Objective Grid for Microsoft® .NET® Reference Guide

Stingray.Grid Namespace

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Namespace hierarchy


AllowableCellSelectionsThis class enables or disables selecting cells, rows, columns, or the whole table with the keyboard or the mouse.     
BorderDashStyleEditor This class serves as the style editor for the DashStyle property on the OGPen class.
BrushConverter This class serves as the type converter for OGBrush.
BtnBase Base abstract class for windowless GridTabBeam navigation buttons and the visual part of TabItem tab class.
ButtonClickedRowColEventArgsThis class serves as a base class for mouse button event argument classes.     
CanceledEditingEventArgsThis class supplies data for the CanceledEditing event.     
CancelEditingEventArgsThis class supplies event data for the CancelEditing event.     
CellThis class represents a grid cell.     
CellBorders This class represents the cell borders for a given cell.
CellBordersConverter This class serves as the type converter for the CellBorders class.
CellControlThis class is used by GridControl to interact with .NET cell controls.     
CellEventArgsThis class serves as a base class for many event argument classes that communicate row- and column-based cell coordinates.     
ClickedButtonRowColEventArgsThis class supplies event data for the ClickedButtonRowCol event.     
ColorUtils This class supplies many color manipulation methods.
ColumnStyle Represents style applied to a particular column.
ColumnStylesCollection Represents a collection of ColumnStyle objects.
DeleteCellEventArgsThis class supplies data for the DeleteCell grid event.     
DrawCellControlEventArgsThis class supplies event data for the DrawCellControl event.     
DrawGridItemEventArgsThis class supplies event data for the DrawGridItem grid event.     
DrawTopLeftBottomRightEventArgsThis class supplies data for the DrawTopLeftBottomRight event.     
EndEditingEventArgsThis class supplies data for the EndEditing grid event.     
FontConverter This class serves as the type converter for OGFont.
FontNameEditor This class serves as the style editor for the FaceName property on OGFont.
GetStyleRowColEventArgsThis class supplies data for the GetStyleRowCol grid event.     
GridBeginPrintEventArgsThis class supplies the data for the GridBeginPrint event.     
GridControlThis class represents a StingrayGrid .NET grid control.     
GridDrawEventArgsThis class supplies data for the GridDraw event.     
GridEndPrintEventArgsThis class supplies data for the GridEndPrint event.     
GridFeaturesThis class is an interface for enabling or disabling grid features.     
GridPrintPageEventArgsThis class supplies data for the GridPrintPage event.     
GridTabBeam The GridTabBeam class is a sheet-tab control. Although this class is declared public, it is not intended for direct use in users' application.
GridTabControl The GridTabControl control switches between several grid tabs.
HatchStyleEditor This class serves as the style editor for the HatchStyle property on OGBrush.
HideCurrentCellEventArgsThis class is used in the CellControl.OnStore event handler.     
HierGridMapThis class is an interface to the Hierarchical Grid cell coordinates mapper.     
HierGridMap.LogToPhyMapThis class converts logical units to physical units.     
HierGridMap.PhyToLogMapThis class converts physical units to logical units.     
InitCurrentCellEventArgsThis class supplies data for the InitCurrentCell grid event.     
LButtonClickedRowColEventArgsThis class supplies data for the LButtonClickedRowCol event.     
LButtonDblClkRowColEventArgsThis class supplies data for the LButtonDblClkRowCol event.     
LButtonHitRowColEventArgsThis class supplies data for the LButtonHitRowCol event.     
LeftCellEventArgsThis class supplies data for the LeftCell event.     
MButtonClickedRowColEventArgsThis class supplies data for the MButtonClickedRowCol event.     
MButtonDblClkRowColEventArgsThis class supplies data for the MButtonDblClkRowCol event.     
MButtonHitRowColEventArgsThis class supplies data for the MButtonHitRowCol event.     
ModifyCellEventArgsThis class supplies data for ModifyCell events.     
MovedCurrentCellEventArgsThis class supplies information for the MovedCurrentCell event.     
