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CGXTabWnd Class Members


CGXTabWnd Constructs a CGXTabWnd object.
Create Creates and initializes the window and attaches it to the CGXTabWnd object.


RegisterClass Registers the window class.
UnregisterClass Unregisters the window class.

Sheet names

GetTabName Determines the tab name of a given sheet.
SetTabName Changes the tab name of a given sheet.


AttachWnd Inserts a tab in the tab-beam and attaches it to the sheet window object.
CreateView Creates a view and attaches it to the tab-beam.
GetActivePane Returns a pointer to the currently active view or window.
GetBeam Returns a reference to the tab-beam object.
GetNextID Returns the next window ID.
RemoveTab Removes the specified sheet window from the workbook.
ShowScrollBar Hides or shows the scrollbars.
SwitchTab Switches between sheets.


Class Overview