DB Interface Module User’s Guide : PART V The Tutorials : Chapter 16 A Tutorial Overview : Setting up the Tutorials
Setting up the Tutorials
NOTE >> You must install your client database software and establish connectivity with your database before running the SourcePro DB tutorials. Rogue Wave cannot help you with this step. If you need help connecting to your database, please see your system administrator, or contact your database vendor.
Most users install SourcePro DB with its tutorials using the Rogue Wave install wizard, and build the tutorials using the Rogue Wave Component Builder (RCB). Both the install wizard and RCB are provided with your purchase of SourcePro DB. For complete details on RCB, see Installing and Building Your SourcePro Products.
RCB automates the build process. Using the RCB GUI, you can build the tutorials by selecting them and choosing either of these build actions:
Build libraries and examples
Create makefiles only. To build from the command line using these makefiles, you change to the tutorials directory and type:
make tutorialname (Unix), or
nmake tutorialname.exe (Windows)
With RCB, the tutorials can be built individually, or all together. From the command line, type the make all command for building all the tutorials together.
The example executables are built into the following directory structure:
install space/examples/access module/buildtype
RCB also lets you build your libraries in an exported buildspace. If you choose this option, your executables are stored in the following directory structure:
exported buildspace/examples/access module/buildtype
The setup programs built by RCB are described in Table 16:
Table 16 – Setup programs for the SourcePro DB tutorials 
Setup program
Creates all dependent database objects for the tutorials
Reports errors that occur during setup
A header file included by all the tutorials containing the parameters you define to work with your database
Cleans up all the tables the tutorials create and use
Reports errors that occur during cleanup