a named object [in 16.3.1 Creating the String Object]
   virtual functions in service abstract base class [in The Generated Abstract Base Class]
   virtual method of rwsf::MessageListenerImp, called during Agent initialization [in 11.7.2 Implementing the Virtual Methods]
   initialization paramters of service [in Servlet Configuration File: web.xml]
   parameters (init-param) [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]
   parameters (init-params) [in Servlet Configuration File: web.xml]
      [in Servlet Configuration File: web.xml]
   parameters, adding to handlers.xml [in 14.6 Adding Initialization Parameters to Handlers]
   method in custom listener [in 11.7.2 Implementing the Virtual Methods]
   virtual function of rwsf::MessageListenerImp [in 11.7 Creating a Listener]
input messages in WSDL
   and message patterns [in 9.2 Message Patterns in WSDL]
   and request-response pattern [in 9.2.2 The Request-Response Pattern]
   and solicit-response [in 9.2.5 The Solicit-Response Pattern]
invoke() method in rwsf::TransportImp, and multithreading [in 11.6.1 A Note on Multithread Safety]
invokeLogger() method, on client [in 12.3 Logging in Client Code]
   code generator to produce a full service [in 10.2.1 Code Generation Outputs]
   web service client [in 8.2.5 Testing the Service]
      [in 8.2.5 Testing the Service]
IP address, of listener [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
isClient(), method, on rwsf::CallInfo [in Creating a Request Handler]
isConnected(), virtual method in rwsf:TransportImp [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
ISO8601 format, using rwsf::DateTime [in Using the Client Proxy]
isRequest(), method on rwsf::CallInfo [in 14.2.3 Response Handlers]
   [in 14.2.3 Response Handlers]
   [in Creating a Transport Handler]
isRequest(), method on rwsf::CallInfo to determine type of message [in 14.2.3 Response Handlers]
isStopped(), method to determine if listener is stopped [in 23.3.3 Shutting down a Standalone Server]
isValid(), method on a listener [in 10.4.1 Setting up a Listener]


   option for specifying heap size [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
   RW_JAVAOPT environment variable [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]


language support
   example of adding a locale to a SOAP header [in 4.3.1 Add the SOAP Header to the Generated Client]
lib directory
   empty at code generation [in 7.2.3 Generated Files]
   in generated project directory [in The Lib Directory]
      [in 21.3.1 The Top-Level Code Generation Directory]
   location of compiled code [in Compiling Using the Makefile]
   adding third-party libraries to makefile [in 20.6.2 Adding Outside Libraries, Includes or Compiler Properties to a Project]
   Core Library [in 2.1 Overview]
   OpenSSL dependence using HTTPS transport [in 8.3.2 Service Security]
   separating generated types into separate libraries for performance reasons [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
library files
   location after compiling [in 22.5.2 Location of Generated Libraries and Binary Files]
linking errors, using -maxgentypes option to avoid [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   compiling [in Compiling Using the Makefile]
   all properties [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   and client-objects.xml with notification [in 9.3 Architecture of the Notification Classes]
   and notification pattern in WeatherSummary example [in 9.2.5 The Solicit-Response Pattern]
   as a standalone server [in 23.3 Standalone Server Implementations]
   autoconfiguring [in 11.4 Using an Autoconfigured Listener]
      [in 11.4 Using an Autoconfigured Listener]
   configuration file properties in detail [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   configuring custom [in 11.7.3 Configuring the Listener]
   custom, with threading [in 11.7.1 Request Handling and Threading]
   example on setting up and starting [in 11.4 Using an Autoconfigured Listener]
   in one-way messages [in 10.4.1 Setting up a Listener]
   making a client listener independent [in 11.5.2 Interchangeable Transports and Listeners]
   registration macro [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   using SourcePro for threading and networking functionality [in 11.7.1 Request Handling and Threading]
load balancing, not supported in standalone servers [in 23.3 Standalone Server Implementations]
   method on client [in 12.3 Logging in Client Code]
   rwsf::HandlerManager method in client logging [in 12.3.1 Configuring and Using a Client Logger]
   adding in a SOAP header [in 4.3 Add a Special SOAP Header]
   attribute of WSDL, to define an HTTPS transport [in 4.2 Add a Secure Transport]
   of client configuration files by default [in 3.5.3 Testing the Service]
   of service in WSDL, default [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]
   of service, changing location on command line [in 23.2.5 Agent Options]
   parameter in make() method defines service URL [in Looking at the Code]
log messages
   written by default [in Using the Client Proxy]
log.out file [in 15.3.3 Viewing the Results]
loggers.xml file
   default configuration file for global Agent logger [in 12.4.1 Using the Global Agent Logger in Service Code]
   client logger default file client.log [in 12.3.1 Configuring and Using a Client Logger]
   default global Agent logger for services [in 12.4.1 Using the Global Agent Logger in Service Code]
   global [in 12.4.1 Using the Global Agent Logger in Service Code]
   global Agent logger for services [in 8.3.5 Server-Side Logging]
   Web-services specific logger for clients [in 8.3.5 Server-Side Logging]
   Agent [in
12.1 Overview]
   at Error level [in 8.3.5 Server-Side Logging]
   at Fatal level [in 8.3.5 Server-Side Logging]
   client-side configuration file [in Handlers Configuration File: client-handlers.xml]
   clients, example [in 12.3 Logging in Client Code]
   default level for Web service logger [in 12.2 Web Service Logger Levels]
   for clients, use Web services logger [in 12.1 Overview]
   for services, use Agent global logger [in 12.1 Overview]
   general usage in services and clients [in 12.1 Overview]
   in a standalone server [in 12.3.2 Logging in a Standalone Service]
   in clients [in 7.3.6 Client-Side Logging]
   in service code [in 12.4 Logging in Service Code]
   levels in Web service logger for clients and standalone servers [in 12.2 Web Service Logger Levels]
   log file rwsfgen.log [in 20.4 Invoking the Generator with a WSDL File]
      [in 20.3 Invoking the Generator with an XML Schema]
   logging levels, definitions of [in 12.2 Web Service Logger Levels]
   services [in 12.4.2 Server-side Logging through the Web Services Logger]
   specify log file name during code generation [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   Web services logger, when to use [in 12.1 Overview]


