Objective Edit : Chapter 8 The Configuration ini File : [Tagn] Sections
[Tagn] Sections
The tags in the [Tagn] sections, where n = 1,2,3,..., represent items that need to be colored but aren't simple matches, such as regular keywords. Items of text that aren't simple matches are called token keywords in Objective Edit. These items include quotes and comments. Here are some sample settings:
ColorGroup = Comment
BeginTag = /*
EndTag = */
MultiLine = 1
ColorGroup = String
BeginTag = "
EndTag = "
EscapeChar = \
ColorGroup = String
BeginTag = '
EndTag = '
EscapeChar = \
ColorGroup = Comment
BeginTag = //
The keys for the Token Keyword groups are given in Table 15:
Table 15 – Key descriptions for the Token Keyword [Tagn] groups 
The color group that this token keyword uses when rendered. Required.
The character sequence that begins this token keyword. May be a single character or multiple characters. Required.
The sequence of characters that terminates this token keyword. For single line token keywords, this may be blank, which indicates that the token keyword extends to the end of the line. May be a single character or multiple characters. Required for multiline token keywords. Default: none.
When this character is found in a token keyword, it instructs the parser to disregard the next character when searching for the EndTag. Must be a single character. Applicable only to single line token keywords.
Default: none.
If 0, the token keyword is a single line token keyword. If nonzero, the token keyword can span multiple lines. Default: 0.
In the example above, Tag1 is a C++ multiline comment, Tag2 and Tag3 are strings, and Tag4 is a C++ single-line comment. Note that some entries are omitted, and may be omitted when the desired value is the default value.
Token keywords are not restricted to non-alphanumeric characters; for example, a VBScript configuration file may have the following entries:
ColorGroup = Comment
BeginTag = rem
ColorGroup = Comment
BeginTag = '
ColorGroup = String
BeginTag = "
EndTag = "
Note that if the language definition specifies case insensitivity, this setting will apply to the token keyword matching as well.
Also note that token keywords can start with the same character sequences, as long as a BeginTag entry is not a complete subset of another BeginTag. For example, you can use /* and // as BeginTag entries, but you cannot use // and //{{, because the first example is a subset of the beginning characters of the second example.