SourcePro C++ 13.0

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678910]
oCDComplexFFT2DServerPerforms two-dimensional (2-D) double precision complex fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) of an RWGenMat<DComplex> matrix
oCDComplexFFTServerPerforms double precision complex fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) of an RWMathVec<DComplex> vector
oCLeastSqFitConstructs a linear least squares fit to a straight line from input data
oCrw_hashmap< K, V, Hash, EQ, A >Maintains a collection of mappings between two types K and V, implemented as a hash table of std::pair<K,V> instances
oCrw_hashmap< K *, T *, hasher, key_equal, A >
oCrw_hashmap< K, T, H, EQ, A >
oCrw_hashmap< Key, List, RWTHasher< Key >, std::equal_to< Key >, std::allocator< Key > >
oCrw_hashmap< Key, RWFunctor0, RWTHasher< Key >, std::equal_to< Key >, std::allocator< Key > >
oCrw_hashmap< Key, RWTFunctor1< S1 >, RWTHasher< Key >, std::equal_to< Key >, std::allocator< Key > >
oCrw_hashmap< Key, RWTFunctorR0< SR >, RWTHasher< Key >, std::equal_to< Key >, std::allocator< Key > >
oCrw_hashmap< Key, RWTFunctorR1< SR, S1 >, RWTHasher< Key >, std::equal_to< Key >, std::allocator< Key > >
oCrw_hashmap< RWCString *, RWCString *, hasher, key_equal, std::allocator< RWCString * > >
oCrw_hashmap< RWCString, List, RWTHasher< RWCString >, std::equal_to< RWCString >, std::allocator< RWCString > >
oCrw_hashmap< RWCString, RWCurrency, RWTHash< RWCString >, std::equal_to< RWCString >, std::allocator< RWCString > >
oCrw_hashmap< RWCString, RWDBStoredProcEntry, RWTHash< RWCString >, std::equal_to< RWCString >, std::allocator< RWCString > >
oCrw_hashmap< RWCString, RWDBTableEntry, RWTHash< RWCString >, std::equal_to< RWCString >, std::allocator< RWCString > >
oCrw_hashmap< RWCString, RWExchangeRate, RWTHash< RWCString >, std::equal_to< RWCString >, std::allocator< RWCString > >
oCrw_hashmap< RWCString, RWStreamType, RWTHash< RWCString >, std::equal_to< RWCString >, std::allocator< RWCString > >
oCrw_hashmap< RWCString, RWTFunctor< RWHttpClient()>, RWTHash< RWCString >, std::equal_to< RWCString >, std::allocator< RWCString > >
oCrw_hashmap< RWCString, RWTFunctor< RWMimeHeader()>, RWTHash< RWCString >, std::equal_to< RWCString >, std::allocator< RWCString > >
oCrw_hashmap< RWThreadId, RWThreadImp *, RWTHash< RWThreadId >, std::equal_to< RWThreadId >, std::allocator< RWThreadId > >
oCrw_hashmultimap< K, V, Hash, EQ, A >Maintains a collection of mappings between two types K and V, implemented as a hash table of std::pair<K,V> instances where multiple occurrences of the same A instance are allowed
oCrw_hashmultimap< K *, T *, hasher, key_equal, A >
oCrw_hashmultimap< K, T, H, EQ, A >
oCrw_hashmultiset< T, Hash, EQ, A >Maintains a collection of some type A, in which there may be many equivalent instances of A
oCrw_hashmultiset< T *, hasher, key_equal, A >
oCrw_hashmultiset< T, H, EQ, A >
oCrw_hashset< T, Hash, EQ, A >Maintains a collection of some type A, in which there cannot be more than one occurrence of some given instance of A
oCrw_hashset< T *, hasher, key_equal, A >
oCrw_hashset< T, H, EQ, A >
oCrw_linear_algebra_traits< TypeT >A collection of traits typedefs
oCrw_linear_algebra_traits< DComplex >A collection of traits typedefs specialized on DComplex
oCrw_linear_algebra_traits< double >A collection of traits typedefs specialized on double
oCrw_linear_algebra_traits< float >A collection of traits typedefs specialized on float
oCrw_numeric_traits< T >Helper class containing typedefs associated with numeric types, useful when creating a new numeric type
oCrw_numeric_traits< TypeT >
oCrw_slist< T, A >Maintains a collection of some type A implemented as a singly-linked list
oCrw_slist< Callback, std::allocator< Callback > >
oCrw_slist< Decorator, std::allocator< Decorator > >
oCrw_slist< GuardAndPriorityDecorator, std::allocator< GuardAndPriorityDecorator > >
oCrw_slist< GuardDecorator, std::allocator< GuardDecorator > >
oCrw_slist< Item *, std::allocator< Item * > >
oCrw_slist< MaskedSemaphore *, std::allocator< MaskedSemaphore * > >
oCrw_slist< node_t, list_node_allocator_t >
oCrw_slist< ParameterPair, std::allocator< ParameterPair > >
oCrw_slist< PriorityDecorator, std::allocator< PriorityDecorator > >
oCrw_slist< RWCallbackElem0, std::allocator< RWCallbackElem0 > >
oCrw_slist< RWCString, std::allocator< RWCString > >
oCrw_slist< RWDBStatus, std::allocator< RWDBStatus > >
oCrw_slist< RWExchangeGroup< T >, std::allocator< RWExchangeGroup< T > > >
oCrw_slist< RWGuardedRunnable, std::allocator< RWGuardedRunnable > >
oCrw_slist< RWHttpRange, std::allocator< RWHttpRange > >
oCrw_slist< RWHttpRequest, std::allocator< RWHttpRequest > >
oCrw_slist< RWMimeHeader, std::allocator< RWMimeHeader > >
oCrw_slist< RWMimePart, std::allocator< RWMimePart > >
oCrw_slist< RWNameValuePair, std::allocator< RWNameValuePair > >
oCrw_slist< RWNumReplyLine *, std::allocator< RWNumReplyLine * > >
oCrw_slist< RWProductInfo *, std::allocator< RWProductInfo * > >
oCrw_slist< RWRunnableExecutionStatePair, std::allocator< RWRunnableExecutionStatePair > >
oCrw_slist< RWRunnableServer, std::allocator< RWRunnableServer > >
oCrw_slist< RWTCallbackElem1< S1 >, std::allocator< RWTCallbackElem1< S1 > > >
oCrw_slist< RWTCallbackElem2< S1, S2 >, std::allocator< RWTCallbackElem2< S1, S2 > > >
oCrw_slist< RWTFunctor< void()>, std::allocator< RWTFunctor< void()> > >
oCrw_slist< RWTGuardAndPriorityDecorator< RWRunnable >, std::allocator< RWTGuardAndPriorityDecorator< RWRunnable > > >
oCrw_slist< RWTGuardAndPriorityDecorator< Type >, std::allocator< RWTGuardAndPriorityDecorator< Type > > >
oCrw_slist< RWTGuardDecorator< Type >, std::allocator< RWTGuardDecorator< Type > > >