   RWSF_DEFINE_MESSAGE_HANDLER [in 14.4.4 Register the Handlers]
      [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
      [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   RWSF_DEFINE_MESSAGE_HANDLER to register service [in 3.4.2 The Service Implementation]
   RWSF_DEFINE_MESSAGE_HANDLER(NAME) [in 11.7 Creating a Listener]
   RWSF_DEFINE_RWSF_LISTENER [in 11.7.1 Request Handling and Threading]
   RWSF_DEFINE_STATIC_MESSAGE_HANDLER [in 12.3.1 Configuring and Using a Client Logger]
      [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]
main() function
   in a standalone server sample implementation [in 23.3 Standalone Server Implementations]
   in generated sample client implementation [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
      [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]
make() methods in client to obtain proxy instance [in Looking at the Code]
   command to invoke generated makefile targets [in Deploying with the makefile]
   compiling on UNIX [in Compiling Using the Makefile]
   include makefile [in 20.6.2 Adding Outside Libraries, Includes or Compiler Properties to a Project]
      [in 22.2 The Default Generated Makefiles]
   top level generated makefile include [in 21.3.1 The Top-Level Code Generation Directory]
   debug makefile generated for all projects [in C++ Makefiles]
   generated default debug makefile [in 22.2 The Default Generated Makefiles]
   top level generated makefile [in 21.3.1 The Top-Level Code Generation Directory]
   about [in 2.1 Overview]
   adding third party includes [in 22.3.4 Adding Third Party Includes to Makefiles]
   and overwrite protection [in 20.7 Overwrite Protection]
   changing the name of [in 22.3.3 Customizing the Name of a Makefile]
   customizing [in 20.6.2 Adding Outside Libraries, Includes or Compiler Properties to a Project]
   default generated [in 22.2 The Default Generated Makefiles]
   deploying with [in 23.2.3 Deploying your Service with the Makefile]
   generated for all projects [in C++ Makefiles]
   generated for building server and client code [in 3.5.1 Compiling the Application]
   generated release makefile [in 22.2 The Default Generated Makefiles]
   list of generated makefiles [in C++ Makefiles]
   option for not generating [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   option to not generate [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   options [in 22.3 Makefile Options]
   overall usage [in 22.2 The Default Generated Makefiles]
   procedure to build [in 22.5 Procedure for Building with the Makefiles]
   release makefile generated for all projects [in C++ Makefiles]
   specifying name for during code generation [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   top level generated makefile [in 21.3.1 The Top-Level Code Generation Directory]
   use -nomake option to not generate makefiles [in 22.3.2 The -nomake Option]
   user makefiles instead of generated makefiles [in 22.6 Using your own Makefile]
   using to deploy a server [in Deploying with the Makefile]
      [in Deploying with the makefile]
      [in Compiling Using MSVC]
manifest.xml manifest file location [in The Codegen Directory]
mapping:-stl option to generate code [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   customized character encodings [in 19.2.1 Character Encoding in XML Schemas and WSDLs]
   customizing character encodings [in 19.3 Automatic Character Conversion through a Customized Mapping]
   customizing datatype mappings for code generator [in Providing Customized Type Mappings to the Code Generator]
   mappings element in project file [in 21.2.1 A Sample Project File]
      [in Providing Customized Type Mappings to the Code Generator]
   mappings element, of project file and customized encodings [in 19.2.1 Character Encoding in XML Schemas and WSDLs]
   schema xsd simple types [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
   SOAP-encoded built-in types [in A.5.2 SOAP-Encoded Built-in Types and References]
Marshaler parent class for generated marshalers [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
   generated for datatype classes [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
   complex types [in 6.3 Complex Data]
   marshal() method in generated datatype classes [in 6.3.2 The Generated Data Classes]
   option to eliminate whitespace [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   provided by generated classes [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
   sample data application [in 6.3.4 The Data "main" Sample Application]
   testing with sample application [in Sample Application Files]
MDd, debug build flag [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
MDd, MSVC build flag [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
message handler API [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
message handler chains
   modifying session data [in 18.3 Manipulating a Service's Session Data]
message handlers
   aborting processing [in Aborting Handler Processing]
   adding to client [in 14.4.3 Add the Handlers to the Proxy]
   API classes [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
   as named objects [in 16.2 How HydraExpress Uses Named Objects]
   chaining, concept [in 14.5 Chaining Handlers]
   configuring [in 14.4.5 Configure the Handlers]
   creating a custom handler [in 14.4 Creating Your Own Handlers]
   creating a request handler [in Creating a Request Handler]
   creating a transport handler [in Creating a Transport Handler]
   description of types [in 14.2 Types of SOAP Handlers]
   fault handlers defined [in 14.2.4 Fault Handlers]
   handlers example [in 14.4 Creating Your Own Handlers]
   logging handler [in 7.3.6 Client-Side Logging]
   macro in service code [in The Generated Sample Implementation]
   manipulating session data [in 18.3 Manipulating a Service's Session Data]
   overall usage [in 14.1 Overview]
   registering in objects.xml [in 14.4.4 Register the Handlers]
   request handlers defined [in 14.2.2 Request Handlers]
   response handlers defined [in 14.2.3 Response Handlers]
   role in architecture of generated classes [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
   runtime switching, about [in 2.2.4 Dynamic Switching at Runtime]
   transport handlers defined [in 14.2.1 Transport Handlers]
message headers. See also => headers
   SOAP [in A.6 SOAP Headers]
message package, SOAP message package, in MIME [in 17.2 The SOAP with Attachments Specification]
message parts
   in MIME [in Define the WSDL Message Parts and Operation]
message patterns
   and asynchronous messaging [in 9.2.6 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
   defined by W3C WSDL Specification [in 2.2.2 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
   described [in 9.1 Overview]
   generated code for all four message patterns [in 10.2 Generating Code]
   notification described [in 9.2.4 The Notification Pattern]
   one-way messages described [in 9.2.3 The One Way Pattern]
   request-response described [in 9.2.2 The Request-Response Pattern]
   solicit-response described [in 9.2.5 The Solicit-Response Pattern]
   support for [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
message payload. See => payload.
messages in WSDL. See => WSDL messages.
   asynchronous, support for [in 2.2 Supporting a Dynamic System]
      [in 2.2 Supporting a Dynamic System]
      [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
      [in 2.2 Supporting a Dynamic System]
   fault messages defined in WSDL [in 8.3.3 Error Reporting and WSDL-Defined Faults]
   how processed through message handlers [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
      [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
   issues with blocking and multiple messages [in 9.2.6 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
   runtime switching, support for [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
metadata, passed with message throug headers [in 15.4 Uses for Header Support]
   generated asynchronous [in 3.4.1 The Client Proxy]
   service operation methods generated in client [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
   synchronous, used by client proxy [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]
      [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]
MIME attachments
   binding [in Define the MIME Bindings]
   multipart/related [in 17.2 The SOAP with Attachments Specification]
   referenced attachment, retrieving [in Retrieving a Referenced Attachment]
   referenced attachments [in 17.3.1 Example Service Description]
   referenced attachments, defined [in 17.3.3 Generate Code and Manipulate the Attachment]
   specification [in 17.1 Overview]
   specifying in WSDL [in 17.3 Working with Attachments]
   SwA specification [in 17.1 Overview]
   swaRef [in Define the Schema Type]
   unreferenced attachment, retrieving [in Retrieving an Unreferenced Attachment]
   unreferenced attachments [in 17.3.1 Example Service Description]
   unreferenced attachments, defined [in 17.3.3 Generate Code and Manipulate the Attachment]
mime:content element, in referenced attachments [in 17.3.3 Generate Code and Manipulate the Attachment]
MSVC projects
   deploying [in Deploying Services Compiled with MSVC Project Files]
   files generated for your platform [in MSVC Project Files]
   generated files [in 22.2 The Default Generated Makefiles]
   how to build [in 22.7 Using MSVC Project Files]
   compiling using [in Compiling Using MSVC]
   deploying service compiled using [in Deploying Services Compiled with MSVC]
   deploying services with [in Deploying Services Compiled with MSVC Project Files]
multipart/related. See => MIME attachments | multipart/related
multiple messages
   issues with blocking [in 9.2.6 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
multiple WSDL parts, messages with [in 6.2.3 Messages with Multiple Parts]
multiple WSDLs
   and Schemas, generating code with [in 20.5 Generating Code with Multiple Schemas or WSDLs]
   directory structure for generated code [in 20.5 Generating Code with Multiple Schemas or WSDLs]
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. See => MIME attachments
   Agent servlet container [in
8.3.1 Multithreading]
      [in 8.3.1 Multithreading]
   and standalone servers [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
   asynchronous messages [in 13.1 Overview]
   in a standalone server [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
   in an asynchronous one-way service [in 13.3.2 Implementing the One-Way Method Asynchronously]
   in asynchronous clients [in 7.3.1 The Asynchronous Client API]
      [in 7.3.1 The Asynchronous Client API]
   in client [in 7.3.2 Multithreading]
   in custom transports [in 11.6.1 A Note on Multithread Safety]
   not supported in standalone servers [in 23.3 Standalone Server Implementations]
   object allocation [in A Note on Allocating Objects in Multithreaded Applications]
   services [in 8.3.1 Multithreading]
   web service clients [in 7.3.2 Multithreading]
   when transport may block [in 9.2.6 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
mutators, how used in sample implementations [in 6.3.3 Working with the Generated Data Classes in the Client and Server Implementations]


