VDA Tools > WzImport > WzImport Controls Area

WzImport Controls Area
The WzImport Tool is used to read data from external data files. There are a variety of file types from which to choose to accommodate your data.
File Type—An option button containing the names of the available file types that you can import. If you select Image File, click the Options button for a dialog box with additional features.
File Name—A text field where you can enter the path and filename of the file you want to import. You can also use the Browse feature to select the directory.
Browse—Brings up File Browse dialog box. The dialog box allows you to find and select a file from your system.
Read—An action button that initiates the file read. Either the imported data is read into an existing variable or the VDA Tool creates a default variable to accommodate the imported data. After the data file is read, the created variables exist on the $MAIN$ program level. In addition, the variables are placed on the Variable Selection List.
Options—Opens the Image Options dialog box. The Image Options dialog box is used to specify additional information relating to the attributes or organization of imported image files.
Variables—Opens the Variable Manipulation dialog box which allows you to change the attributes of variables and copy variables.
File Types, Default File Extensions, and Action Buttons
File Type
Default File Extension
Active Action Buttons
Read, Variables
Read, Variables
Fortran Binary
Read, Variables
XDR Binary
Read, Variables
8 Bit Image
Read, Variables
24 Bit Image
Read, Options, Variables
Read, Variables
Read, Options, Variables

Version 2017.0
Copyright © 2017, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.