Reference Guide > Graphics and Plotting Keywords > Text_Axes Keyword

Text_Axes Keyword
Used With Routines:  XYOUTS
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Specifies the plane of vector-drawn text when three-dimensional plotting is enabled. By default, text is drawn in the plane of the XY axes. The horizontal text direction is in the X plane, and the vertical text direction is in the Y plane.
Values of this keyword may range from 0 to 5, with the following effect: 0 for XY, 1 for XZ, 2 for YZ, 3 for YX, 4 for ZX, and 5 for ZY. The notation ZY means that the horizontal direction of the text lies in the Z plane, and the vertical direction of the text is drawn in the Y plane.

Version 2017.1
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