name attribute, of a transport [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
   [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
name identifiers, in C++
   controlling in generatee code u sing -ordinalanonymous option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
name, attribute in handlers.xml maps to web.xml serviceName attribute [in Service Chains Configuration File: handlers.xml]
name, of project directory
   based on provided project name [in 5.2 Invoking the Code Generator]
named objects
   about [in
2.2.3 Support for Named Objects]
   configuring [in 16.3.3 Configuring the Named Object]
   creating custom [in 16.3 Creating and Using Custom Objects]
   for a database connection [in 2.2.3 Support for Named Objects]
   message handlers [in 16.2 How HydraExpress Uses Named Objects]
      [in 16.2 How HydraExpress Uses Named Objects]
   objects.xml file [in Named Objects Configuration File: objects.xml]
   used to implement transports [in 16.2 How HydraExpress Uses Named Objects]
   and code generation [in 20.5 Generating Code with Multiple Schemas or WSDLs]
   and generated data directory [in 5.4 Generated Files]
   collisions [in 20.5.1 A Note on Namespace Collisions]
   customizing in project file [in Providing Customized Type Mappings to the Code Generator]
   generated directory in include directory for namespaces [in 5.4 Generated Files]
   location of generated code for schemas with namespaces [in 6.3.2 The Generated Data Classes]
naming conflicts
   asynchronous clients [in A.2.5.1 Possible Naming Conflicts with Asynchronous Clients]
   asynchronous methods [in 13.4 Asynchronous Method Naming Conflicts]
naming context
   registering in generated code [in Using the Client Proxy]
naming conventions
   changing default name of web service implementation [in 8.3.7 Using a Different Implementation Name]
   method and parameter names in generated code [in A.2.5 Methods and Parameters]
naming-class, attribute in naming-obj element of objext.xml [in 14.4.4 Register the Handlers]
naming-name, attribute in naming-obj element of objext.xml [in 14.4.4 Register the Handlers]
naming-obj element, in objects.xml file [in 14.4.4 Register the Handlers]
   specifying a project name during code generation [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
      [in 20.6 Generator Options]
nested arrays. See => recursive arrays.
   using SourcePro classes [in 11.7.1 Request Handling and Threading]
   command to invoke generated makefile targets [in Deploying with the makefile]
   compiling on Windows [in Compiling Using the Makefile]
non-ASCII characters. See also => character encoding
   and internationalization [in 19.2.1 Character Encoding in XML Schemas and WSDLs]
None, logging level in Web service logger [in 12.2 Web Service Logger Levels]
notification message pattern
   about [in 2.2.2 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
      [in 2.2.2 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
   and asynchronicity [in 9.2.6 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
      [in 13.1 Overview]
   and client-handlers.xml file [in 9.3 Architecture of the Notification Classes]
   and client-objects.xml file [in 9.3 Architecture of the Notification Classes]
   class architecture [in 9.3 Architecture of the Notification Classes]
   defining listeners for notification pattern [in 10.4.5 Transport Configuration File Supporting Notification]
      [in 10.4.5 Transport Configuration File Supporting Notification]
   described [in 9.2.4 The Notification Pattern]
   extra generated classes [in 10.4.4 Implementing the Client-Side Notification and Solicit-Response Endpoints]
   generated client-objects.xml file [in 7.3.8 Customizing the Client Configuration Files]
      [in The Conf Directory]
      [in The Conf Directory]
   handlers configured in handlers.xml [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
   implementing a service supporting [in 10.3 Implementing the Service]
      [in 10.3 Implementing the Service]
   properties for standalone server [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
   proxy [in 10.3.2 The Solicit-Response and Notification Operations]
   usage in WeatherSummary example [in 9.2.1 Weather Summary Service Description]
   with pluggable transports [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
   generated for notification pattern [in The Notification Proxy]
   used in notification [in 9.3 Architecture of the Notification Classes]


obj subdirectory, in generated projectdirectory [in The Codegen Directory]
objects. See => named objects.
   See => named objects.
objects.xml file [in 8.3.11 Customizing the Service Configuration Files]
   about [in 2.2.3 Support for Named Objects]
   and handlers [in 14.4.4 Register the Handlers]
   and overwrite protection [in 20.7 Overwrite Protection]
   configuring [in 16.3.3 Configuring the Named Object]
   defines objects to run a service [in 16.2 How HydraExpress Uses Named Objects]
   in conf directory [in The Conf Directory]
   service handlers configuration [in 14.4 Creating Your Own Handlers]
one-way message pattern
   and asynchronicity [in 9.2.6 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
      [in 13.1 Overview]
   asynchronous implementation [in 13.3.2 Implementing the One-Way Method Asynchronously]
   described [in 9.2.3 The One Way Pattern]
   example of implementation [in 10.4.3 The One Way Operation Call]
   generated code [in 10.2 Generating Code]
   implementation example in WeatherSummary [in Implementing the Call to the Notification Endpoint]
   implementing a service with [in 10.3 Implementing the Service]
   implementing service methods asynchronously [in 13.3.2 Implementing the One-Way Method Asynchronously]
   setting up a listener [in 10.4.1 Setting up a Listener]
   support for [in 2.2.2 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
   usage in WeatherSummary example [in 9.2.1 Weather Summary Service Description]
   with pluggable transports [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
OpenSSL Library dependence [in 8.3.2 Service Security]
   in WSDL and generated service operation methods [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
   method parameters correspond to WSDL part names [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
      [in 8.2.2 Using the Server Implementation]
   provided sample implementations [in 3.4.2 The Service Implementation]
   web service as C++ method calls [in 8.2.2 Using the Server Implementation]
      [in 8.2.2 Using the Server Implementation]
      [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
options:-h flag to return generator options [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
   adding directly to project file [in
20.6.1 Adding Options and Customized Mappings to the HydraExpress Project File]
   changing location of service on command line when invoking client [in 23.2.5 Agent Options]
   code generation [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   command line options override other options [in Command Line Options]
   defining alternate transport location in standalone server [in 23.3.1 Standalone Server Options]
   for deployment [in 23.1 Overview]
   for rwsfserver [in 23.2.5 Agent Options]
   in project file [in 21.2.3 Creating a Customized Project File for Special Generation Options]
   Java options using RW_JAVAOPT environment variable [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
   makefiles [in 22.3 Makefile Options]
   property precedence [in 20.6.3 Conflicting Options and Property Precedence]
   rwsfserver startup script [in 23.2.5 Agent Options]
   standalone server [in 23.3.1 Standalone Server Options]
   to code generator, adding to command line or project file [in 21.2.2 Adding Options to a Project File Vs. Adding them to the Command Line]
orchestration, implemented through custom headers [in 15.4 Uses for Header Support]
order of handler processing. See => handlers | order
outdir value, in project file [in 21.2.1 A Sample Project File]
output messages in WSDL
   and message patterns [in 9.2 Message Patterns in WSDL]
   and notification [in 9.2.4 The Notification Pattern]
   and request-response pattern [in 9.2.2 The Request-Response Pattern]
   and solicit-response [in 9.2.5 The Solicit-Response Pattern]
overwrite protection
   bin not overwrite protected [in The Bin Directory]
   files generated with .sample appended [in 3.3 Invoking the Generator]
      [in 3.3 Invoking the Generator]
   list of files [in 20.7 Overwrite Protection]
   only app directory overwrite protected [in 6.3.2 The Generated Data Classes]


