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RWDBBoundExpr RWDBExpr

Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)



#include <rw/db/expr.h>


RWDBBoundExpr is a specialized type of RWDBExpr that is evaluated as a placeholder within a dynamic SQL statement. It provides a type-safe interface for allowing applications to bind a local variable and an optional null indicator to a dynamic SQL statement.


In this example, an RWDBBoundExpr is created and shifted into an RWDBInserter. The RWDBInserter is then executed several times after changing the bound local variable.

Notice that an explicit connection is used for each execution of the RWDBInserter. It is the application's responsibility to insure that the bound local variable and the RWDBNullIndicator pointed at by the optional null indicator remain in scope for all executions.

Related Classes

RWDBBoundExpr can be used in conjunction with any of the other expression classes and operators, such as RWDBAssignment.

Other classes that use RWDBBoundExpr include RWDBSelector, RWDBDeleter, RWDBInserter, and RWDBUpdater.

Public Constructors

RWDBBoundExpr(short* valuePtr,
              RWDBNullIndicator* nullIndicator = NULL,
              size_t entries = 1);
RWDBBoundExpr(unsigned short* valuePtr,
              RWDBNullIndicator* nullIndicator = NULL,
              size_t entries = 1);
RWDBBoundExpr(int* valuePtr,
              RWDBNullIndicator* nullIndicator = NULL,
              size_t entries = 1);
RWDBBoundExpr(unsigned int* valuePtr, 
              RWDBNullIndicator* nullIndicator = NULL,
              size_t entries = 1);
RWDBBoundExpr(long* valuePtr, 
              RWDBNullIndicator* nullIndicator = NULL,
              size_t entries = 1);
RWDBBoundExpr(unsigned long* valuePtr, 
              RWDBNullIndicator* nullIndicator = NULL,
              size_t entries = 1);
RWDBBoundExpr(float* valuePtr, 
              RWDBNullIndicator* nullIndicator = NULL,
              size_t entries = 1);
RWDBBoundExpr(double* valuePtr, 
              RWDBNullIndicator* nullIndicator = NULL,
              size_t entries = 1);
RWDBBoundExpr(RWCString* valuePtr, 
              RWDBNullIndicator* nullIndicator = NULL,
              size_t entries = 1);
RWDBBoundExpr(RWDecimalPortable* valuePtr, 
              RWDBNullIndicator* nullIndicator = NULL,
              size_t entries = 1);
RWDBBoundExpr(RWDate* valuePtr, 
              RWDBNullIndicator* nullIndicator = NULL,
              size_t entries = 1);
RWDBBoundExpr(RWDBDateTime* valuePtr, 
              RWDBNullIndicator* nullIndicator = NULL,
              size_t entries = 1);
RWDBBoundExpr(RWDBDuration* valuePtr, 
              RWDBNullIndicator* nullIndicator = NULL,
              size_t entries = 1);
RWDBBoundExpr(RWDBBlob* valuePtr, 
              RWDBNullIndicator* nullIndicator = NULL,
              size_t entries = 1);
RWDBBoundExpr(RWDBMBString* valuePtr, 
              RWDBNullIndicator* nullIndicator = NULL,
              size_t entries = 1);
RWDBBoundExpr(RWWString* valuePtr, 
              RWDBNullIndicator* nullIndicator = NULL,
              size_t entries = 1);

NOTE:In previous versions of DBTools.h++, the null indicator parameters were of type RWBoolean. This type is now changed to RWDBNullIndicator.

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