IMSL C Math Library
Chapter 12 Utilities
Set Output Files
Set output files, output_file
Get library version and license number, version
Time and Date
CPU time used, ctime
Date to days since epoch, date_to_days
Days since epoch to date, days_to_date
Error Handling
Error message options, error_options
Gets error type, error_type
Gets the text of error message, error_message
Gets error code, error_code
Initializes error handling system, initialize_error_handler
Stops the current algorithm and returns to the
calling program, set_user_fcn_return_flag
C Runtime Library
Initializes the library, initialize
Frees memory, free
Opens a file, fopen
Closes a file, fclose
OpenMP options, omp_options
Natural and mathematical constants, constant
Integer machine constants, machine (integer)
Float machine constants, machine (float)
Sort float vector, sort
Sort integer vector, sort (integer)
Computing Vector Norms
Compute various norms, vector_norm
Compute various norms, vector_norm (complex)
Linear Algebra Support
Vector-Vector, Matrix-Vector, and Matrix-Matrix-Multiplication
Real Matrix, mat_mul_rect
Complex matrix, mat_mul_rect (complex)
Real band matrix, mat_mul_rect_band
Complex band matrix, mat_mul_rect_band (complex)
Real coordinate matrix, mat_mul_rect_coordinate
Complex coordinate matrix, mat_mul_rect_coordinate (complex)
Vector-Vector, Matrix-Vector, and Matrix-Matrix-Addition
Real band matrix, mat_add_band
Complex band matrix, mat_add_band (complex)
Real coordinate matrix, mat_add_coordinate
Complex coordinate matrix, mat_add_coordinate (complex)
Matrix Norm
Real matrix, matrix_norm
Real band matrix, matrix_norm_band
Real coordinate matrix, matrix_norm_coordinate
Test Matrices of Class
Real matrix, generate_test_band
Complex matrix, generate_test_band (complex)
Real matrix, generate_test_coordinate
Complex, generate_test_coordinate (complex)
GPU Support
Programming Notes for Using NVIDIA® CUDA™ Toolkit,
Gets the switchover value, cuda_get
Sets the switchover value, cuda_set
Frees NVIDIA memory, cuda_free