oCrw_slist< RWThread, std::allocator< RWThread > >
oCrw_slist< RWTIOUResult< Redeemable >, std::allocator< RWTIOUResult< Redeemable > > >
oCrw_slist< RWTIOUResultCallback, std::allocator< RWTIOUResultCallback > >
oCrw_slist< RWTMaskedCallbackElem2< S1, S2 >, std::allocator< RWTMaskedCallbackElem2< S1, S2 > > >
oCrw_slist< RWTPriorityDecorator< Type >, std::allocator< RWTPriorityDecorator< Type > > >
oCrw_slist< RWTraceEvent, std::allocator< RWTraceEvent > >
oCrw_slist< RWTreeNode *, std::allocator< RWTreeNode * > >
oCrw_slist< std::pair< Callback, CallbackChange >, std::allocator< std::pair< Callback, CallbackChange > > >
oCrw_slist< T *, A >
oCrw_slist< Type *, std::allocator< Type * > >
oCrw_slist< Type, std::allocator< Type > >
oCRWAnyEncapsulates an object of an arbitrary type
oCRWAtomicCounterMaintains a reference count safely in a multithreaded environment
oCRWAtomicFlagAtomically sets and clears a bit flag
oCRWAuditStreamBufferConstructs a stream and audits the bytes that pass through it
oCRWBalanceDecomp< TypeT >Encapsulates the decomposition implicit in the permutation and balance transformations on a nonsymmetric matrix before computing its eigenvalues
oCRWBalanceTransform< TypeT >Encapsulates the permutation and balance transformations on a nonsymmetric matrix before computing its eigenvalues
oCRWBandFact< TypeT >Encapsulates the factorization of banded matrices used to solve a system of equations
oCRWBandMat< TypeT >Encapsulates a banded matrix
oCRWBarrierSynchronizes a number of concurrent threads at a specific point in their processing
oCRWBasicUStringRepresents and manages an array of UTF-16 values
oCRWBasicUString::DeallocatorBase class for subclasses that release client-allocated storage
oCRWBasicUString::PadInserts the contents of a Unicode string into an output stream, padding it with a designated fill character
oCRWBenchAbstract base class to facilitate automatic benchmarking of some piece of code
oCRWBitRefRepresents an l-value to the RWBitVec and RWTBitVec classes
oCRWBitVecRepresents a bit vector whose length can be changed at runtime
oCRWBTreeOnDiskRepresents an ordered collection of associations of keys and values, with keys ordered based on an external function and with duplicate keys not allowed
oCRWCacheManagerCaches fixed-length blocks to and from an associated RWFile
oCRWCConstSubStringAllows some subsection of an RWCString to be addressed by defining a starting position and an extent
oCRWChainedMemoryStreambufImplementation of the std::streambuf interface as a linked list of buffers
oCRWCJRef< TypeT >Used by the RWHermMat<T> classes to reference data that may need to be conjugated
oCRWClockTimerMeasures elapsed wall clock time
oCRWCODecomp< TypeT, QRCalc >Encapsulates a complete orthogonal decomposition
oCRWCollectableContains virtual functions for identifying, hashing, comparing, storing and retrieving collectable objects
oCRWCompressedIOStream< Compressor >Compresses and serializes data to or deserializes and decompresses data from an associated std::streambuf
oCRWCompressedStreamBuffer< Compressor >Derived stream buffer that reads and writes compressed data to an associated std::streambuf
oCRWConstIteratorContains virtual functions for positioning and resetting the const iterator
oCRWConvertGenMat< From, To >Converts between RWGenMat types with different datatypes
oCRWConvertMathArray< From, To >Converts between RWMathArray types with different datatypes
oCRWConvertMathVec< From, To >Converts between RWMathVec types with different datatypes
oCRWCopyOnWriteCConstSubStringAlternate implementation of RWCConstSubString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is defined
oCRWCopyOnWriteCStringAlternate implementation of RWCString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is defined
oCRWCopyOnWriteCSubStringAlternate implementation of RWCSubString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is defined
oCRWCopyOnWriteWConstSubStringAlternate implementation of RWWConstSubString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is defined
oCRWCopyOnWriteWStringAlternate implementation of RWWString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is defined
oCRWCopyOnWriteWSubStringAlternate implementation of RWWSubString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is defined
oCRWCRegexpDeprecated. Represents a regular expression
oCRWCStringOffers powerful and convenient facilities for manipulating strings
oCRWCSubStringAllows some subsection of an RWCString to be addressed by defining a starting position and an extent
oCRWCTokenizerBreaks a string into separate tokens delimited by an arbitrary whitespace. Can be used as an alternative to the ANSI C function strtok()
oCRWCurrencyA repository for currency information
oCRWCurrencyBookStores RWCurrency objects in which each is identified by a unique mnemonic
oCRWDataViewBase class for all classes that provide a view into a contiguous block of memory
oCRWDateRepresents a date stored as a Julian day number
oCRWDateTimeRepresents a date and time stored in milliseconds
oCRWDaylightBoundaryStruct used by RWDaylightRule to define the beginning and ending of daylight saving time
oCRWDaylightRuleStruct that defines daylight saving time rules
oCRWDBAbstractBufferEncapsulates a buffer of data, including its indicator array
oCRWDBBinaryVectorElementDeprecated. Encapsulates arrays of unsigned characters stored in RWDBBinaryVector instances
oCRWDBBulkInserterUsed to insert an RWDBTBuffer array into a database table. (To insert scalar values, use RWDBInserter.)
oCRWDBBulkReaderReads result sets, represented as arrays of RWDBTBuffer<T> or RWDBDateVector, that are associated with an RWDBTable or RWDBSelector. (For reading scalar values, use RWDBReader.)