OGBrush This class paints the interior of a grid cell.
OGDisposable Grid .NET classes that implement IDispose derive from this class and override Dispose(bool).
OGFont This class represents a text font used in a grid cell.
OGPen This class represents how a grid cell border is drawn.
OGPropertiesThis class is an interface for enabling or disabling grid display properties.     
OGUtilities This class contains utility functions used in the implementation of GridControl.
ParamThis class is an interface for configuring grid-wide properties for a GridControl.     
PenConverter This class is the type editor for the OGPen class.
ProcessKeysEventArgsThis class supplies data for the ProcessKeys event.     
Range This class represents a range of cells, rows, columns, or an entire table.
RangeConverter This class is the type editor for the Range class.
RButtonClickedRowColEventArgsThis class supplies data for the RButtonClickedRowCol event.     
RButtonDblClkRowColEventArgsThis class supplies data for RButtonDblClkRowCol events.     
RButtonHitRowColEventArgsThis class supplies data for the RButtonHitRowCol event.     
RefreshCurrentCellEventArgsThis class supplies data for the CellControl.OnRefresh event.     
ResetCurrentCellEventArgsThis class supplies data for the CellControl.OnReset event.     
StartEditingEventArgsThis class supplies data for the StartEditing event.     
StoreColWidthEventArgsThis class supplies data for StoreColWidth events.     
StoreCopyCellsEventArgsThis class supplies data for StoreCopyCells events.     
StoreCurrentCellEventArgsThis class supplies data for the CellControl.OnStore event.     
StoreDefaultColWidthEventArgsThis class supplies data for StoreDefaultColWidth events.     
StoreDefaultRowHeightEventArgsThis class supplies data for a StoreDefaultRowHeight event.     
StoreEventArgsThis class serves as a base for all store event argument classes.     
StoreFrozenColsEventArgsThis class supplies data for the StoreFrozenCols event.     
StoreFrozenRowsEventArgsThis class supplies data for the StoreFrozenRows event.     
StoreHideColEventArgsThis class supplies data for the StoreHideCol event.     
StoreHideRowEventArgsThis class supplies data for the StoreHideRow event.     
StoreInsertColsEventArgsThis class supplies data for the StoreInsertCols event.     
StoreInsertRowsEventArgsThis class supplies data for the StoreInsertRows event.     
StoreMoveColsEventArgsThis class supplies data for the StoreMoveCols event.     
StoreMoveRowsEventArgsThis class supplies data for the StoreMoveRows event.     
StoreReadOnlyEventArgsThis class supplies data for the StoreReadOnly event.     
StoreRemoveColsEventArgsThis class supplies data for the StoreRemoveCols event.     
StoreRemoveRowsEventArgsThis class supplies data for the StoreRemoveRows event.     
StoreRowHeightEventArgsThis class supplies data for the StoreRowHeight event.     
StoreStyleRowColEventArgsThis class supplies data for the StoreStyleRowCol event.     
StoreZoomEventArgsThis class supplies data for the StoreZoom event.     
StyleThis class represents the content and appearance of a grid cell.     
StyleBase Base abstract class for TableStyle and ColumnStyle classes.
StyleInfo This class stores the global information required by the Style class.
StylesCollectionBase Base abstract class for ColumnsStyleCollection and TablesStyleCollection classes.
TabItem Contains all the informnation regarding one tab.
TabItemsCollection Represents a collection of TabItem objects.
TableStyle Represents style applied to a particular table or view.
TableStylesCollection Represents a collection of TableStyle objects.
ValidateCellEventArgsThis class supplies data for the ValidateCell event.     


CanceledEditingEventHandlerDelegate type for the CanceledEditing GridControl event.     
CancelEditingEventHandlerDelegate type for the CancelEditing GridControl event.     
ClearEventHandlerDelegate type for the Clear GridControl event.     
ClickedButtonRowColEventHandlerDelegate type for the ClickedButtonRowCol GridControl event.     
CopyEventHandlerDelegate type for the Copy GridControl event.     
