MemoryScape™ Installation Guide : Chapter 3 Installing License Keys : Step 3: Adding New License Keys
Step 3: Adding New License Keys
This step describes how to update and create the license.dat file that the license manager uses to allow access to MemoryScape.
NOTE >> If your license server is already serving one or more MemoryScape licenses (that is, the file ${FLEXLM}/license.dat already exists), go to "Revising Your license.dat File".
Adding a New license.dat File
The Configure_License script, which is located in the ${FLEXLM}/bin directory—creates the license.dat file and the toolworks_init script. Configure_License needs to read the license.src file. This file, which you will create, contains MemoryScape license keys.
Here is the procedure for creating this license.src file:
1. Change to the flexlm-version directory on the license server
cd ${FLEXLM}
2. Copy and paste the new Rogue Wave Software license keys—this is the information that you received through email—into a file named license.src in the flexlm-version directory.
The text in your license.src is derived from your host information, number of license keys, and license configurations.
3. Run the ${FLEXLM}/bin/Configure_License script on the license server. You must run this script while your current directory is flexlm-version. The script creates the following files:
Proceed to "Step 4: Starting and Stopping the License Server".
Revising Your license.dat File
If you are currently using MemoryScape, you need to revise your ${FLEXLM}/license.dat file. You do not need to create a new ${FLEXLM}/license.src file nor do you need to rerun the Configure_License script unless you have deleted or changed the location of the flexlm-version directory.
If the ${FLEXLM}/license.dat does not exist, you will need to follow the procedure described in Adding a New license.dat File at the beginning of this topic. Since Rogue Wave Software does not resupply all of your license keys when there is a license change, you will need to combine the license keys that you already have with the newly delivered keys.
Here is the procedure for revising your existing license.dat file:
1. Backup your existing ${FLEXLM}/license.dat file. For example,
cp ${FLEXLM}/license.dat ${FLEXLM}/license.dat.bak
2. Using a text editor, edit the ${FLEXLM}/license.dat file and append the new MemoryScape license keys delivered in this email message to the end of the ${FLEXLM}/license.dat file.
3. Tell the license server to reread your license.dat file:
Step 4: Starting and Stopping the License Server
Run the following command as root to start the license server.
${FLEXLM}/bin/toolworks_init start
As an alternative, you can run the commands within this section as an argument to the sudo command.
If you configured your license server to run as a non-privileged user, the initialization script ensures that the license management daemons are started and run under the non-privileged user even if you run the script as root.
To stop the license manager, become root, and then use the following command:
${FLEXLM}/bin/toolworks_init stop
If you would like the license manager to automatically start when the system is booted, run the following script as root:
Step 5: Configuring MemoryScape to Use the License Server
MemoryScape must be able to find the ${FLEXLM}/license.dat file. If you are running MemoryScape and the license server in the installation directory on the same machine, you can skip this step.
If MemoryScape and the license manager are not running on the same machine, you will need to place a ${FLEXLM}/license.dat file on each additional installation. Copy the ${FLEXLM}/license.client file from the license server into the flexlm-version directory on each remote machine and rename that file to license.dat.
As an alternative, you can specify the full path to the license.dat file in your LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable. A client-style license.dat has the following form:
SERVER hostname hostid port-number
Reporting Problems with License Installation
If you have difficulties installing your license keys, please send email to Please include the following:
Your license.dat file.
Your license.src file (if applicable).
The license delivery email.
The license.log file that was created when you attempted to start the license manager and MemoryScape.
The text displayed in your window when you tried to start the license manager.
The text displayed in you window when you tried to start MemoryScape.