oCRWDBCacheManagerBase class for user-defined metadata cache managers
oCRWDBCheckConstraintListHolds an ordered collection of RWDBCheckConstraint instances
oCRWDBColumnRepresents a column within a table or schema, or a particular parameter of a stored procedure
oCRWDBConnCallbackHandle class for connection callbacks that encapsulate a reference-counted pointer to the RWDBConnCallbackImp body class
oCRWDBConnCallbackImpAbstract base class from which all custom connection callbacks must derive
oCRWDBConnectionRepresents an explicit database connection object that can be used in place of the implicit database connection provided by RWDBDatabase
oCRWDBCritFormDefinitionBase class for a family of classes used to define functional notation for RWDBCriterion
oCRWDBCursorEncapsulates a database cursor
oCRWDBDatabaseManages connections with database servers
oCRWDBDatabaseCallbackHandle class for database callbacks, encapsulating a reference-counted pointer to the RWDBDatabaseCallbackImp body class
oCRWDBDatabaseCallbackImpAbstract base class from which all custom database callbacks derive
oCRWDBDataCallbackBase class for user-defined callbacks
oCRWDBDateTimeDeprecated. Represents a date and time stored as the number of milliseconds
oCRWDBDateVectorDeprecated. Used as a buffer when transferring date values between the application and the database
oCRWDBDecimalVectorElementDeprecated. Encapsulates arrays of decimals stored in RWDBDecimalVector objects
oCRWDBDeleterEncapsulates an SQL DELETE statement
oCRWDBDurationRepresents a time span in number of seconds
oCRWDBEnvironmentHandleAbstract base class from which all vendor-specific environment handles must derive. Environment handles are methods that can set or retrieve certain configuration parameters
oCRWDBExprA C++ representation of expressions used in constructing SQL statements
oCRWDBExprFormDefinitionBase class for a family of classes that defines functional notation for RWDBExpr
oCRWDBIdentityConstraintRepresents an identity constraint of a column within a table or schema
oCRWDBInserterEncapsulates an SQL INSERT statement
oCRWDBManagerA monostate class that manages RWDBDatabase instances, thus mediating access to database servers
oCRWDBMultiRowProvides a mechanism by which a collection of bindable objects can be used with the RWDBValue and RWDBRow interface
oCRWDBNullIndicatorProvides a way to determine whether some given data is NULL
oCRWDBOSqlEncapsulates a database-specific SQL statement with all its input and output bindings
oCRWDBPhraseBookA lookup table containing keywords and phrases used by specific databases
oCRWDBPrimaryKeyRepresents a primary key, used when creating a database table or fetching a database table primary key
oCRWDBReaderProvides row-by-row access to tabular data
oCRWDBResultRepresents a sequence of zero or more RWDBTable instances
oCRWDBSchemaAn ordered collection of RWDBColumn instances, encapsulating the database notion of a schema
oCRWDBSelectorBaseBase class for selector classes RWDBSelector and RWDBCompoundSelector
oCRWDBStatusEncapsulates the error state of an object or operation
oCRWDBStoredProcEncapsulates a database stored procedure, providing a uniform API to the common operations related to them
oCRWDBStoredProcEntryClass to hold RWDBStoredProc metadata for cache managers
oCRWDBStringVectorElementDeprecated. Encapsulates arrays of characters stored in RWDBStringVector objects
oCRWDBSystemHandleBase class for database-specific classes that provide direct access to the database API
oCRWDBTableBase class for a family of classes that represent the abstract notion of a database table in a number of different ways
oCRWDBTableEntryClass to hold RWDBTable metadata for cache managers
oCRWDBTracerProvides a runtime trace facility for DB Interface Module applications
oCRWDBUniqueConstraintListHolds an ordered collection of RWDBUniqueConstraint instances
oCRWDBUpdaterEncapsulates the SQL UPDATE statement
oCRWDBVendorDateDeprecated. Encapsulates vendor-specific date structures
oCRWDecimalBaseBase class for the family of Rogue Wave decimal classes
oCRWDecimalFormatScopeEncapsulates decimal format specifiers
oCRWDirectoryIterator< const char * >Provides a specialization of the class template for const char*, with no iteration of subdirectories
oCRWDirectoryIterator< RWCString >Provides a specialization of the class template for RWCString, with recursive iteration of subdirectories
oCRWDirEntryA convenience class that encapsulates parsing and component storage of directory entries typical of those returned from the FTP LIST command
oCRWEigDecomp< TypeT >Encapsulates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a nonsymmetric matrix
oCRWEigServer< T1 >Abstract base class for the nonsymmetric eigenvalue servers
oCRWEigServer< TypeT >
oCRWExchange< T >Handle class for the abstract body class RWExchangeImpl<T> from which all concrete currency converters derive
oCRWExchangeFactory< T >Factory class that creates currency exchange objects
oCRWExchangeGroup< T >The handle for the implementation class RWExchangeGroupImpl<T> , the abstract base class for all currency exchange group implementations. A currency exchange group is a collection of currencies that use the same currency-conversion rules
oCRWExchangeGroupImpl< T >Abstract base class from which all exchange group implementation classes must derive. Implements the handle-body pattern in which RWExchangeGroup<T> is the handle
oCRWExchangeImpl< T >The abstract base class from which all currency implementation classes must derive
oCRWExchangeRateEncapsulates a source currency, a target currency, and a conversion factor, which is, by convention, a multiplicative conversion factor
oCRWExchangeRateTableStores exchange rates as unique pairs of source and target currencies
oCRWFileRepresents an abstraction of a filesystem regular file
oCRWFileStatProvides file statistical information in a portable manner
oCRWFromUTF8ConverterConverts char, RWCString or std::string UTF-8 values to UTF-16
oCRWFtpAgentProvides basic FTP file and directory access, handling more FTP protocol details than RWFtpClient, but without as much flexibility
oCRWFtpClientProvides low-level access to the FTP client-side protocol
oCRWFtpsClientProvides low-level access to the FTPS (FTP with SSL) client-side protocol
oCRWFunctor0Deprecated. Represents the group of functors that are invoked without any arguments and whose invocation returns no value
oCRWFunctor0ImpDeprecated. Abstract base class for functor body classes that are invoked with no caller arguments and return no value
oCRWGenFact< T >A templatized LU factorization class that holds the LU factorization of a general square matrix of type T
oCRWGenMat< TypeT >A templatized general matrix class
oCRWGenMat< double >
oCRWGenMat< T >
oCRWGenMat< To >
oCRWGenMatIteratorBase< T >The base class for RWGenMat iterators
oCRWGPValueFunctorCalculates the G statistic for a logistic model in comparison to the intercept-only model
oCRWHandleBaseBase class for all handle classes. Increments a reference count for each class instance that is bound to an instance of the RWBodyBase class
