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Linear Algebra Module Reference Guide
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RWPDBandFact<T>, RWPDFact<T>, RWPDTriDiagFact<T>

Module:  Linear Algebra   Group:  Factorization classes

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#include <rw/math/genmat.h> // RWGenMat<T>, class T general
#include <rw/lapack/pdfct.h>
#include <rw/lapack/pdbdfct.h>
#include <rw/lapack/pdtdfct.h>

RWGenFact<double> LU(A);        // A is a RWGenMat<double>
RWPDFact<double> LU4(D);        // D is a RWPDMat<double>
RWPDTriDiagFact<double> LU7(G); // G is a
// RWPDTriDiagMat<double>


The classes RWPDFact<T>, RWPDBandFact<T>, and RWPDTriDiagFact<T> encapsulate factorizations of positive definite symmetric matrices, which are Hermitians in the complex case. These classes produce a valid factorization only if the matrix being factored is positive definite. If the matrix is not positive definite, attempting to use the factorization to solve a system of equations results in an exception being thrown. To test if the factorization is valid, use the good or fail member functions.


Public Constructors

RWGenFact<T>(const RWGenMat<T>& A, bool ec=true);
RWPDFact<T>(const RWSymMat<T>& A, bool ec=true);
RWPDBandFact<T>(const RWBandMat<T>& A, 
bool ec=true); RWPDTriDiagFact<T>(const RWTriDiagMat<T>& A,
bool ec=true);

Public Member Functions

cols() const;
factor(const RWGenMat<T>& A, bool void ec=true);
fail() const; bool
good() const;
isPD() const;
isSingular() const;
rows() const;
float       condition(const RWPDFact<float>& A);
double      condition(const RWPDFact<double>& A);
double      condition(const RWPDFact<DComplex>& A);
float       condition(const RWPDBandFact<float>& A);
double      condition(const RWPDBandFact<double>& A);
double      condition(const RWPDBandFact<DComplex>&
A); float condition(const RWPDTriDiagFact<float>&
A); double condition(const RWPDTriDiagFact<double>&
A); double condition(const
RWPDTriDiagFact<DComplex>& A); double condition(const RWGenFact<T>& A);
T           determinant(const RWGenFact<T>& A);
T           determinant(const RWPDFact<T>& A);
T           determinant(const RWPDBandFact<T>& A);
T           determinant(const RWPDTriDiagFact<T>& A);
RWGenMat<T>              inverse(const
RWGenFact<T>&); RWSymMat<float> inverse(const
RWPDFact<float>&); RWSymMat<double> inverse(const
RWPDFact<double>&); RWHermMat<DComplex> inverse(const
RWMathVec<T>          solve(const RWGenFact<T>& A, 
                            const RWMathVec<T>& b);
RWMathVec<T>          solve(const RWPDFact<T>& A, 
                            const RWMathVec<T>& b);
RWMathVec<T>          solve(const RWPDBandFact<T>& A, 
                            const RWMathVec<T>& b);
RWMathVec<T>          solve(const RWPDTriDiagFact<T>&
A, const RWMathVec<T>&);
RWGenMat<T>           solve(const RWGenFact<T>& A, 
                            const RWGenMat<T>& B);
RWGenMat<T>           solve(const RWPDFact<T>& A, 
                            const RWGenMat<T>& B);
RWGenMat<T>           solve(const RWPDBandFact<T>& A, 
                            const RWGenMat<T>&);
RWGenMat<T>           solve(const RWPDTriDiagFact<T>&
                            A, const RWGenMat<T>& B);

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