CutEventHandlerDelegate type for the Cut GridControl event.     
DeleteCellEventHandlerDelegate type for the DeleteCell GridControl event.     
DrawCellControlEventHandlerDelegate type for the DrawCellControl event.     
DrawGridItemEventHandlerDelegate type for the DrawGridItem GridControl event.     
DrawTopLeftBottomRightEventHandlerDelegate type for the DrawTopLeftBottomRight GridControl event.     
EndEditingEventHandlerDelegate type for the EndEditing GridControl event.     
FindReplaceEventHandlerDelegate type for the FindReplace GridControl event.     
GetStyleRowColEventHandlerDelegate type for the GetStyleRowCol GridControl event.     
GridBeginPrintEventHandlerDelegate type for the GridBeginPrint GridControl event.     
GridDrawEventHandlerDelegate type for the GridDraw GridControl event.     
GridEndPrintEventHandlerDelegate type for the GridEndPrint GridControl event.     
GridPrintEventHandlerDelegate type for the GridPrint GridControl event.     
GridPrintPageEventHandlerDelegate type for the GridPrintPage GridControl event.     
GridPrintPreviewEventHandlerDelegate type for the GridPrintPreview GridControl event.     
HideCurrentCellEventHandlerDelegate type for the HideCurrentCell event.     
InitCurrentCellEventHandlerDelegate type for the InitCurrentCell GridControl event.     
LButtonClickedRowColEventHandlerDelegate type for the LButtonClickedRowCol GridControl event.     
LButtonDblClkRowColEventHandlerDelegate type for the LButtonDblClkRowCol GridControl event.     
LButtonHitRowColEventHandlerDelegate type for the LButtonHitRowCol GridControl event.     
LeftCellEventHandlerDelegate type for the LeftCell GridControl event.     
MButtonClickedRowColEventHandlerDelegate type for the MButtonClickedRowCol GridControl event.     
MButtonDblClkRowColEventHandlerDelegate type for the MButtonDblClkRowCol GridControl event.     
MButtonHitRowColEventHandlerDelegate type for the MButtonHitRowCol GridControl event.     
ModifyCellEventHandlerDelegate type for the ModifyCell GridControl event.     
MovedCurrentCellEventHandlerDelegate type for the MovedCurrentCell GridControl event.     
PasteEventHandlerDelegate type for the Paste GridControl event.     
ProcessKeysEventHandlerDelegate type for the ProcessKeys GridControl event.     
RButtonClickedRowColEventHandlerDelegate type for the RButtonClickedRowCol GridControl event.     
RButtonDblClkRowColEventHandlerDelegate type for the RButtonDblClkRowCol GridControl event.     
RButtonHitRowColEventHandlerDelegate type for the RButtonHitRowCol GridControl event.     
RedoEventHandlerDelegate type for the Redo GridControl event.     
RefreshCurrentCellEventHandlerDelegate type for the RefreshCurrentCell event.     
ResetCurrentCellEventHandlerDelegate type for the ResetCurrentCell event.     
StartEditingEventHandlerDelegate type for the StartEditing GridControl event.     
StoreColWidthEventHandlerDelegate type for the StoreColWidth GridControl event.     
StoreCopyCellsEventHandlerDelegate type for the StoreCopyCells GridControl event.     
StoreCurrentCellEventHandlerDelegate type for the StoreCurrentCell event.     
StoreDefaultColWidthEventHandlerDelegate type for the StoreDefaultColWidth GridControl event.     
StoreDefaultRowHeightEventHandlerDelegate type for the StoreDefaultRowHeight GridControl event.     
StoreFrozenColsEventHandlerDelegate type for the StoreFrozenCols GridControl event.     
StoreFrozenRowsEventHandlerDelegate type for the StoreFrozenRows GridControl event.     
StoreHideColEventHandlerDelegate type for the StoreHideCol GridControl event.     
StoreHideRowEventHandlerDelegate type for the StoreHideRow GridControl event.     