oCRWHermBandMat< TypeT >Encapsulates a Hermitian banded matrix. A Hermitian banded matrix is Hermitian, and nonzero only near the diagonal
oCRWHermEigDecomp< TypeT >Encapsulates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Hermitian matrix
oCRWHermEigServer< TypeT >Abstract base class for the Hermitian eigenvalue server
oCRWHermFact< TypeT >Encapsulates factorizations of Hermitian matrices
oCRWHermMat< TypeT >Encapsulates a Hermitian matrix
oCRWHessenbergDecomp< TypeT >Encapsulates a Hessenberg decomposition as well as an optional balance transformation
oCRWHttpAgentProvides a high-level interface for issuing common HTTP requests
oCRWHttpClientManagerProvides a high-level interface for issuing HTTP requests using a cache of connected RWHttpClient instances
oCRWHttpDateHelper class to convert an RWDateTime instance to a date from a string and vice versa, conforming to the HTTP/1.1 specification
oCRWHttpEntityTagDescribes an HTTP entity tag
oCRWHttpHeaderBaseAbstract base class from which all HTTP header classes derive
oCRWHttpHeaderListStores and organizes a collection of RWHttpHeaderBase objects
oCRWHttpRangeHelper class that describes a Byte Range for requesting a portion of a document
oCRWHttpRequestEncapsulates an entire HTTP request including the request line, header list, and request body
oCRWHttpRequestBodyEncapsulates reading an HTTP message body
oCRWHttpsSecurityManagerSets various parameters for the HTTPS package
oCRWInet6HostEncapsulates an Internet host IPv6 address and its names
oCRWInetHostEncapsulates an Internet host IP address and its names
oCRWInetPortEncapsulates an Internet port and its service names
oCRWIntegerUseful as a base class for classes that use integers as keys in dictionaries, and so forth
oCRWInterval< T >A class template for describing an interval of values
oCRWIteratorContains virtual functions for positioning and resetting the iterator
oCRWLeastSqCh< TypeT >Represents a factorization of a system of equations with no exact solution such that the Cholesky method of least squares can be used
oCRWLinearRegressionANOVAProvides information on the variance of residual errors for a linear regression model
oCRWLinearRegressionFTestTests that the estimated parameters in a linear regression model are equal to a hypothesized vector of values
oCRWLinearRegressionParamModels an estimated linear regression parameter using a T distribution
oCRWLinRegressFStatisticFunction object that takes the data and parameters associated with a linear regression model and returns the F statistic for that model
oCRWLocaleDefines an interface that formats the conversion of strings to and from dates and times
oCRWLogisticFitAnalysisCalculates a number of goodness of fit quantities for a given RWLogisticRegression instance
oCRWLogisticRegressionParamContainer class for logistic regression parameter estimates and their associated statistical quantities
oCRWLowerTriMat< TypeT >Encapsulates lower triangular matrices, which are zero above the diagonal
oCRWMathArray< T >A templatized arbitrary dimension array class
oCRWMathArray< To >
oCRWMathArrayIteratorBase< T >A base class for RWMathArray iterators
oCRWMathVecIteratorBase< T >A base class for RWMathVec iterators
oCRWMathVecPick< T >Allows selected elements to be addressed in a vector, without creating a new view
oCRWMimeParameterRepresents a parameter within the content of a MIME header
oCRWMimeParameterListContains a bounds-checked vector of RWMimeParameter objects
oCRWMimeUtilsProvides utility functions commonly needed by MIME applications
oCRWModelImplements the "Model" leg of a Model-View-Controller architecture
oCRWMoney< T >Represents a specified amount of money in a specified currency
oCRWMoneyCalculator< T >Performs algebraic operations when the money operands in an equation are not of the same currency
oCRWNetBufNetwork communication buffer class
oCRWNGRef< TypeT >Handles the case of a reference to an element that may have to be negated
oCRWNumReplyLineEncapsulates a single numerical protocol reply as defined by the FTP and SMTP protocols
oCRWPDBandFact< TypeT >Encapsulates factorizations of positive definite symmetric matrices. See also RWPDFact<T>, and RWPDTriDiagFact<T>
oCRWPDFact< TypeT >Encapsulates factorizations of positive definite symmetric matrices. See also RWPDBandFact<T> and RWPDTriDiagFact<T>
oCRWPDTriDiagFact< TypeT >Encapsulates factorizations of positive definite symmetric matrices. See also RWPDFact<T> and RWPDBandFact<T>
oCRWPop3AgentEnables basic POP3 mail access, with more details of the POP3 protocol than the RWPop3Client class, but less flexibility
oCRWPop3ClientEnables low-level access to the POP3 client-side protocol
oCRWPortalAn access point to a reliable byte stream communication channel
oCRWPortalImpAbstract base class from which to create specialized portal types
oCRWQRCalc< TypeT >Computes the QR decomposition of a matrix using the LAPACK functions xgeqpf (with pivoting) or xgeqrf (no pivoting)
oCRWQRCalcP3< TypeT >Computes the QR decomposition of a matrix using the LAPACK function xgeqp3
oCRWQRDecomp< TypeT, QRCalc >Used to construct and work with QR decompositions
oCRWQRDecompServer< TypeT, QRCalc >Used to construct instances of the QR decomposition class, RWQRDecomp<T,QRCalc>
oCRWRandGenBasicMLCAbstract base class for classes that generate random numbers uniformly distributed over the interval [0,1]
oCRWRandGeneratorGenerates random numbers uniformly distributed over the interval [0, 1]
oCRWRandGenMRG32K3AGenerates random numbers uniformly distributed over the interval [0, 1]
oCRWRandGenMTwistGenerates random numbers uniformly distributed over the interval [0, 1]
oCRWRandGenR250Generates random numbers uniformly distributed over the interval [0, 1]
oCRWRandInterfaceAbstract base class for RWTRand<Generator>
oCRWRegression< T, S >Abstract base class that defines the interface for the regression classes
oCRWRegression< double, bool >
oCRWRegression< double, double >
oCRWRegressionCalc< T, S >Defines the interface for regression parameter calculation objects
oCRWRegressionCalc< double, bool >
oCRWRegressionCalc< double, double >
oCRWRegressionDataChange< T, S >Base class for data change objects when adding predictor variables or observations to a parameter calculation
oCRWRegressionModelSelector< T, S, F >The base class for the model selection classes for linear or logistic regression
oCRWRegressionModelSelector< double, bool, F >
oCRWRegressionModelSelector< double, double, F >
oCRWReplyAbstract base class for all protocol replies
oCRWROCJRef< TypeT >Handles a reference to a datum that may be read-only, or may need to be conjugated
oCRWRORef< TypeT >Handles the case of potentially read-only access to data
oCRWSchurDecomp< TypeT >Encapsulates a Schur decomposition as well as an optional balance transformation
oCRWScopeGuardImpBase class for derived RWScopeGuardImp classes
oCRWSecureSocketRepresents a TCP socket using the SSL/TLS protocols for secure communication
oCRWSecureSocketMethodEncapsulates the various TLS/SSL protocol versions. An instance of this class is required to construct an RWSecureSocketContext object
