TotalView Online Help : Root Window : File Menu Commands : File > Debug New Parallel Program : Program Details, Parallel Program Session
Program Details, Parallel Program Session
1 Enter the name of your program in the File Name box or press Browse to browse to and select the file. You can enter a full or relative path name. If you have previously entered programs here, they will appear in a drop-down list.
If you enter a file name, TotalView searches for it in the list of directories named using the File > Search Path command or listed in your PATH environment variable.
2 (Optional) Enter any arguments to be sent to your program.
3 (Optional) Enter any additional options:
Select any tab in the left sidebar or click Next to configure additional settings:
*Debug Options: Configure your program to use reverse debugging, memory debugging or CUDA debugging.
*Environment Variables and tandard I/O: Enter environment variables or change default settings for standard I/O.
*View an approximation of the launch string: Select Preview Launch.
4 Select Start Session.