part names in WSDL are operation parameters in generated code [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
   [in 8.2.2 Using the Server Implementation]
   [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
parts of WSDL message. See => WSDL message parts
passwords, setting in transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   file paths cannot have spaces for code generation [in 3.3 Invoking the Generator]
      [in 3.3 Invoking the Generator]
      [in 21.2.1 A Sample Project File]
   rwsf::MessageAttachment in MIME [in
17.3 Working with Attachments]
PDF documents, sending as attachments [in 17.1 Overview]
   escaping text [in 7.3.7 Turning off Text Escaping to Improve Performance]
   long generation time for large schemas [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
   multithreading in Agent [in 8.3.1 Multithreading]
   multithreading in web service clients [in 7.3.2 Multithreading]
   reducing code generation time [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
      [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
      [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
      [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   turn off -whitespace option when generating code [in 20.6 Generator Options]
persistent connections
   using keep-alive listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
pkgdefs.h containing build macros [in The Include Directory]
   customizing properties in makefiles [in 22.3.5 Customizing Systems Properties]
   properties file [in Platform Properties and Startup Properties Files]
pluggable transports. See => transports, pluggable.
   See => transports, pluggable.
   See => transports, pluggable.
port, listener property. See also => bound-port, listener property
   about [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   dynamic assignment [in 10.4.5 Transport Configuration File Supporting Notification]
   in autoconfiguration [in 11.4 Using an Autoconfigured Listener]
   8090, default HTTP port, example [in 4.2 Add a Secure Transport]
   8443 default HTTPS port, example [in 4.2 Add a Secure Transport]
   8443, default HTTPS port [in 8.3.2 Service Security]
   for Agent servlet container [in 23.2.2 Agent Ports]
   standalone server [in 23.3.2 Standalone Server Ports]
   used by listener as defined in bound-port property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   session property [in 18.3 Manipulating a Service's Session Data]
   stop processing handler chains [in Aborting Handler Processing]
project directory
   based on project name [in 5.2 Invoking the Code Generator]
   data location of generated datatypes [in 5.4 Generated Files]
   generated files [in 5.4 Generated Files]
project file
   about [in 21.2 The Project File]
   adding options directly [in 20.6.1 Adding Options and Customized Mappings to the HydraExpress Project File]
      [in Using the HydraExpress Project File to Set Options]
   adding options to [in 20.6.1 Adding Options and Customized Mappings to the HydraExpress Project File]
   and customized character encoding mappings [in Creating a New HydraExpress Project File Containing the Mappings]
   and customized data mappings [in 19.2.1 Character Encoding in XML Schemas and WSDLs]
   customization [in 21.2 The Project File]
   example-project.xml included in shipped examples [in Using the HydraExpress Project File to Set Options]
   files element [in 7.2.2 Invoking the Generator]
   generated for each project [in 5.2 Invoking the Code Generator]
   maintain separate files with special options [in 21.2.3 Creating a Customized Project File for Special Generation Options]
   overview [in 20.2.1 Introduction to the HydraExpress Project File]
   project-name attribute [in 7.2.2 Invoking the Generator]
   property precedence [in The HydraExpress Project File]
   provide as sole rwsfgen argument [in 5.2 Invoking the Code Generator]
   sole argument to code generator [in 3.3 Invoking the Generator]
project-name option
   required [in 21.2.1 A Sample Project File]
project-name, attribute of project file [in 7.2.2 Invoking the Generator]
prolog, in WSDL
   and non-UTF-8 encodings [in 19.1 Overview]
properties file
   for code generation [in Platform Properties and Startup Properties Files]
properties, for support platforms [in 22.3.5 Customizing Systems Properties]
   auto-start listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   security-init-seed HTTPS transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   transports, about [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   user transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
property precedence
   in the code generator [in
20.6.3 Conflicting Options and Property Precedence]
proxy. See also => client
proxy-location, transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   adding message handlers [in 14.4.3 Add the Handlers to the Proxy]
   and handlers [in 14.4.3 Add the Handlers to the Proxy]
   blocking in synchronous messages [in 13.1 Overview]
   complete discussion on using [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
   defining proxy server using proxy-location property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   generated client proxy [in 3.4.1 The Client Proxy]
   header file example [in Looking at the Code]


recursive arrays [in A.5.3 Recursive Arrays]
[in A.5.3 Recursive Arrays]