oCRWSecureSocketPackageInitHandles the initialization and cleanup of the underlying cryptographic library
oCRWSize_TEncapsulates the simple type, size_t
oCRWSkewMat< TypeT >Encapsulates skew symmetric matrices
oCRWSliceRepresents an index that can be used for subscripting vectors, matrices, and arrays
oCRWSmtpAgentSends data to a server via the SMTP protocol
oCRWSmtpClientEnables low-level access to the SMTP client-side protocol
oCRWSnappyCompressorCompressor adapter that compresses and decompresses data using the Google Snappy compression library
oCRWSockAddrBaseInterface class that represents a socket address
oCRWSockAddrFactoryBaseAbstract class that builds socket addresses
oCRWSocketWrapper for the C concept of a socket
oCRWSocketPortalBaseBase class for all classes that wish to use the WhoShouldClose enumeration
oCRWSockTypeA type of socket communications channel
oCRWStandardCConstSubStringAlternate implementation of RWCConstSubString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is not defined
oCRWStandardCStringAlternate implementation of RWCString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is not defined
oCRWStandardCSubStringAlternate implementation of RWCSubString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is not defined
oCRWStandardWConstSubStringAlternate implementation of RWWConstSubString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is not defined
oCRWStandardWStringAlternate implementation of RWWString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is not defined
oCRWStandardWSubStringAlternate implementation of RWWSubString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is not defined
oCRWStreamCouplerProvides an automated mechanism for connecting an input stream to an output stream
oCRWSVDCalc< TypeT >Computes a singular value decomposition of a matrix based on the LAPACK routine xgesvd
oCRWSVDDivConqCalc< TypeT >Computes a singular value decomposition of a matrix using divide-and-conquer
oCRWSVDecomp< TypeT, SVDCalc >Used to construct and work with singular value decompositions
oCRWSVServer< TypeT, SVDCalc >Used to construct instances of the singular value decomposition class, RWSVDecomp<T>
oCRWSymBandMat< TypeT >Encapsulates a symmetric band matrix
oCRWSymEigDecomp< T1 >Encapsulates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix
oCRWSymEigServer< TypeT >Abstract base class for the symmetric eigenvalue server
oCRWSymFact< TypeT >Encapsulates factorizations of symmetric matrices
oCRWSymMat< TypeT >Represents a symmetric matrix
oCRWSynchObjectBase class for synchronization classes
oCRWTAtomic< T, E >Atomically manipulates an integral type
oCRWTAtomic< long >
oCRWTAtomic< size_t >
oCRWTAtomic< T * >Atomically manipulates a pointer type
oCRWTAtomic< unsigned >
oCRWTAtomic< unsigned char >
oCRWTAtomic< unsigned long >
oCRWTBitVec< N >Parameterized bit vector of fixed length
oCRWTFunctor1< S1 >Deprecated. A functor that is invoked with one argument, and whose invocation returns no value
oCRWTFunctor1< Key >
oCRWTFunctor1Imp< S1 >Deprecated. Abstract base class for the family of functor bodies that are invoked with one argument and return no value
oCRWTFunctor1Imp< Key >
oCRWTFunctor2< S1, S2 >Deprecated. A functor that is invoked with two arguments, and whose invocation returns no value
oCRWTFunctor2< Key, S1 >
oCRWTFunctor2Imp< S1, S2 >Deprecated. Abstract base class for the family of functor bodies that are invoked with two caller arguments and whose invocation returns no value
oCRWTFunctor2Imp< Key, S1 >
oCRWTFunctor< R(As...)>A generic function object
oCRWTFunctorR0< SR >Deprecated. A functor that is invoked without any arguments and whose invocation returns a value
oCRWTFunctorR0Imp< SR >Deprecated. Abstract base class for the family of functor bodies that take no caller arguments at invocation time and return a value
oCRWTFunctorR1< SR, S1 >Deprecated. Represents the group of functors that are invoked with one argument, and whose invocation returns a value
oCRWTFunctorR1< SR, Key >
oCRWTFunctorR1Imp< SR, S1 >Deprecated. Abstract base class for the family of functor bodies that are invoked with one caller argument and return a value
oCRWTFunctorR1Imp< SR, Key >
oCRWTFunctorR2< SR, S1, S2 >Deprecated. Represents the group of functors that are invoked with two arguments, and whose invocation returns a value
oCRWTFunctorR2< SR, Key, S1 >
oCRWTFunctorR2Imp< SR, S1, S2 >Deprecated. Abstract base class for the family of functor bodies that are invoked with two arguments and return a value
oCRWTFunctorR2Imp< SR, Key, S1 >
oCRWTGuardBase< T >Base class for guard classes
oCRWTGuardBase< Resource >
oCRWTHash< T >Hash function object
oCRWTHash< bool >Function object for hashing a bool
oCRWTHash< char >Function object for hashing a char
oCRWTHash< double >Function object for hashing a double
oCRWTHash< float >Function object for hashing a float
oCRWTHash< int >Function object for hashing an int
oCRWTHash< long >Function object for hashing a long
oCRWTHash< long double >Function object for hashing a long double
oCRWTHash< long long >Function object for hashing a long long
oCRWTHash< RWBasicUString >Function object for hashing an RWBasicUString
oCRWTHash< RWBitVec >Function object for hashing an RWBitVec
oCRWTHash< RWCollectableDateTime >Function object for hashing an RWCollectableDateTime
oCRWTHash< RWCollectableInt >Function object for hashing an RWCollectableInt
oCRWTHash< RWCollectableString >Function object for hashing an RWCollectableString
oCRWTHash< RWCollectableWString >Function object for hashing an RWCollectableWString
oCRWTHash< RWCopyOnWriteCString >Function object for hashing an RWCopyOnWriteCString
oCRWTHash< RWCopyOnWriteWString >Function object for hashing an RWCopyOnWriteWString
oCRWTHash< RWCString >Function object for hashing an RWCString
oCRWTHash< RWDateTime >Function object for hashing an RWDateTime
oCRWTHash< RWDecimalPortable >Function object for hashing an RWDecimalPortable
oCRWTHash< RWStringID >Function object for hashing an RWStringID
oCRWTHash< RWThreadId >Function object for hashing an RWThreadId
oCRWTHash< RWWString >Function object for hashing an RWWString
oCRWTHash< short >Function object for hashing a short
oCRWTHash< signed char >Function object for hashing a signed char
oCRWTHash< T * >Function object for hashing a pointer type
oCRWTHash< unsigned char >Function object for hashing an unsigned char
oCRWTHash< unsigned int >Function object for hashing an unsigned int
oCRWTHash< unsigned long >Function object for hashing an unsigned long
oCRWTHash< unsigned long long >Function object for hashing an unsigned long long
oCRWTHash< unsigned short >Function object for hashing an unsigned short
oCRWTHash< wchar_t >Function object for hashing a wchar_t
oCRWThreadIdA wrapper for platform-specific thread IDs
oCRWTimeDeprecated. Represents a time, stored as the number of seconds since 00:00:00 January 1, 1901 GMT
oCRWTimerMeasures two types of time, system and user time, both of which can be reported as cumulative if desired
oCRWTInputStreamBufferImp< InputStream, FilteredInputStreamImp >Implements a buffer that can be used with any kind of input stream
