A Contour chart shows level curves of a two-dimensional function.

Namespace: Imsl.Chart2D
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:


public class Contour : Data
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class Contour _
	Inherits Data
Visual C++
public ref class Contour : public Data


The function can be defined either as values on a rectangular grid or by scattered data points.

A set of ContourLevel objects are created as children of this node. The number of ContourLevels is one more than the number of level curves. If the level curve values are c_0,\ldots,c_{n-1} then the k-th ContourLevel child corresponds to c_{k-1}
            \lt z\le c_k.

To change the look of the contour chart, change the line attributes (specified with LineColor, LineWidth and SetMarkerDashPattern) and fill attributes (specified with FillType and FillColor)in the ContourLevel nodes.

A Legend object is also created as a child of this node. It should be used instead of the usual chart legend. By default, this legend is not shown. To show it, set IsVisible = true.

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also