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CWnd* CreateView(CRuntimeClass* pViewClass, LPCTSTR szLabel, CCreateContext* pContext = NULL, UINT nID = 0);


A pointer to a CRuntimeClass structure associated with your CView-derived class.


Specifies the sheet name.


A pointer to a CCreateContext structure. This structure contains information about the view, the document and the frame. Simply use the pContext pointer from OnCreateClient.


Specifies the window ID. If you specify 0, the window gets the next continuous view ID.


Creates a view and attaches it to the tab-beam.

pContext contains information to create the view object. If pContext is NULL, necessary information is copied from the currently active window.

Normally, you should pass 0 to nID. Setting nID to 0 ensures continuous numbering of the view IDs.

Return Value

A pointer to the constructed view object.


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