oCRWTInputStreamLockImp< InputStream, FilteredInputStreamImp >Implements a simple lock stream that can be used with any kind of input stream
oCRWTInsertProxy< T >Proxy object for inserting objects with an instance name into object streams
oCRWTIsvDlist< TL >Implements intrusive doubly-linked lists
oCRWTIsvDlist< RWTPtrDlink< TP > >
oCRWTIsvDlist< RWTValDlink< T > >
oCRWTIsvDlistIterator< TL >Iterator for class RWTIsvDlist<T>
oCRWTIsvDlistIterator< RWTPtrDlink< TP > >
oCRWTIsvDlistIterator< RWTValDlink< T > >
oCRWTIsvSlist< TL >Implements intrusive singly-linked lists
oCRWTIsvSlist< RWTPtrAssocLink< KP, VP > >
oCRWTIsvSlist< RWTPtrSlink< TP > >
oCRWTIsvSlist< RWTValAssocLink< int, RWSockAddrFactoryBase * > >
oCRWTIsvSlist< RWTValAssocLink< K, V > >
oCRWTIsvSlist< RWTValAssocLink< RWCString, RWSockAddrFactoryBase * > >
oCRWTIsvSlist< RWTValSlink< T > >
oCRWTIsvSlistIterator< TL >Iterator for class RWTIsvSlist<T>
oCRWTIsvSlistIterator< RWTPtrAssocLink< KP, VP > >
oCRWTIsvSlistIterator< RWTPtrSlink< TP > >
oCRWTIsvSlistIterator< RWTValAssocLink< K, V > >
oCRWTIsvSlistIterator< RWTValSlink< T > >
oCRWTMonitor< T >Supplies the mutual exclusion and guard mechanisms for synchronizing member functions
oCRWTMonitor< Mutex >
oCRWTMonitor< RWMutexLock >
oCRWToUTF8ConverterConverts UTF-16 values to UTF-8
oCRWTOutputStreamBufferImp< OutputStream, FilteredOutputStreamImp >Implements a buffer that can be used with any kind of output stream
oCRWTOutputStreamLockImp< OutputStream, FilteredOutputStreamImp >Implements a simple lock stream that can be used with any kind of output stream
oCRWTParsedTransformInputStreamImp< InputStream, FilteredInputStreamImp, Transform, Traits >Implements a buffer that can be used with any kind of input stream
oCRWTParsedTransformOutputStreamImp< OutputStream, FilteredOutputStreamImp, Transform, Traits >Implements a buffer that can be used with any kind of output stream
oCRWTPointer< Body >Base class for smart-pointer classes
oCRWTPointer< CallbackManager >
oCRWTPointer< RWBodyBase >
oCRWTPointer< RWHttpClientManager >
oCRWTPointer< RWHttpRequestBody >
oCRWTPointer< RWTFactory0< Result, Key > >
oCRWTPointer< RWTFactory1< Result, Key, Arg1 > >
oCRWTPointer< RWTFactory2< Result, Key, Arg1, Arg2 > >
oCRWTPointer< RWTHRxmsg >
oCRWTPointer< T >
oCRWTPortalStreambuf< charT, traits >Streambuf that uses an RWPortal as its source and sink of bytes
oCRWTPtrDeque< T, A >A pointer-based collection of values, implemented as a double-ended queue, or deque
oCRWTPtrDlist< T, A >A pointer-based collection of values, implemented as a doubly-linked list
oCRWTPtrDlist< RWDBAdapter >
oCRWTPtrDlist< RWDBCallbackBuffer >
oCRWTPtrDlist< RWDBConnectionImp >
oCRWTPtrDlist< RWDBDB2CLILibHandleImp >
oCRWTPtrDlist< RWDBMsSqlLibHandleImp >
oCRWTPtrDlist< RWDBMySqlLibHandleImp >
oCRWTPtrDlist< RWDBODBCLibHandleImp >
oCRWTPtrDlistConstIterator< T, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrDlist
oCRWTPtrDlistIterator< T, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrDlist
oCRWTPtrHashMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >A hash-based associative container of pointer types
oCRWTPtrHashMap< RWCString, RWCString >
oCRWTPtrHashMapConstIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrHashMap
oCRWTPtrHashMapIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrHashMap
oCRWTPtrHashMultiMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >A hash-based associative container of pointer types, which allows duplicate keys
oCRWTPtrHashMultiMapConstIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrHashMultiMap
oCRWTPtrHashMultiMapIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrHashMultiMap
oCRWTPtrHashMultiSet< T, H, EQ, A >A pointer-based collection of values stored according to a hash object, which allows duplicate values
oCRWTPtrHashMultiSetConstIterator< T, H, EQ, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrHashMultiSet
oCRWTPtrHashMultiSetIterator< T, H, EQ, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrHashMultiSet
oCRWTPtrHashSet< T, H, EQ, A >A hash-based container for pointer types
oCRWTPtrHashSetConstIterator< T, H, EQ, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrHashSet
oCRWTPtrHashSetIterator< T, H, EQ, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrHashSet
oCRWTPtrMap< K, T, C, A >A pointer-based collection of associations ordered according to a comparison object
oCRWTPtrMapConstIterator< K, T, C, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrMap
oCRWTPtrMapIterator< K, T, C, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrMap
oCRWTPtrMultiMap< K, T, C, A >A pointer-based collection of associations ordered according to a comparison object, and allowing duplicate keys
oCRWTPtrMultiMapConstIterator< K, T, C, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrMultiMap
oCRWTPtrMultiMapIterator< K, T, C, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrMultiMap
oCRWTPtrMultiSet< T, C, A >A pointer-based collection of values ordered according to a comparison object, and allowing duplicate values
oCRWTPtrMultiSetConstIterator< T, C, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrMultiSet
oCRWTPtrMultiSetIterator< T, C, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrMultiSet
oCRWTPtrOrderedVector< T, A >A pointer-based collection of values implemented as an ordered vector
oCRWTPtrOrderedVector< OCIStmt >
oCRWTPtrSet< T, C, A >A pointer-based collection of values ordered according to a comparison object
oCRWTPtrSetConstIterator< T, C, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrSet
oCRWTPtrSetIterator< T, C, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrSet
oCRWTPtrSlist< T, A >A pointer-based collection of values implemented as a singly-linked list
oCRWTPtrSlist< Item >
oCRWTPtrSlist< RWNumReplyLine >
oCRWTPtrSlist< RWProductInfo >
oCRWTPtrSlist< RWTreeNode >
oCRWTPtrSlist< Type >
oCRWTPtrSlistConstIterator< T, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrSlist
oCRWTPtrSlistIterator< T, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrSlist
oCRWTPtrSortedDlist< T, C, A >A sorted pointer-based collection of values implemented as a doubly-linked list
oCRWTPtrSortedDlistConstIterator< T, C, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrSortedDlist
oCRWTPtrSortedDlistIterator< T, C, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrSortedDlist
oCRWTPtrSortedVector< T, C, A >A pointer-based collection of values sorted according to a comparison object and implemented as a vector
oCRWTPtrVector< T >A pointer-based collection of values implemented as a vector
oCRWTPtrVector< RWClassicTPtrSlist< T > >
oCRWTPtrVector< RWClassicTPtrSlist< TP > >
oCRWTPtrVector< RWClassicTValSlist< T > >
oCRWTPtrVector< RWCollectable >
oCRWTPtrVector< RWTPtrSlistDictionary< KP, VP > >
oCRWTPtrVector< RWTValSlistDictionary< K, V > >
oCRWTPtrVector< TP >
oCRWTQueue< T, C >A queue of templatized objects that supports user-specified containers
oCRWTraceEventClientA handle class for trace event client implementations
oCRWTraceEventClientImpA body class for trace event client implementations
oCRWTReadGuardBase< T >Base class for guard classes that support read access to a given section of code