   a service macro [in The Generated Sample Implementation]
   handlers, naming contexts, and transports [in Using the Client Proxy]
   listeners [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   message handlers [in 14.4.4 Register the Handlers]
   transports [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
      [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
release builds
   deploying using deployRelease.bat for MSVC services [in Deploying Services Compiled with MSVC]
remote invocation
   how handlers are processed on client side [in 14.2.1 Transport Handlers]
request URL
   accessing from a service implementation [in 8.3.10 Accessing the Request URL]
request-backlog, listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
request-buffersize, listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   element in handlers.xml file [in Service Chains Configuration File: handlers.xml]
      [in The handlers.xml Configuration File]
request-response message pattern
   about [in 9.1 Overview]
      [in 9.2.2 The Request-Response Pattern]
   implementing as asynchronous service [in 13.3.1 Implementing the Request-Response Method Asynchronously]
   implementing on client [in 10.4.2 The Request-Response Service Operation Call]
   most common in services [in 9.1 Overview]
request-timeout, listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
requests for connections, setting [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   addServiceRequestHandler() method [in 14.4.3 Add the Handlers to the Proxy]
   as handlers [in 14.2.2 Request Handlers]
   creating a request handler [in Creating a Request Handler]
response-handlers, element in handlers.xml [in The handlers.xml Configuration File]
   as handlers [in 14.2.3 Response Handlers]
return type
   in generated code based on WSDL with simple types [in 6.2.3 Messages with Multiple Parts]
reusable code, support for [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
Rogue Wave Services Framework. See => RWSF.
   services [in 3.5.3 Testing the Service]
runtime switching [in 2.2.4 Dynamic Switching at Runtime]
   about [in 2.2.4 Dynamic Switching at Runtime]
   support for [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   transport switching [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
      [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
      [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
RW_JAVAOPT environment variable [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
RWCString [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
   and customized mappings [in 19.3.1 Create a Customized Mapping]
   default mappings to XML types [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
   default mappings to XML types [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
   default mappings to XML types [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
   default mappings to XML types [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
   defined [in
2.1 Overview]
RWSF_DEFINE_MESSAGE_HANDLER [in 14.4.4 Register the Handlers]
   defining listeners [in 11.7 Creating a Listener]
      [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   defining transports [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
      [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   in service code [in The Generated Sample Implementation]
      [in 3.4.2 The Service Implementation]
RWSF_DEFINE_RWSF_LISTENER, convenience macro for creating listener instances [in 11.7.1 Request Handling and Threading]
RWSF_DEFINE_STATIC_MESSAGE_HANDLER, in client [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]
RWSF_HOME directory
   customizing using -rwsfhome option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
RWSF_HOME environment variable
   specifying a home directory during code generation [in 20.6 Generator Options]
rwsf::ArrayBody, in SOAP encoded arrays [in A.5.1 SOAP-Encoded Arrays]
rwsf::ArrayHandle, in SOAP encoded arrays [in A.5.1 SOAP-Encoded Arrays]
   start and stop methods [in 13.2.1 Using the Asynchronous API]
   used for asynchronous processing [in 13.2 The Asynchronous API]
rwsf::Attribute [in 18.2 Session Management in the Agent's Servlet Container]
rwsf::CallInfo [in The Generated Sample Implementation]
   adding a SOAP header [in 4.3.1 Add the SOAP Header to the Generated Client]
   and header elements [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   and headers [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
      [in 15.2.1 Defining and Using Headers through the rwsf::CallInfo Interface]
   and request handlers [in 14.2.2 Request Handlers]
   and session data [in 18.3 Manipulating a Service's Session Data]
      [in 18.3 Manipulating a Service's Session Data]
   in a custom listener [in 11.7.1 Request Handling and Threading]
   in asynchronous clients [in 13.2.1 Using the Asynchronous API]
   in generated client to add headers to message [in Looking at the Code]
   isClient() method [in 14.2.3 Response Handlers]
      [in 14.2.3 Response Handlers]
   isRequest() method [in 14.2.3 Response Handlers]
   parameter to sample invocation method in client [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]
   passed in generated methods [in 3.4.1 The Client Proxy]
   rwsf::FaultMessage property [in 14.2.4 Fault Handlers]
   rwsf:FaultMesssage property [in 14.2.4 Fault Handlers]
   stopMessageProcessing method [in Aborting Handler Processing]
   used in message handlers [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
   used in session management [in 18.2 Session Management in the Agent's Servlet Container]
   base class for all clients [in Looking at the Code]
rwsf::Config [in 11.7.2 Implementing the Virtual Methods]
   [in 11.7.2 Implementing the Virtual Methods]
   and named object initialization parameters [in 16.3.1 Creating the String Object]
   listener transport properties [in 11.7.1 Request Handling and Threading]
rwsf::DateTime [in Using the Client Proxy]
   [in The Provided Sample Implementation]
rwsf::DefaultLogger [in 12.3.1 Configuring and Using a Client Logger]
   [in 12.3.1 Configuring and Using a Client Logger]
   [in 12.3.1 Configuring and Using a Client Logger]
   [in 12.3.1 Configuring and Using a Client Logger]
rwsf::Exception [in 7.3.5 Error Reporting and Faults]
   [in Using the Client Proxy]
   and validation [in 20.8.3 SOAP Message Validation]
rwsf::HandlerManager [in 12.3.1 Configuring and Using a Client Logger]
   [in 12.3.1 Configuring and Using a Client Logger]
   [in 11.4 Using an Autoconfigured Listener]
   invoking a logger [in 12.3 Logging in Client Code]
   used in logging [in 12.3.1 Configuring and Using a Client Logger]
rwsf::HttpSession [in 18.3 Manipulating a Service's Session Data]
   [in 18.2 Session Management in the Agent's Servlet Container]
rwsf::HttpTransport [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   accessing default global Agent logger [in 12.4.1 Using the Global Agent Logger in Service Code]
rwsf::MessageAttachment [in 17.3.3 Generate Code and Manipulate the Attachment]
rwsf::MessageAttachment, and MIME [in 17.3 Working with Attachments]
   transports derive from [in Client Classes]
rwsf::MessageHandlerImp [in The Generated Abstract Base Class]
   and request handlers [in Creating a Request Handler]
   derive from to create custom handler [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
      [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
   used in message handlers [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
rwsf::MessageInfo [in 11.7.1 Request Handling and Threading]
rwsf::MessageListener [in 11.4 Using an Autoconfigured Listener]
rwsf::MessageListenerImp [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   [in 11.7 Creating a Listener]
   used in message handlers [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
rwsf::MessageServiceImp [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
rwsf::NamedObject [in 16.2 How HydraExpress Uses Named Objects]
rwsf::naming_extract<>(), global template function [in 16.3.4 Using the Named Object]
rwsf::NamingContext [in 16.2 How HydraExpress Uses Named Objects]
   getGlobalInstance() method [in 16.3.4 Using the Named Object]
rwsf::ServerFault [in 14.2.4 Fault Handlers]
   [in The Generated Abstract Base Class]
   services [in The Generated Sample Implementation]
rwsf::ServiceShutdownException [in 23.3.3 Shutting down a Standalone Server]
rwsf::ServiceSkeletonBase [in Server Classes]
rwsf::SoapArray, in SOAP encoded arrays [in A.5.1 SOAP-Encoded Arrays]
rwsf::SoapFault [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]
rwsf::SoapFaultException [in Using the Client Proxy]
   [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]
   [in 8.3.3 Error Reporting and WSDL-Defined Faults]
   [in 7.3.5 Error Reporting and Faults]
   [in 8.3.3 Error Reporting and WSDL-Defined Faults]
rwsf::Transport [in The Notification Proxy]
   in generated client proxy [in Client Classes]
rwsf::TransportImp [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   [in 11.6.1 A Note on Multithread Safety]
rwsf::TransportImp, with custom transports [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
rwsf::WebServiceServlet [in Servlet Configuration File: web.xml]
   [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]
   [in Servlet Configuration File: web.xml]
rwsf::XmlBindingBody [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
rwsf::XmlBindingHandle [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
rwsf::XmlMarshaller [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
rwsf::XmlName [in 15.3.1 Client-Side Code]
rwsf::XmlParseException, in generated sample implementation [in 6.3.4 The Data "main" Sample Application]
   and character encoding [in 19.2.2 Character Encoding in Generated Classes]
   and character converters [in 19.3.1 Create a Customized Mapping]
rwsf::XmlWriter [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   [in 20.6 Generator Options]
rwsf:doEscape property
   in proxy [in 7.3.7 Turning off Text Escaping to Improve Performance]
      [in 7.3.7 Turning off Text Escaping to Improve Performance]
      [in 7.3.7 Turning off Text Escaping to Improve Performance]
rwsf:doEscape property
   in service [in 8.3.9 Turning off Text Escaping to Improve Performance]
      [in 8.3.9 Turning off Text Escaping to Improve Performance]
rwsf:property elements
   for transports and listeners [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
rwsf:requestURL attribute, how to access from a service [in 8.3.10 Accessing the Request URL]
   [in 8.3.10 Accessing the Request URL]
   session object [in 18.3 Manipulating a Service's Session Data]
rwsfgen:-h flag returns options [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
rwsfgen:-noclean option [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
rwsfgen:-noclient option [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
rwsfgen:-noserver option [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
rwsfgen:-outdir option [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
rwsfgen:-projectname option [in 5.2 Invoking the Code Generator]
rwsfgen:-sourcepro option [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
   [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
   common options, list of [in
5.3 Common Generator Options]
      [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
   files generated [in 5.2 Invoking the Code Generator]
   invoking for server generation [in 7.2.2 Invoking the Generator]
      [in 8.2.1 Invoking the Generator]
   invoking, basics [in 5.2 Invoking the Code Generator]
   invoking, detailed procedure [in 20.2 Invoking the Generator]
   required option -projectname [in 7.2.2 Invoking the Generator]
   rwsfgen.log file [in 20.3 Invoking the Generator with an XML Schema]
   syntax for adding options [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
   use of wrapped option [in Looking at the Generated Code]
   overview [in
23.2 Deploying to the Agent]
   start command to start the Agent [in Deploying with the makefile]
      [in Deploying with the Makefile]
   startup script options [in 23.2.5 Agent Options]
   stop command to stop Agent [in Deploying with the makefile]
      [in Deploying with the Makefile]
RWTimeSpan [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
RWXmlDuration [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
RWxmsg [in Using the Client Proxy]
   [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]
   [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]


