TotalView User Guide : Part II: Debugging Tools and Tasks : Using and Customizing the GUI : Searching and Navigating Program Elements
Searching and Navigating Program Elements
TotalView provides several ways for you to navigate and find information in your source file.
Topics in this section are:
*Searching for Text”
*Looking for Functions and Variables”
*Finding the Source Code for Functions”
*Finding the Source Code for Files”
*Resetting the Stack Frame”
Searching for Text
You can search for text strings in most windows using the Edit > Find command, which launches the find dialog box.
Figure 72: Edit > Find Dialog Box
Controls in this dialog box let you:
*Perform case-sensitive searches.
*Wrap searches back to the beginning of the file.
*Keep the dialog box displayed.
*Search down or up.
After you have found a string, you can find another instance of it by using the Edit > Find Again command.
If you searched for the same string previously, you can select it from the pulldown list on the right side of the Find text box.