oCRWTReadGuardBase< Resource >
oCRWTReferenceWrapper< T >Stores a reference to an object
oCRWTRegex< E >Supports regular expression matching based on the POSIX.2 standard and supports both narrow and wide characters
oCRWTRegexMatchIterator< T >Iterates over matches found using RWTRegex<T>
oCRWTRegexResult< E >Encapsulates the results from a search using RWTRegex<T>
oCRWTRegexTraits< T >Defines static, inline methods for returning specific regular expression character values
oCRWTRegexTraits< E >
oCRWTRegexTraits< RWUChar16T >
oCRWTRegexTraits< RWUChar16W >
oCRWTRegularExpression< charT >Deprecated. Provides extended regular expression matching similar to that found in lex and awk
oCRWTResultOf< T >Determines the return type of T
oCRWTriDiagDecomp< TypeT >Encapsulates the tridiagonal decomposition of a symmetric matrix
oCRWTriDiagFact< TypeT >Encapsulates factorizations of tridiagonal matrices
oCRWTriDiagMat< TypeT >Encapsulates tridiagonal matrices
oCRWTSingleton< T >Ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it
oCRWTSingleton< RWTFactory0< Result, Key > >
oCRWTSingleton< RWTFactory1< Result, Key, Arg1 > >
oCRWTSingleton< RWTFactory2< Result, Key, Arg1, Arg2 > >
oCRWTSocketAttribute< Socket >Represents a set of attributes on a socket
oCRWTStack< T, C >Maintains a stack of values
oCRWTStack< RWTreeNode *, RWTPtrSlist< RWTreeNode > >
oCRWTStreambufFromByteCharInputStream< InputStream >Adaptor class to adapt the iostreams std::streambuf interface to the Rogue Wave binary and narrow character Input Stream interfaces
oCRWTStreambufToByteCharOutputStream< OutputStream >Adaptor class to adapt the iostreams std::streambuf interface to the Rogue Wave binary and narrow character Output Stream interfaces
oCRWTStreamGuardImp< StreamHandle, FilteredStreamImp >A simple guard stream that can be used with any kind of input/output stream
oCRWTTransformInputStreamImp< InputStream, FilteredInputStreamImp, Transform >Implements a buffered char or byte input character stream that includes a transformation
oCRWTTransformOutputStreamImp< OutputStream, FilteredOutputStreamImp, Transform >Implements a buffered char or byte output stream that includes a transformation
oCRWTValDeque< T, A >Collection of values implemented as a double-ended queue, or deque
oCRWTValDlist< T, A >Maintains a collection of values implemented as a doubly-linked list
oCRWTValDlist< RWDBAbstractBuffer * >
oCRWTValDlistConstIterator< T, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValDlist
oCRWTValDlistIterator< T, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValDlist
oCRWTValHashMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >Maintains a collection of keys, each with an associated item stored according to a hash object
oCRWTValHashMap< Key, List, RWTHasher< Key > >
oCRWTValHashMap< Key, RWFunctor0, RWTHasher< Key > >
oCRWTValHashMap< Key, RWTFunctor1< S1 >, RWTHasher< Key > >
oCRWTValHashMap< Key, RWTFunctorR0< SR >, RWTHasher< Key > >
oCRWTValHashMap< Key, RWTFunctorR1< SR, S1 >, RWTHasher< Key > >
oCRWTValHashMap< RWCString, List, RWTHasher< RWCString > >
oCRWTValHashMap< RWCString, RWCurrency >
oCRWTValHashMap< RWCString, RWDBStoredProcEntry >
oCRWTValHashMap< RWCString, RWDBTableEntry >
oCRWTValHashMap< RWCString, RWExchangeRate >
oCRWTValHashMap< RWCString, RWStreamType >
oCRWTValHashMap< RWCString, RWTFunctor< RWHttpClient()> >
oCRWTValHashMap< RWCString, RWTFunctor< RWMimeHeader()> >
oCRWTValHashMap< RWThreadId, RWThreadImp * >
oCRWTValHashMapConstIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValHashMap
oCRWTValHashMapIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValHashMap
oCRWTValHashMultiMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >Maintains a collection of keys, each with an associated item stored according to a hash object
oCRWTValHashMultiMapConstIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValHashMultiMap
oCRWTValHashMultiMapIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValHashMultiMap
oCRWTValHashMultiSet< T, H, EQ, A >Maintains a collection of values stored according to a hash object, and with multiple equivalent values allowed
oCRWTValHashMultiSetConstIterator< T, H, EQ, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValHashMultiSet
oCRWTValHashMultiSetIterator< T, H, EQ, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValHashMultiSet
oCRWTValHashSet< T, H, EQ, A >Maintains a collection of values stored according to a hash object
oCRWTValHashSetConstIterator< T, H, EQ, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValHashSet
oCRWTValHashSetIterator< T, H, EQ, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValHashSet
oCRWTValMap< K, T, C, A >Maintains a collection of keys, each with an associated item and ordered according to a comparison object
oCRWTValMapConstIterator< K, T, C, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValMap
oCRWTValMapIterator< K, T, C, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValMap
oCRWTValMultiMap< K, T, C, A >Maintains a collection of keys, each with an associated item and ordered according to a comparison object
oCRWTValMultiMapConstIterator< K, T, C, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValMultiMap
oCRWTValMultiMapIterator< K, T, C, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValMultiMap
oCRWTValMultiSet< T, C, A >Maintains a collection of values ordered according to a comparison object
oCRWTValMultiSetConstIterator< T, C, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValMultiSet
oCRWTValMultiSetIterator< T, C, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValMultiSet
oCRWTValOrderedVector< T, A >Maintains a collection of values implemented as a vector
oCRWTValOrderedVector< bool, A >Maintains a collection of boolean values implemented as a vector
oCRWTValOrderedVector< RWCString >
oCRWTValOrderedVector< RWHttpGenericHeader >
oCRWTValOrderedVector< RWMimeParameter >
oCRWTValOrderedVector< RWTraceEventClientImp * >
oCRWTValOrderedVector< size_t >
oCRWTValSet< T, C, A >Maintains a collection of values ordered according to a comparison object
oCRWTValSetConstIterator< T, C, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValSet
oCRWTValSetIterator< T, C, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValSet
oCRWTValSlist< T, A >Maintains a collection of values implemented as a singly-linked list
oCRWTValSlist< Callback >
oCRWTValSlist< Decorator >
oCRWTValSlist< GuardAndPriorityDecorator >
oCRWTValSlist< GuardDecorator >
oCRWTValSlist< MaskedSemaphore * >
oCRWTValSlist< ParameterPair >
oCRWTValSlist< PriorityDecorator >
oCRWTValSlist< RWCallbackElem0 >
oCRWTValSlist< RWCString >
oCRWTValSlist< RWDBStatus >
oCRWTValSlist< RWExchangeGroup< T > >
oCRWTValSlist< RWGuardedRunnable >
oCRWTValSlist< RWHttpRange >
oCRWTValSlist< RWHttpRequest >
oCRWTValSlist< RWMimeHeader >
oCRWTValSlist< RWMimePart >
oCRWTValSlist< RWNameValuePair >
oCRWTValSlist< RWRunnableExecutionStatePair >
oCRWTValSlist< RWRunnableServer >
oCRWTValSlist< RWTCallbackElem1< S1 > >
oCRWTValSlist< RWTCallbackElem2< S1, S2 > >
oCRWTValSlist< RWTFunctor< void()> >
oCRWTValSlist< RWTGuardAndPriorityDecorator< RWRunnable > >
