DB Interface Module User’s Guide : PART II Using the Basic Features : Chapter 5 The Data Manipulation Classes : Expressions, Criteria, and Assignments
Expressions, Criteria, and Assignments
One of the great advantages of a client/server environment is the ability of the client to defer computation to the server. When a complicated query is requested, the client does not have to execute the query itself; the server does the work. This is illustrated by SQL statements like this:
FROM SomeTable
The WHERE clause, which is specified by the client but executed by the server, contains a type of expression that is encapsulated in the DB Interface Module by some of the expression classes RWDBExpr, RWDBCriterion, and RWDBAssignment. These classes, and others, can be used to represent the following types of expressions:
RWDBExpr is the base class for simple or complex expressions. These classes derive from it:
RWDBCriterion is used in the context of a boolean expression, as in the WHERE clause above and in the check condition of an RWDBCheckConstraint.
RWDBSimpleCaseExpr and RWDBSearchedCaseExpr are used to create SQL CASE expressions, either simple CASE expressions or searched CASE expressions.
RWDBAssignment is used to assign new values to columns, as in the SET clause for updating rows.
The various databases have minor differences in their expression syntax. For example, the Sybase database has a modulus operator, while the Oracle database uses a function call instead. The DB Interface Module reconciles these differences by using standard C++ expression syntax involving columns, literals, and function invocations to encapsulate expressions. The Access module then translates expressions into forms appropriate for the database in use. These translations are described in the guides for the Access Modules.
Instances of the RWDBExpr, RWDBCriterion, and RWDBAssignment classes are usually created anonymously, while RWDBSimpleCaseExpr and RWDBSearchedCaseExpr are explicitly created.
The following sections discuss these classes in more detail.
Creating WHERE Clauses and Check Constraints
RWDBCriterion constructs boolean expressions used in WHERE clauses and check conditions.
This example creates a query based on the criterion that COL1 from some table has a value equal to 17:
Example 3 – Creating a WHERE query
RWDBColumn column1 = aTable["COL1"]; //1
RWDBSelector aSelector = myDbase.selector(); //2
aSelector.where(column1 == 17); //3
The RWDBSelector instance on //2 is explained in “Selecting Data” of this manual. For now, look at //3. The where() member function of RWDBSelector accepts an RWDBCriterion instance as an argument. A C++ expression involving an RWDBColumn instance column1, the operator ==, and a literal 17 are passed to it. Through automatic type conversions and overloading of the relational operator==, an RWDBCriterion instance is provided. Here's what happens:
1. First, the compiler tries to apply operator== to the instance of the RWDBColumn and the literal integer 17.
2. Since there is no operator to accomplish this, it tries to cast the column and integer into objects on which it can apply some operator==. The only action the compiler can take is to cast the RWDBColumn instance into an RWDBExpr.
3. The compiler then does the same thing for the literal integer.
4. Once these are cast, the compiler can apply the operator== for the two instances of RWDBExpr. Since operator== for two RWDBExpr instances returns an instance of RWDBCriterion, the where() member function is satisfied.
Here’s an example using an RWDBCriterion as the check condition in an RWDBCheckConstraint.
Example 4 – Creating a query based on a check condition
RWDBSchema benefitSchema;
// Define columns for benefits table
benefitSchema.appendColumn("empnum", RWDBValue::Int);
benefitSchema.appendColumn("salary", RWDBValue::Decimal,
benefitSchema.appendColumn("life_ins", RWDBValue::Decimal, RWDB_NO_TRAIT,
RWDB_NO_TRAIT, 10, 2);
// ... add other columns
// Define check constraint on the table
RWDBCheckConstraint lifeInsCheck(benefitSchema["life_ins"] < 5 //1
* benefitSchema["salary"], "max_life_ins_check");
// Create table
db.createTable("benefits", benefitSchema);
The expression passed as the first argument to the constructor of RWDBCheckConstraint in line //1 forms the condition to be checked by the generated check constraint. Similar to the previous example in this section, RWDBColumn instances returned by benefitSchema["life_ins"] and benefitSchema["salary"] and the constant integer 5 are all implicitly converted to RWDBExpr.