StoreInsertColsEventHandlerDelegate type for the StoreInsertCols GridControl event.     
StoreInsertRowsEventHandlerDelegate type for the StoreInsertRows GridControl event.     
StoreMoveColsEventHandlerDelegate type for the StoreMoveCols GridControl event.     
StoreMoveRowsEventHandlerDelegate type for the StoreMoveRows GridControl event.     
StoreReadOnlyEventHandlerDelegate type for the StoreReadOnly GridControl event.     
StoreRemoveColsEventHandlerDelegate type for the StoreRemoveCols GridControl event.     
StoreRemoveRowsEventHandlerDelegate type for the StoreRemoveRows GridControl event.     
StoreRowHeightEventHandlerDelegate type for the StoreRowHeight GridControl event.     
StoreStyleRowColEventHandlerDelegate type for the StoreStyleRowCol GridControl event.     
StoreZoomEventHandlerDelegate type for the StoreZoom GridControl event.     
UndoEventHandlerDelegate type for the Undo GridControl event.     
ValidateCellEventHandlerDelegate type for the ValidateCell GridControl event.     


ActivateFlagsThis enumeration lists cell activation modes.     
BorderDashStyle This enumeration lists the types of borders that can be used with OGPen, and consequently, as cell border styles.
BrushStyle This enumeration lists the types of brushes that can be used to paint the interior of a grid cell.
CellModifyTypeThis enumeration specifies the types of modification to apply to a Style object.     
CellSelectionsThis enumeration specifies the options available for the end user or disables selecting cells, rows, columns, or the whole table with the keyboard or the mouse.     
CellValueTypeThis enumeration indicates the type of value stored or retrieved with GridControl.OnGetStyleRowCol and GridControl.OnStoreStyleRowCol.     
CmdTypeThis enumeration specifies cell, row, and column manipulations in the GridControl class.     
ControlType This enumeration lists predefined control types.
DefinedUserAttributes This enumeration lists predefined user attributes.
DirectionTypeThis enumeration lists the movements of the current cell.     
DisplayExpressionThis enumeration determines the visibility of a formula within a cell.     
Draw3dFrameType This enumeration specifies the 3dFrameType of a cell.
EllipseType This enumeration lists the types of ellipses that can be used for the Style.EllipseType property.
FloatCellsModeThis enumeration specifies behavior of floating cells.     
FormatType This enumeration specifies the type of contents of a cell with respect to formatting the cell.
GridDrawOrderThis enumeration defines the order in which rows and columns are drawn.     
GridLineStyleThis enumeration lists constants that specify grid line style.     
HatchStyle This enumeration lists the types of hatches that can be used to paint cells whose interior style uses a hatched brush.
HideCellModeThis enumeration lists the cell modes.     
HitStateThis enumeration identifies mouse button events.     
HitTestTypeThis enumeration lists types of hit tests.     
HorizontalAlignment This enumeration specifies the horizontal alignment of contents in a cell.
KeyTypeThis enumeration lists the states of various virtual keys.     
ListBoxModeThis enumeration lists constants used with the get/set SpecialMode method of the Param class.     
MergeCellsModeThis enumeration lists values that turn on and off the calculation of merge cells in the grid.     
MergeCellType This enumeration specifies the Merge Flags for a cell.
ModifyType This enumeration lists values for composing two styles or font objects.
NumericFormatThis enumeration lists the valid values for the Style.Format property.     
RangeType This enumeration lists the types of ranges that can be created.
RedrawFlagsThis enumeration specifies the update technique.     
RowColThis enumeration lists constants that identify invalid and maximum indices.     
RowColTrackingThis enumeration specifies options for or disables changing column widths for the end user.     
ScrollBarId This enumeration specifies the scroll bar to perform a function on.
ScrollBarVisibility This enumeration specifies the modes for a scroll bar.
StyleValueType This enumeration lists the types of data that can be stored in a grid cell.
UserAttributeIDThis enumeration lists constants that specify style user attributes.     
VerticalAlignment This enumeration specifies the vertical alignment of contents in a cell.