s isValid() method [in 10.4.1 Setting up a Listener]
s return type [in 6.2.3 Messages with Multiple Parts]
sample implementations
   and overwrite protection [in 20.7 Overwrite Protection]
   client, Hello World example [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]
   data main() sample [in 6.3.4 The Data "main" Sample Application]
   for service [in 3.4.2 The Service Implementation]
   generated for Hello World example [in 3.4 The Generated Application Samples]
   generated from WSDL [in Sample Application Files]
   how to access complex data [in 6.3.3 Working with the Generated Data Classes in the Client and Server Implementations]
      [in 6.3.3 Working with the Generated Data Classes in the Client and Server Implementations]
   not generating [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   option to not generate [in 20.6 Generator Options]
      [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   standalone servers [in 23.3 Standalone Server Implementations]
   to test marshaling in generated datatype classes [in 6.3.4 The Data "main" Sample Application]
samples. See => examples.
schemas. See also => XML Schema
   defining XML complex data types [in 2.3 Handling of Complex Datatypes]
      [in 2.3 Handling of Complex Datatypes]
   generated code for complex types [in A.4 Complex Types]
   generated sample application [in Sample Application Files]
   long generation times for large schemas [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
   reducing code generation time for large [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   validation [in 20.8.2 Schema Validation]
scheme attribute, of a transport [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
   [in 11.5.2 Interchangeable Transports and Listeners]
   rwsfgen. See => rwsfgen.
   rwsfserver See => rwsfserver.
secure client
   HTTPS protocol support [in HTTPS Support]
      [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
secure clients. See => security | clients
security-init-seed-type, HTTPS transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   adding to service [in
4.2 Add a Secure Transport]
   authorization in client [in Authorization]
   clients [in HTTPS Support]
   HTTPS initiation seed [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   HTTPS listener properties [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   HTTPS transport properties [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   in Hello World tutorial [in 4.1 Overview]
   password transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   secure clients [in HTTPS Support]
   services [in 8.3.2 Service Security]
   support for HTTPS protocol [in HTTPS Support]
   testing on a secure port [in 4.4 Compile, Deploy, and Run the Service]
selecting transports at runtime [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
   [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
   [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
server directory in generated project directory [in 5.4 Generated Files]
server authentication
   ssl-certificate required property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
server message handler skeleton, generating [in 8.2.1 Invoking the Generator]
server option
   to build server only [in 22.5.1 Building just a Client or Server]
server subdirectory, in generated project directory [in The App Directory]
server-transports.xml file
   adding standalone server properties [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
   format [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
   in conf directory [in The Conf Directory]
   transport properties [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   generating a sample standalone server [in 23.3 Standalone Server Implementations]
   session management [in 8.3.6 Session Management]
service context
   and named objects [in Named Objects Configuration File: objects.xml]
service descriptor. See also => web.xml service descriptor
   about [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]
Service Oriented Architecture. See => SOA
   element in handlers.xml [in The handlers.xml Configuration File]
   element in web.xml [in Service Chains Configuration File: handlers.xml]
   used in the documentation to represent the service context name [in Servlet Configuration File: web.xml]
serviceName, attribute in web.xml [in Service Chains Configuration File: handlers.xml]
   and serletcontextname used in documentation to represent the service context name [in Servlet Configuration File: web.xml]
   architecture of notification classes [in 9.3 Architecture of the Notification Classes]
   authentication HTTPS listener property ssl-trusted-certificates [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   building just server components [in 22.5.1 Building just a Client or Server]
   changing default web service implementation name [in 8.3.7 Using a Different Implementation Name]
   class generation details [in A.2.3 Server-Side Classes]
   customizing configuration files [in 8.3.11 Customizing the Service Configuration Files]
   deploying [in 8.2.4 Deploying the Service]
      [in 8.2.3 Compiling the Service]
   example implementing request-response pattern with notification [in 10.3.1 The Request-Response Operation]
   example implementing solicit-response pattern with notification [in 10.3.2 The Solicit-Response and Notification Operations]
   generated HTTP transport base class <port>ServletBase [in A.2.3 Server-Side Classes]
   generated implementation base class <portType>Base [in A.2.3 Server-Side Classes]
   generated messaging class <binding>Skeleton [in A.2.3 Server-Side Classes]
   generated sample implementation [in The Generated Sample Implementation]
      [in The Generated Sample Implementation]
   generated service implementation [in 3.4.2 The Service Implementation]
   implementation base class header file [in The Generated Abstract Base Class]
      [in The Generated Abstract Base Class]
   implementation issues [in 8.3 Further Options]
   logging using global Agent logger [in 12.4 Logging in Service Code]
   logging, use Agent global logger [in 12.1 Overview]
   option to not generate [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   overview of generating web service project [in 3.1 Overview]
   overview of HydraExpress features [in 2.1 Overview]
   provided sample implementation [in 3.4.2 The Service Implementation]
   sample applications [in 2.1 Overview]
      [in 2.1 Overview]
   server sample implementation class [in 8.2.2 Using the Server Implementation]
      [in 8.2.2 Using the Server Implementation]
      [in 8.2.2 Using the Server Implementation]
   server-side generated classes [in 8.1 Overview]
   testing [in 3.5.3 Testing the Service]
   testing DayofWeek example [in 8.2.5 Testing the Service]
servlet container
   maintains state [in 18.1 Overview]
servlet-mapping element in web.xml [in Servlet Configuration File: web.xml]
   as entry point into container for services [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]
   customizing [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]
   defining in web.xml file [in Servlet Configuration File: web.xml]
session management
   cancel-session transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   session-config element [in 18.4 Configuring Session Timeouts]
   timeouts [in 18.4 Configuring Session Timeouts]
session timeouts, configuring [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]
session-config element, in session timeouts [in 18.4 Configuring Session Timeouts]
session-timeout element, in sessions [in 18.4 Configuring Session Timeouts]
   defined [in
18.1 Overview]
   not supported in standalone servers [in 23.3 Standalone Server Implementations]
   session attributes [in 18.2 Session Management in the Agent's Servlet Container]
   support for managing [in 8.3.6 Session Management]
   support for session management [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   web service server [in 8.3.6 Session Management]
setAttribute() method, on rwsf::HttpSession [in 18.3 Manipulating a Service's Session Data]
setProperty() method
   of listener base class [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
setting environment [in 3.3 Invoking the Generator]
   [in 3.3 Invoking the Generator]
setTransportProperty(), method on proxy [in Authorization]
   [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
ShiftJIS encoding
   customized mapping to UTF-8 [in 19.3.1 Create a Customized Mapping]
simple types
   generated code&rsquo [in 6.2.3 Messages with Multiple Parts]
   in WSDL messages [in 6.2.2 Messages with a Single Part]
   mapping to C++ types [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
SOA [in 2.4 Web Services and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)]
soap address example [in 4.2 Add a Secure Transport]
SOAP encoding
   option -soapenc to generate complex types [in 20.6 Generator Options]
SOAP faults
   rwsf::SoapFaultException [in 8.3.3 Error Reporting and WSDL-Defined Faults]
SOAP headers
   adding in Hello World example [in 4.1 Overview]
   example of adding [in 4.3 Add a Special SOAP Header]
   example of processing [in 15.3 SOAP Headers Example]
   implementing orchestration [in 15.4 Uses for Header Support]
   implementing session management [in 15.4 Uses for Header Support]
   role of rwsf::CallInfo [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   rwsf::XmlName used in [in 15.3.1 Client-Side Code]
   support implementation [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   support overview [in 15.1 Overview]
   use scenarios [in 15.4 Uses for Header Support]
   validation [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
SOAP Messages with Attachments specification. See => MIME attachments.
SOAP messages
   accessing specific parts with a request or response handler [in 14.2.1 Transport Handlers]
   structural validation [in 20.8.3 SOAP Message Validation]
SOAP requests
   handled as C++ method call in generated code [in The Generated Sample Implementation]
   address example [in 4.2 Add a Secure Transport]
   full support for SOAP headers [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   generated messaging class <binding>Skeleton [in A.2.3 Server-Side Classes]
   handling of references [in A.5 SOAP Encoding]
      [in A.5.2 SOAP-Encoded Built-in Types and References]
   handling of SOAP encoding and references [in A.5 SOAP Encoding]
   message headers [in A.6 SOAP Headers]
   message package and MIME [in 17.2 The SOAP with Attachments Specification]
   message package in MIME [in 17.2 The SOAP with Attachments Specification]
   mustUnderstand message header attribute [in A.6 SOAP Headers]
   references [in A.5.2 SOAP-Encoded Built-in Types and References]
      [in A.5.2 SOAP-Encoded Built-in Types and References]
soap:address of WSDL
   defines URL of a service [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
solicit response message pattern
   generated code [in 10.2 Generating Code]
solicit-response message pattern
   configured in client-handlers.xml [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
   defining listeners in client-transports.xml [in 10.4.5 Transport Configuration File Supporting Notification]
   described [in 9.2.5 The Solicit-Response Pattern]
   usage in WeatherSummary example [in 9.2.1 Weather Summary Service Description]
   location at deployment [in Deploying with the makefile]
source files
   generated into codegen directory [in 5.4 Generated Files]
   adding includes to makefiles [in 22.3.4 Adding Third Party Includes to Makefiles]
   generating SourcePro classes with -sourcepro option [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
   option to generate code using SourcePro classes [in 20.6 Generator Options]
      [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   Threads Module [in 7.3.2 Multithreading]
   using network and threading classes in a listener [in 11.7.1 Request Handling and Threading]
   using RWCString in a customized mapping [in 19.3.1 Create a Customized Mapping]
spaces, not allowed in file paths [in 3.3 Invoking the Generator]
Spanish, adding a locale to a SOAP header [in 4.3.1 Add the SOAP Header to the Generated Client]
special characters
   and escaping [in 8.3.9 Turning off Text Escaping to Improve Performance]
SSL handshake, disable with ssl-quiet-shutdown transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
SSL session reuse [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
ssl-certificate, listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
ssl-private-key, listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
ssl-private-key, transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
ssl-quiet-shutdown transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
ssl-trusted-certificates transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
ssl-trusted-certificates, listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
standalone server
   code generation option [in 23.3 Standalone Server Implementations]
      [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   how to create [in 23.3 Standalone Server Implementations]
   introduced [in 8.3.4 Implementing a Standalone Server]
   logging [in 12.3.2 Logging in a Standalone Service]
      [in 12.1 Overview]
   multithreaded [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
   multithreading [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
   option -standalone to generate [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   options [in 23.3.1 Standalone Server Options]
   ports [in 23.3.2 Standalone Server Ports]
Standard C++ Library
   option -stl to generate code with (default). [in 20.6 Generator Options]
Start() method, asynchronous generated method in client [in 13.2.1 Using the Asynchronous API]
starting the Agent [in Deploying with the Makefile]
   [in Deploying with the makefile]
state. See also => sessions
   communicated through custom headers [in 15.4 Uses for Header Support]
   maintained by servlet container [in 18.1 Overview]
   stateful processes, support for [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
static datatypes. See => datatypes | static
   See => datatypes | static
   in service code [in The Generated Sample Implementation]
stop processing
   stopping handler processing [in Aborting Handler Processing]
stop() method
   in custom listener [in 11.7.2 Implementing the Virtual Methods]
stopMessageProcessing() method on rwsf::CallInfo [in Aborting Handler Processing]
stopping the Agent [in Deploying with the makefile]
string conversion
   and internationalization [in 19.1 Overview]
   generated conversion utility class [in 20.4.2 Generated Files]
   performed internally by marshaling classes [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
SwA. See => MIME attachments | specification
   MIME simple type [in Define the Schema Type]
synchronous message patterns [in 13.1 Overview]
   methods generated in client [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]
      [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
      [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]
   for adding options to rwsfgen [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]