oCRWTValSlist< RWTGuardAndPriorityDecorator< Type > >
oCRWTValSlist< RWTGuardDecorator< Type > >
oCRWTValSlist< RWThread >
oCRWTValSlist< RWTIOUResult< Redeemable > >
oCRWTValSlist< RWTIOUResultCallback >
oCRWTValSlist< RWTMaskedCallbackElem2< S1, S2 > >
oCRWTValSlist< RWTPriorityDecorator< Type > >
oCRWTValSlist< RWTraceEvent >
oCRWTValSlist< std::pair< Callback, CallbackChange > >
oCRWTValSlist< Type >
oCRWTValSlistConstIterator< T, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValSlist
oCRWTValSlistIterator< T, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValSlist
oCRWTValSortedDlist< T, C, A >Maintains a sorted collection of values implemented as a doubly-linked list
oCRWTValSortedDlistConstIterator< T, C, A >Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValSortedDlist
oCRWTValSortedDlistIterator< T, C, A >Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValSortedDlist
oCRWTValSortedVector< T, C, A >Maintains a sorted collection of values implemented as a vector
oCRWTValSortedVector< bool, C, A >Maintains a sorted collection of boolean values implemented as a vector
oCRWTValVector< T >A value-based collection of values implemented as a vector
oCRWTValVector< char >
oCRWTValVector< RWCString >
oCRWTValVector< struct in6_addr >
oCRWTValVector< unsigned long >
oCRWTValVirtualArray< T >Deprecated. A virtual array of templatized objects
oCRWTWriteGuardBase< T >A base class for guard classes that support write access to a given section of code
oCRWTWriteGuardBase< Resource >
oCRWTXmlTraits< char >Provides character and string values required by the RWTParsedXXX transformation classes
oCRWUAvailableEncodingListConstructs iterators that provide access to the current list of encoding names
oCRWUAvailableEncodingListIteratorProvides a C++ Standard Library random-access iterator for class RWUAvailableEncodingList
oCRWUAvailableLocaleListConstructs iterators that provide access to the current list of locale names
oCRWUAvailableLocaleListIteratorProvides a C++ Standard Library random-access iterator for class RWUAvailableLocaleList
oCRWUBreakSearchFinds the locations of breaks, or potential breaks, in text for a specified locale
oCRWUCharTraitsProvides methods for querying the properties of Unicode characters
oCRWUCollationKeyStores preprocessed comparison information for a Unicode string to speed repeated string comparisons
oCRWUCollatorPerforms locale-sensitive string comparison for use in searching and sorting natural language text
oCRWUConstStringIteratorProvides read-only access to the code points encoded by the code units within an RWBasicUString
oCRWUConstSubStringProvides read-only access to a range of code units within a referenced RWUString
oCRWUConverterBaseBase class that converts to and from Unicode
oCRWUEncodingAliasListConstructs iterators to access the list of encoding aliases associated with a given encoding
oCRWUEncodingAliasListIteratorA Standard C++ Library random-access iterator for class RWUEncodingAliasList
oCRWUEncodingNameStandardListConstructs iterators for accessing the list of encoding name standards (such as MIME or IANA) used by the Internationalization Module
oCRWUEncodingNameStandardListIteratorA Standard C++ Library random access iterator for class RWUEncodingNameStandardList
oCRWUFromUnicodeConversionContextSpecifies the character encoding scheme to use for default conversions from UTF-16 strings into another encoding
oCRWUFromUnicodeConverter::ErrorResponseStateStores the current error response state of an RWUFromUnicodeConverter converter
oCRWUInitInitializes and cleans up ICU resources
oCRWUIsoCountryListConstructs iterators to access the static list of ISO 3166 country codes recognized by the Internationalization Module
oCRWUIsoLanguageListConstructs iterators to access the static list of ISO 639 language codes recognized by the Internationalization Module
oCRWULocaleDefines a specific language, country, and variant
oCRWUNormalizerConverts a string into a particular normalized Unicode form, and detects whether a string is already in a particular form
oCRWUpperTriMat< TypeT >Encapsulates upper triangular matrices, which are 0 above the diagonal
oCRWURegexMatchIteratorIterates over matches found for a Unicode regular expression pattern
oCRWURegexResultStores Unicode regular expression match results
oCRWURegularExpressionRepresents a regular expression with Unicode extensions
oCRWUResourceBundleProvides a way to store and access locale-dependent data
oCRWURLA convenience class that encapsulates parsing and component management of URL information
oCRWUStringIteratorBidirectional iterator that provides read-write access to the code points encoded by the code units within an RWUString
oCRWUStringIterator::RWUChar32ReferenceProvides transparent read-write access to a code point referenced by an RWUStringIterator
oCRWUStringSearchSearches text for occurrences of a specified Unicode string
oCRWUSubStringProvides read-write access to a range of code units within a referenced RWUString
oCRWUTF8HelperProvides common functionality used to encode and decode UTF-8 sequences
oCRWUTokenizerFinds delimiters in Unicode source strings, and provides sequential access to the tokens between those delimiters
oCRWUToUnicodeConversionContextSpecifies the default character encoding scheme to use for subsequent implicit conversions from narrow character strings to UTF-16 encoded Unicode strings
oCRWUToUnicodeConverter::ErrorResponseStateStores the current error response state of the converter so the state can be restored if necessary
oCRWviosAbstract base class defining an interface similar to std::ios, but without a required association with std::streambuf
oCRWVirtualPageHeapDeprecated. Abstract base class representing an abstract page heap of fixed-sized pages
oCRWvistreamIterator< T >Input iterator that reads successive elements from the input stream for which it was constructed
oCRWvostreamIterator< T >Writes successive elements onto the output stream from which it was constructed
oCRWWConstSubStringAllows some subsection of an RWWString to be addressed by defining a starting position and an extent
oCRWWinSockInfoInitializes the Winsock DLL on Windows platforms
oCRWWithObjectInputContextRepresents a guard object that opens and closes a context within a lexical scope for input streams
oCRWWithObjectOutputContextRepresents a guard object that opens and closes a context within a lexical scope for output streams
oCRWWStringOffers powerful and convenient facilities for manipulating wide character strings
oCRWWSubStringAllows some subsection of an RWWString to be addressed by defining a starting position and an extent
oCRWWTokenizerBreaks up a string into separate tokens, delimited by arbitrary whitespace
oCRWXmlObjectStreamCommonBase class shared by XML object input and output streams
oCRWXmlStreamElementAn XML element abstraction for implementing efficient C++ transformations
oCRWxmsgBase class for the hierarchy of exceptions in the Essential Tools Module
oCRWZoneAbstract base class defining an interface to describe time zones
\Cstd::ios_baseSTL class

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