Objective Grid for Microsoft® .NET® Reference Guide

HatchStyle Enumeration

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This enumeration lists the types of hatches that can be used to paint cells whose interior style uses a hatched brush.

[Visual Basic]
Public Enum HatchStyle
public enum HatchStyle


Member NameDescription
NoneNo hatch pattern
HorizontalHorizontal lines
VerticalVertical lines
ForwardDiagonalForward diagonal lines
BackwardDiagonalBackward diagonal lines
CrossCross hatched
DiagonalCrossDiagonal cross hatched
Percent055% filled with foreground color
Percent1010% filled with foreground color
Percent2020% filled with foreground color
Percent2525% filled with foreground color
Percent3030% filled with foreground color
Percent4040% filled with foreground color
Percent5050% filled with foreground color
Percent6060% filled with foreground color
Percent7070% filled with foreground color
Percent7575% filled with foreground color
Percent8080% filled with foreground color
Percent9090% filled with foreground color
LightDownwardDiagonalLight Downward Diagonal
LightUpwardDiagonalLight Upward Diagonal
DarkDownwardDiagonalDark Downward Diagonal
DarkUpwardDiagonalDark Upward Diagonal
WideDownwardDiagonalWide Downward Diagonal
WideUpwardDiagonalWide Upward Diagonal
LightVerticalLight vertical lines
LightHorizontalLight horizontal lines
NarrowVerticalNarrow vertical lines
NarrowHorizontalNarrow horizontal lines
DarkVerticalDark vertical lines
DarkHorizontalDark horizontal lines
DashedDownwardDiagonalDashed Downward Diagonal
DashedUpwardDiagonalDashed Upward Diagonal
DashedHorizontalDashed Horizontal
DashedVerticalDashed Vertical
SmallConfettiSmall Confetti
LargeConfettiLarge Confetti
ZigZagZig-Zag lines
WaveWavy lines
DiagonalBrickBrick pattern on a diagonal
HorizontalBrickBrick pattern
WeaveWaved pattern
PlaidPlaid pattern
DottedGridDotted grid pattern
DottedDiamondDotted diamonds
TrellisTrellis pattern
SmallGridSmall grid pattern
SmallCheckerBoardSmall checker board pattern
LargeCheckerBoardLarge checker board pattern
OutlinedDiamondOutlined diamonds
SolidDiamondSolid diamonds


Namespace: Stingray.Grid

Assemblies: Stingray.GridControl80 (in Stingray.GridControl80.dll)
                     Stingray.GridControl90 (in Stingray.GridControl90.dll)
                     Stingray.GridControl10 (in Stingray.GridControl10.dll)

See Also

Stingray.Grid Namespace