t build client components [in 22.3.1 The -noserver, -noclient, and -nosample Options]
t build sample implementation components [in 22.3.1 The -noserver, -noclient, and -nosample Options]
   [in 20.6 Generator Options]
t build server components [in 22.3.1 The -noserver, -noclient, and -nosample Options]
   [in Compiling Using the Makefile]
   [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   DayofWeek example [in 8.2.5 Testing the Service]
   on a secure port [in 4.4 Compile, Deploy, and Run the Service]
   services, in general [in 3.5.3 Testing the Service]
third party includes
   adding to makefiles [in 22.3.4 Adding Third Party Includes to Makefiles]
third party libraries
   OpenSSL using HTTPS transport [in 8.3.2 Service Security]
      [in 8.3.2 Service Security]
thread-pool-max property in standalone server [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
thread-pool-min property in standalone server [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
   in a standalone server [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
threads. See also => multithreading
Threads Module [in 7.3.2 Multithreading]
   adding includes to makefiles [in 22.3.4 Adding Third Party Includes to Makefiles]
   in an asynchronous, one-way service [in 13.3.2 Implementing the One-Way Method Asynchronously]
   in asynchronous messages [in 13.1 Overview]
   in custom listeners [in 11.7.1 Request Handling and Threading]
   in services [in 8.3.1 Multithreading]
   multithreaded client [in 7.3.2 Multithreading]
   starting listener threads automatically [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   used in asynchronous clients [in 7.3.1 The Asynchronous Client API]
   using SourcePro classes [in 11.7.1 Request Handling and Threading]
time, rwsf::DateTime [in Using the Client Proxy]
   configuring for sessions [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]
   in sessions [in 18.4 Configuring Session Timeouts]
   request-timeout listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   setting in transport configuration file [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
transport handlers
   when to use [in 14.2.1 Transport Handlers]
transport headers
   not validated [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   role of rwsf::CallInfo [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   support implementation [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   support overview [in 15.1 Overview]
   supporting in custom transports [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
      [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
      [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   use scenarios [in 15.4 Uses for Header Support]
transport parameter
   defined service transport in generated code [in Looking at the Code]
transport-handlers, element in handlers.xml [in The handlers.xml Configuration File]
transport-handlers, element in web.xml [in Service Chains Configuration File: handlers.xml]
   setting property in client [in Looking at the Code]
transports, pluggable
   base class for creating custom transport [in
11.6 Creating a Transport]
   corresponding listeners [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
transports.xml file [in Transport Configuration File: transports.xml]
   and listeners [in 11.7.3 Configuring the Listener]
   and overwrite protection [in 20.7 Overwrite Protection]
   configuring a custom transport [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   in detail [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
   addTransportHandler() method [in
14.4.3 Add the Handlers to the Proxy]
   all properties [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   asynchronous [in 9.2.6 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
   client-transports.xml configuration file [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
   client-transports.xml configuration file [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
      [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
   configuring custom in transports.xml file [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   connect-timeout property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   creating a transport handler [in Creating a Transport Handler]
   creating and using [in 11.1 Overview]
   creating custom [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   custom transports require custom listeners or connectors [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   default, shipped transports with HydraExpress [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
      [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
      [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
   defining HTTPS location in WSDL [in 4.2 Add a Secure Transport]
   discussion on creating binary transports [in 11.5.2 Interchangeable Transports and Listeners]
   generated HTTP transport base class <port>ServletBase [in A.2.3 Server-Side Classes]
   handlers [in 14.2.1 Transport Handlers]
   header support [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   HTTPS in services [in 8.3.2 Service Security]
   in an asynchronous client [in 13.2 The Asynchronous API]
   logging using global Agent logger [in 8.3.5 Server-Side Logging]
   making a client listener independent [in 11.5.2 Interchangeable Transports and Listeners]
   multithreading in custom transports [in 11.6.1 A Note on Multithread Safety]
   on proxy, setting with setTransportProperty() method [in Authorization]
   option for standalone server [in 23.3.1 Standalone Server Options]
   registering in generated code [in Using the Client Proxy]
   reply-timeout property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   runtime switching [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
      [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
      [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
   runtime switching, about [in 2.2.4 Dynamic Switching at Runtime]
   security-init-seed-type HTTPS property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   server-transports.xml configuration file [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
   submit-timeout property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   synchronous [in 13.1 Overview]
   the default as defined in transports.xml file [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
   virtual methods in custom transports [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
troubleshooting:-noclean code generation option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   file paths with spaces during code generation [in 21.2.1 A Sample Project File]
   logging on the client and server [in 7.3.6 Client-Side Logging]
      [in 8.3.5 Server-Side Logging]
      [in 8.3.5 Server-Side Logging]
   using -maxgentypes option to avoid linking errors with large schemas [in 20.6 Generator Options]
types element
   embedded schema in WSDL to define complex types [in 6.3.1 The WSDL and Schema]
      [in 9.2.3 The One Way Pattern]
   WSDL example [in 6.3.1 The WSDL and Schema]


