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Installing and Building Your SourcePro C++ Products
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4.2 Multiple Buildspaces

Rogue Wave buildspaces are very flexible. You can build different groups of components in a variety of build configurations all within the same buildspace. The product-specific directories, such as tools and trace shown in Section 2.7, and configuration-specific directories, such as 12s shown in Section 2.7, keep everything organized for you.

4.2.1 Using an Imported Buildspec

It is possible to select a buildspec from one buildspace and place that buildspec into a different buildspace. This feature allows you to use an already existing buildspec stored on a network to build a set of components in your local buildspace.

For example, your colleague has a buildspec that you require. Instead of going through the entire RCB question sequence to create a buildspec similar to the one that you require, you can use the original buildspec and store it to your local buildspace. This will save your colleague's buildspec into your local buildspace\records\specs directory.

If the imported buildspec has the same name as a buildspec in the target buildspace, the copy saved in the target buildspace will overwrite the original buildspec. You can avoid this by specifying a user tag in the build tag naming convention option for the imported buildspec. The user tag becomes part of the buildspec name, making it different from the name in the target buildspace. Platform Information Exchange Settings and Imported Buildspecs

If the Platform Information Exchange is installed and RCB was previously activated, a user consent setting is set regarding the forwarding of buildspec data to Rogue Wave. This setting is stored in your RCB user profile.

The Platform Information Exchange has another setting known as a restriction setting. The restriction setting is created when a buildspec is created. Its value is derived from the user consent setting and is stored in the buildspec file.

The restriction setting prevents data from being inadvertently sent if buildspec files are shared between RCB users with different user consent settings. Unless both parties have selected settings that allow the sharing of information with Rogue Wave, RCB will not send any data.

For example:

4.2.2 Using the Export Buildspace Feature

The export buildspace feature allows you to use source files from one buildspace but export the build results to another location. This location can be any directory that is not (and is not contained in) an existing local buildspace, or an incompatibly configured export buildspace. You might use this feature to:

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