The multiplication operator then creates another expression combining the expressions from integer 5 and column benefitSchema["salary"]. The relational operator < produces an RWDBCriterion instance from the two expressions on either side of it. The generated SQL will be similar to CONSTRAINT max_life_ins_check CHECK(life_ins < 5 * salary).
RWDBCriterion and RWDBExpr
Internally, RWDBExpr instances are data structures in the form of trees. The RWDBCriterion class derives from RWDBExpr and, therefore, is similarly structured. Example 3 results in an RWDBCriterion instance containing a three-node binary tree. The root node represents the dyadic expression of the operator ==. The two leaf nodes represent the column and the literal integer 17.
It is important to note that evaluation of RWDBExpr instances is performed by the library at the time of the execution. Expressions that produce RWDBExpr or RWDBCriterion instances might look like any other C++ expression, but their evaluation is deferred to the access library module.
Here is another example, which constructs a more complex RWDBCriterion instance. Assume that an RWDBSelector instance already exists:
Example 5 – Creating a complex WHERE clause
aSelector.where((col1 % 5 == 0) || col2.isNull());
The underlying access library module evaluates this expression according to its own syntax. For the Oracle database, the expression would be evaluated as:
For Sybase it would be slightly different:
This difference arises because the Oracle database has a modulus function, while the Sybase database has a modulus operator.
Assigning New Values to Table Columns
Use RWDBAssignment to assign new values to columns in tables, in other words, to update. The only way to create an instance of class RWDBAssignment is through the invocation of the RWDBColumn::assign() method. An RWDBAssignment is an encapsulation of the SQL phrase:
SET column = expression
where column refers to the RWDBColumn instance whose assign() method produced the RWDBAssignment, and expression refers to its argument. Here is an example:
Example 6 – Assigning a value to a column
RWDBAssignment a = col1.assign(col2 / 3.1415);
This is equivalent to the SQL phrase:
SET COL1 = COL2/3.1415
The compiler interprets the SQL phrase as follows:
The assign() member function accepts an RWDBExpr as an argument.
The compiler does not find an overloaded operator / for RWDBColumn instances and doubles, but it has one for two RWDBExpr instances.
Since the compiler can create an RWDBExpr instance from both an RWDBColumn and a double, it does.
It then applies the operator / to form an RWDBExpr acceptable to the assign() function.
The instance of RWDBAssignment can then be used with the RWDBUpdater class. See “Updating Data.”
Eventually, the assignment is executed by the underlying access library module.
Creating CASE Expressions
Use RWDBSimpleCaseExpr and RWDBSearchedCaseExpr to build SQL CASE expressions.
Simple CASE Expressions
This section demonstrates how to construct a simple CASE expression for a SELECT statement using RWDBSimpleCaseExpr. This example generates a category abbreviation based on a video category.