unbound ports, in listeners [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   and internationalization [in 19.4.1 What is a Character Encoding?]
unique ID
   in a session [in 18.1 Overview]
   compiling [in Compiling Using the Makefile]
   debugging [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
   and customized character encoding mappings [in 19.3.1 Create a Customized Mapping]
   complex types [in 6.3 Complex Data]
   sample data application [in 6.3.4 The Data "main" Sample Application]
   testing with sample application [in Sample Application Files]
   unmarshal() method in generated datatype classes [in 6.3.2 The Generated Data Classes]
      [in 6.3.2 The Generated Data Classes]
[in 6.3.2 The Generated Data Classes]


unwrapped. See => wrapped document style.
   default service location in generated applications [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]
   findTransportByUrl() method [in 10.4.2 The Request-Response Service Operation Call]
   of service defined in location parameter [in Looking at the Code]
   url-pattern element in web.xml [in Servlet Configuration File: web.xml]
user-defined arrays. See also => arrays
   about [in A.5.3 Recursive Arrays]
user-defined faults. See => faults.
   character encoding [in 19.4.1 What is a Character Encoding?]
   and generated classes [in 19.2.2 Character Encoding in Generated Classes]
   character encoding [in 19.4.1 What is a Character Encoding?]


   headers [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   of listener using listener&rsquo [in 10.4.1 Setting up a Listener]
   schemas [in 20.8.2 Schema Validation]
   SOAP message structure [in 20.8.3 SOAP Message Validation]
   warnings for invalid WSDL [in 20.8.1 WSDL Validation]
   obtaining HydraExpress version [in 20.6 Generator Options]


W3C WSDL Specification, defined message patterns [in 2.2.2 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
WARN, logging level in Web service logger [in 12.2 Web Service Logger Levels]
wav files, sending as attachments [in 17.1 Overview]
WeatherSummary example
   and complex types [in 9.2.3 The One Way Pattern]
      [in 9.2.3 The One Way Pattern]
   and notification [in 9.2.4 The Notification Pattern]
   and one-way messages [in 9.2.3 The One Way Pattern]
   and solicit-response [in 9.2.5 The Solicit-Response Pattern]
   and use of complex types [in 6.3 Complex Data]
   message pattern usage [in 9.2.1 Weather Summary Service Description]
   use of four message patterns [in 9.1 Overview]
Web service logging
   default log file [in 12.3 Logging in Client Code]
Web Services Library
   and message handler API [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
Web services logger
   services [in 12.4.2 Server-side Logging through the Web Services Logger]
   when to use [in 12.1 Overview]
web services
   aborting service processing [in Aborting Handler Processing]
   command line invocation [in 10.2.1 Code Generation Outputs]
   compiling generated code [in 10.5 Running the Service]
   deploying [in 10.5 Running the Service]
      [in 10.5 Running the Service]
   details of class generation [in A.2 File Generation Conventions]
   operations as native C++ method calls [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
   procedure to create a service [in 8.1 Overview]
   role in SOA [in 2.4 Web Services and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)]
      [in 2.4 Web Services and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)]
WEB-INF directory, in deployed service directory to hold web.xml and objects.xml [in 23.2.3 Deploying your Service with the Makefile]
web.xml service descriptor
   and customizing handler config file [in Editing the handlers.xml File]
   configuring default session timeouts [in 18.4 Configuring Session Timeouts]
   customizing [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]
   defined [in Servlet Configuration File: web.xml]
   described [in 23.2.3 Deploying your Service with the Makefile]
   in conf directory [in The Conf Directory]
   servlet configuration file [in 8.3.11 Customizing the Service Configuration Files]
webservice.log, default Web service logging file [in 12.3 Logging in Client Code]
   compiling [in Compiling Using the Makefile]
   debugging [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
workspace files, MSVC [in 21.3.1 The Top-Level Code Generation Directory]
wrapped document style
   generating an unwrapped interface from WSDL [in
8.3.8 Wrapped Style Operations]
   generator option -wrapped [in 20.6 Generator Options]
      [in 20.6 Generator Options]
WS-I Attachments Profile
   and swaRef [in Define the Schema Type]
WSDL elements
   top-level, unwrapping [in 8.3.8 Wrapped Style Operations]
WSDL location
   default in generated applications [in Using the Client Proxy and the Client Implementation]
WSDL message parts
   and and simple data [in
6.2 Simple Data]
   generated sample implementations [in 6.2.1 Messages with No Parts]
   in MIME [in Define the WSDL Message Parts and Operation]
   messages with a single part [in 6.2.2 Messages with a Single Part]
   messages with multiple parts [in 6.2.3 Messages with Multiple Parts]
   on messages containing no parts [in 6.2.1 Messages with No Parts]
   part names are operation parameters in generated code [in 8.2.2 Using the Server Implementation]
WSDL messages
   simple or complex types [in
6.2 Simple Data]
   and files element in project file [in 7.2.2 Invoking the Generator]
   code generation details [in A.1 Overview]
   code generation from [in 20.4 Invoking the Generator with a WSDL File]
   defining of fault messages [in 8.3.3 Error Reporting and WSDL-Defined Faults]
   fault support [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   log file to report code generation warnings [in 20.4 Invoking the Generator with a WSDL File]
   message patterns, described [in 9.1 Overview]
   multiple when generating code [in 20.5 Generating Code with Multiple Schemas or WSDLs]
   operations as native method calls [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
   part names correspond to parameters in operation methods [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
   warnings generated if invalid [in 20.8.1 WSDL Validation]
   wrapped document style [in 8.3.8 Wrapped Style Operations]
      [in Developing a WSDL to Support the Wrapped Style]
wsdlFileName, optional parameter in web.xml [in Servlet Configuration File: web.xml]


X.509 Certificate [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
XML binding
   about [in
2.1 Overview]
   generated code in data directory [in 5.4 Generated Files]
   generated sample application [in Sample Application Files]
XML documents
   and character encoding [in 19.4 XML and Character Encodings Concepts]
XML prolog
   and character encoding [in 19.4.2 Character Encoding in an XML Prolog]
XML Schema
   adding to files element in project file [in
7.2.2 Invoking the Generator]
   and -ordinalanonymous option to sequentially number anonymous types [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   embedded in WSDL or standalone [in 6.3.1 The WSDL and Schema]
   generating code from [in 20.3 Invoking the Generator with an XML Schema]
   list of generated classes [in 6.3.2 The Generated Data Classes]
   option -maxtgentypes for use with large schemas [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   base64binary, message part type as used in MIME [in Define the WSDL Message Parts and Operation]
xsd:anyURI, and MIME [in Define the Schema Type]
xsd:choice, in XML schema
   avoiding naming conflicts in code generation [in 21.2.1 A Sample Project File]


zero parts, in WSDL message [in 6.2.1 Messages with No Parts]

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