Here is the SQL:
select title,
CASE category
WHEN 'Animated' THEN 'Anim'
WHEN 'Comedy' THEN 'Cmdy'
WHEN 'Drama' THEN 'Drma'
WHEN 'Science Fiction' THEN 'SciFi'
ELSE category
from videos
order by title
Now let’s look at the code:
Example 7 – Performing a query with a simple CASE expression
#include <rw/rstream.h>
#include <rw/db/db.h>
int main() {
RWDBDatabase myDbase = RWDBManager::database(
"ODBC", // Access Module name
"odbc_dsn", // server name
"user", // user name
"pwd", // password
"DEMO_DB" // database name
const RWDBConnection myConnection = myDbase.connection();
const RWDBTable videos = myDbase.table("videos");
RWDBSelector select = myDbase.selector();
const RWDBColumn yearColumn = videos["yr"];
const RWDBColumn titleColumn = videos["title"];
const RWDBColumn categoryColumn = videos["category"];
RWDBSimpleCaseExpr simpleExpr(categoryColumn); //1
simpleExpr.when( "Animated", "Anim" ); //2
simpleExpr.when( "Comedy", "Cmdy" );
simpleExpr.when( "Drama", "Drma" );
simpleExpr.when( "Science Fiction", "SciFi" );
simpleExpr.else_(categoryColumn); //3
select << titleColumn //4
<< simpleExpr; //5
RWDBReader rdr = select.reader(myConnection);
RWCString title, decade;
while(rdr()) {
rdr >> title >> decade;
std::cout << title << "\t" << decade << std::endl;
return 0;
On //1, create an instance simpleExpr of RWDBSimpleCaseExpr, using the column "category" as the input expression against which to compare.
On //2 and following, use the when() method to specify WHEN/THEN statements for the CASE expression. The first argument to when() defines an RWDBExpr that is compared against the input expression with which the RWDBSimpleCaseExpr was constructed. If the comparison is true, then the second argument is used. This pattern is repeated until all required WHEN/THEN statements are defined.
On //3, add an ELSE statement for the CASE expression to specify a fall-through value.
In //4 and //5, define the select list to include the "title" and the CASE expression.
Searched CASE Expressions
The example in this section uses RWDBSearchedCaseExpr to construct a searched CASE expression for a SELECT statement that generates a decade string for each video release date.
Here is the SQL:
select title,
WHEN 1970 <= yr AND yr <= 1979 THEN '1970s'
WHEN 1980 <= yr AND yr <= 1989 THEN '1980s'
WHEN 1990 <= yr AND yr <= 1999 THEN '1990s'
ELSE 'Unknown Decade'
from videos
order by title
Now let’s look at the code:
Example 8 – Performing a query with a searched CASE expression
#include <rw/rstream.h>
#include <rw/db/db.h>
main() {
RWDBDatabase myDbase = RWDBManager::database(
"ODBC", // Access Module name
"odbc_dsn", // server name
"user", // user name
"pwd", // password
"DEMO_DB" // database name
const RWDBConnection myConnection = myDbase.connection();
const RWDBTable videos = myDbase.table("videos");
RWDBSelector select = myDbase.selector();
const RWDBColumn yearColumn = videos["yr"];
const RWDBColumn titleColumn = videos["title"];
RWDBSearchedCaseExpr searchedExpr; //1
searchedExpr.when( (1970 <= yearColumn) && (yearColumn <= 1979), "1970s" ); //2
searchedExpr.when( (1980 <= yearColumn) && (yearColumn <= 1989), "1980s" );
searchedExpr.when( (1990 <= yearColumn) && (yearColumn <= 1999), "1990s" );
searchedExpr.else_("Unknown Decade"); //3
select << titleColumn //4
<< searchedExpr; //5
RWDBReader rdr = select.reader(myConnection);
RWCString title, decade;
while(rdr()) {
rdr >> title >> decade;
std::cout << title << "\t" << decade << std::endl;
return 0;
On //1, create an instance of RWDBSearchedCaseExpr.
On //2 and following, use the when() method to specify WHEN/THEN statements for the CASE expression. The first argument to when() defines an RWDBCriterion that, if true, uses the second argument. This pattern is repeated until all required WHEN/THEN statements are defined.
On //3, add an ELSE statement for the CASE expression to specify a fall-through value.
On //4 and //5, define the select list to include the "title" and the CASE expression.
Class RWDBExpr and its derived classes RWDBCriterion, RWDBAssignment, RWDBSimpleCaseExpr, and RWDBSearchedCaseExpr serve as encapsulations of expressions to be evaluated by the DB Interface Module and executed at the database. They allow the use of the familiar C++ expression syntax, while offering the advantage of database portability.